Statement from KPU President and Vice-Chancellor

Wed, Jun 25, 2014

Statement from Dr. Alan Davis
President and Vice-Chancellor, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
June 25, 2014

I am very troubled by aspects of administrative compensation at KPU that have recently come to light. It is clear that, prior to my arrival at KPU, there was an established pattern of issuing pre-employment consulting contracts to people being hired to senior positions. The recipients, including myself, were unaware that these contracts might be non-compliant in some way with BC public sector regulations.

Assistant Deputy Minister Rob Mingay found in his recently released Compensation Review of Kwantlen Polytechnic University that the mis-reporting of two of those contracts (including my own) was not in keeping with the spirit and intent of government standards.

Similar conclusions could be drawn about other such contracts that were issued before my arrival. 

I am therefore conducting my own review of these issues, using independent external resources as required.

I need to ensure that KPU’s Board of Governors and the public have complete confidence in our operations.   One of my top priorities as president has been to re-build a strong culture of transparency and accountability at KPU, and  this is the latest step in that direction.

The results and recommendations of my review will be shared with the KPU Board and, to the extent allowed by legal and privacy regulations, with the broader KPU community and the public later this summer.