Kwantlen graduate from Langley receives Lieutenant Governor’s Medal

Mon, Jun 14, 2010


Charlene McMorris
Charlene McMorris (right), recipient of Kwantlen’s 2010 Lieutenant Governor’s Medal, pictured
with Arthur Coren, interim dean of the Faculty of Academic and Career Advancement (left).


For immediate release

June 15, 2010

Kwantlen graduate from Langley receives Lieutenant Governor’s Medal

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Charlene McMorris, Career Choices and Life Success program graduate, received the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal at Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s 2010 Convocation ceremony held at its Surrey Campus.

For this Langley resident and award recipient, university education has opened new doors to life success. A single mother, McMorris has had to overcome chronic health disorders, math-phobia and financial limitations, in order to successfully graduate from the Career Choices and Life Success (CCLS) program. Despite facing these obstacles, McMorris has always had a clear vision of what she wanted to accomplish at Kwantlen.

“I knew that taking the CCLS program at Kwantlen would help me to meet my goals of figuring out what I wanted to do.”

The program has enabled her to pursue her goal of becoming a pharmacy technician.

“I left the CCLS program with a step-by-step action plan that has kept me accountable to my goal of attaining the skills training I need,’ says McMorris. “My instructors and classmates have cheered me on every step of the way and I couldn’t have gotten this far without them”.

As a graduate, McMorris knows she’s ready for the next challenge, “I’m excitedly looking forward to a better life, and I will always be grateful for how the CCLS program at Kwantlen helped point me in the right direction.”

On behalf of the Lieutenant Governor of B.C., a medal is awarded to a graduate studying a substantial vocational or career program of fewer than two years in duration. The student has not only excelled in studies, but contributed in a positive way to the life of Kwantlen or the community; and may have a faculty recommendation.

As a leader in innovative and interdisciplinary education, Kwantlen Polytechnic University offers all learners, regardless of background and preparation, opportunities to achieve the highest standards of academic performance. For more information, visit:


For more information about this story, contact:
Teresa McLeod
Scholarships & Awards Coordinator, Student Awards and Financial Assistance
Tel: 604.599.2278


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Audrey Wang
Manager, Communications
Tel: 604.599.2385