Group that tested the Strategic Plan against the KPU Scenarios of the Future of Higher Education



Alan Davis, President and Vice Chancellor
Anita Sangh, Co-op Instructor
Arthur Fallick, Director of Sustainable Urban systems
Arzo Ansary, Kwantlen Student Association
Betty Worobe, Dean of Science and Horticulture
Caroline Daniels, Librarian
Carolyn Robertson, Dean of Design
Christopher Girodat, Kwantlen Student Association
Dan Hal, Facilities
Diane Naugler,
Diane Purvey, Dean of Arts
Gillian Dearle, English Instructor
Gordon Lee, VP Academic
Greg Harris, Biology Instructor
Henry Reiser, Dean of Trades and Technology
Jane Fee, Associate Vice President Academic
Jason Dyer, Associate Vice President Research
Jean Nicholson Church, Associate Dean of Community and Health
Jeff Norris, Chief Advancement Officer
Joel Murray, Associate Dean of Academic & Career Preparation
John Boylan, Manager of Student Awards and Financial Assistance
Kathleen Bigsby, Director of Office of Planning & Accountability
Kathleen Haggith, Dean of Academic & Career Preparation
Kelly Douglas, Kwantlen Alumni
Larissa Petrillo, Anthropology Instructor
Lida Blizzard, Nursing Instructor
Lyn Benn, Director of Student Development and Success
Mari Boni, Associate Dean of Design
Meg Goodine, Manager of Learning Technology
Mike Harris, Educational Advisor
Nick Harvey, Kwantlen Student
Paola Gavilanez, Interior Design Instructor
Queenie Chen, Kwantlen Alumni
Robert Hensley, University Registrar
Robert Wood, Business Instructor
Roger Cannon, Electrical Instructor
Ron Maggiore, Vice Provost Students
Ross Laird, IDEAS Faculty
Steve Dooley, Director of Community Engagement
Tally Wade, Public Safety and Communication Instructor
Terry Berg, Academic and Career Preparation Instructor
Todd Mundle, university Librarian
Wade Deisman, Criminology Instructor
Wayne Tebb, Dean of Business

Support and Process Design: Ariana Arguello, Manager of Strategic Planning