Eagle Spirit Awards for Contribution to KPU Spirit Pride – November Recipients

Tue, Dec 3, 2013

Student Life and Development is proud to honour the contributions to KPU Spirit and Pride of two more Eagle Spirit Awardees for November, Jake Starheim (Arts) and Lexy McLeod (Accounting).

Captain of KPU men's soccer team, and outstanding athlete, Jake Starheim contributes regularly to KPU community by attending Eagles games and supporting fellow Eagles student-athletes. Jake is regularly seen cheering on KPU at home sporting events. It is rumoured that he sometimes dons the Kwinten Mascot suit, but this is unconfirmed.

Jake is a 4th-year student-athlete on our Men's Soccer Team. This year, Jake was co-captain of the squad and showed his ability to be a true leader in all aspects. He was an exceptional advocate on and off the field of play throughout the season and it was very apparent that the exceptionally young squad looked up to him for leadership and guidance with his experience as a varsity athlete and managing time commitments between school and athletics.



Lexy McLeod is the communications representative for the Accounting Society of KPU (ASK).  In her role on the executive team over the past two years, she has demonstrated a passion for ensuring fellow KPU students effectively brand themselves in order to secure positions in Vancouver's CA Firms.  She started a blog for students to give them tips to go through the very competitive recruitment process, and has mentored several students and enabled them to achieve positions during the past year's recruiting season.  She has significantly strengthened the reputation of our students at her firm, taking an active role at PWC in recruitment and being a supportive voice for KPU graduates at PWC.

Lexy has been highly involved in the club's recent initiative "KPU Accounting Gives Back", where accounting students have volunteered for several local charities to raise funds.  Lexy also took over the project of updating the ASK website to enable better connections with students.  She also has done a phenomenal job managing the Twitter account, Instagram and Facebook pages for the Accounting Club to enhance the connectedness and strengthen the culture and reputation of the accounting students at KPU.



Congratulations and thanks to both Lexy and Jake. Help Student Life and Development bring awareness to the many ways that KPU students contribute to spirit and pride - in and out of the classroom! Nominate a student for the Eagle Spirit Award at kpu.ca/eaglespirit. Questions? Email us at sld@kpu.ca