Nominations for REB Community Members (external to Kwantlen)

Kwantlen’s Research Ethics Board (REB) reviews applications for research that involves human participants and applies ethical standards to these applications, consistent with the Tri-council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans and Kwantlen’s policies and procedures related to research ethics. The Board requires community members who have an interest in supporting Kwantlen Polytechnic University and working with the current Board. The REB normally meets monthly to discharge its responsibilities. We are asking the KPU Community to distribute this advertisement to any external candidates whom it feel would fulfil this important role on the KPU REB.

Further information on the Board may be found at  Consistent with the national guidelines, Kwantlen Policy and Procedure G. 27 | Research Involving Human Participants, outlines the responsibilities of the Board, and the process for its selection.

Applications are invited for one position on Kwantlen’s REB beginning September 1, 2015 for a two year term.  The REB has indicated that the incoming member should represent some aspect of the community that it serves, and if possible have experience with research as a participant. Applications from Aboriginal persons are particularly encouraged.  A critical mind and sufficient time to dedicate to the task (e.g., monthly meetings, ongoing email communications, reading applications) are also desired.  Community members receive an honorarium for participation, travel allowance and potential access to funds for ethics-related educational purposes.

Candidates should submit a covering letter outlining specifically how he/she meets the requirements outlined above, a detailed resume or CV, and the names of two referees who can speak to the candidate’s suitability for the role. Applications should be submitted electronically to, to the attention of Arthur Fallick, Associate VP, Research, Office of Research and Scholarship by June 13, 2015.

Thank you for your help and support of KPU’s REB.