Step 1: Register for an Account
To use paybyphone, you must first register for an account. The easiest way to paybyphone is to download an app:
Alternatively, you can visit paybyphone.com or call 1-866-234-7275 to register for an account. You will need to provide a Phone Number (mobile or landline) a Credit Card Number (Visa or MasterCard) and a Licence Plate Number. Your details will be saved and automatically recognized each time you paybyphone.
Step 2: Enter location number
Your location number is posted on a sticker on the parking meters at each campus. There is a different location number for each campus:
11436- Cloverdale Campus
11437- Langley Campus
11438- Richmond Campus
11439- Surrey Campus
Step 3: Enter parking time
Select how long you would like to purchase parking for. The parking cost will be automatically charged to the credit card associated with your account. You can also receive optional text message alerts to notify you when your session is about to expire (carrier rates apply).
You can extend the length of your parking session without returning to your vehicle, and the rate charged will be limited to the daily maximum parking rate.
Reminder: When you pay by phone, the licence plate and location for your payment must match the licence plate and location for your vehicle in the parking space. If they don't match, you can be ticketed. Verify your licence plate before you confirm your payment.