Spring 2018 Timetable - Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA)

LGLA 1115 Bookkeeping For the Law Office (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
10673     S10       Class            03/Jan - 09/Apr   MT      1000  1120  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Ali, Laila
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.
10672     S11       Class            03/Jan - 09/Apr   MT      1130  1250  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Ali, Laila
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.


LGLA 1135 Legal Admin Comp Apps (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
12503     S10       Class            03/Jan - 09/Apr    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       1045      Chia, Jacqueline
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.
12504     S11       Class            03/Jan - 09/Apr    T      1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       1045      Chia, Jacqueline
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.


LGLA 1203 Conveyancing (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
10755     S10       Class            03/Jan - 09/Apr     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Ali, Laila
                    Final exam       11/Apr - 11/Apr     W     1530  1830  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Ali, Laila
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.
10756     S11       Class            03/Jan - 09/Apr      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Ali, Laila
                    Final exam       12/Apr - 12/Apr      R    1530  1830  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Ali, Laila
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.


LGLA 1204 Wills & Estates (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
10676     S10       Class            03/Jan - 09/Apr     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Formisano, Collee
                    Final exam       11/Apr - 11/Apr     W     0830  1130  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Formisano, Collee
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.
10677     S11       Class            03/Jan - 09/Apr     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Formisano, Collee
                    Final exam       11/Apr - 11/Apr     W     1200  1500  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Formisano, Collee
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.


LGLA 1206 Family Law (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
10675     S10       Class            03/Jan - 09/Apr      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Somji, Alia
                    Final exam       12/Apr - 12/Apr      R    0830  1130  Surrey, Cedar       2045      Somji, Alia
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.
10674     S11       Class            03/Jan - 09/Apr      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Somji, Alia
                    Final exam       12/Apr - 12/Apr      R    1200  1500  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Somji, Alia
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.


LGLA 1399 Work Experience/Project (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
11402     S10       Class            03/Jan - 09/Apr   M       1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Somji, Alia
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.
11403     S11       Online           22/Jan - 22/Jan   M       1600  1850  Online                        Somji, Alia
                    Class            03/Jan - 20/Jan   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Somji, Alia
                    Class            29/Jan - 09/Apr   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Somji, Alia
Restricted to students in the Legal Administrative Studies (LGLA) Program. Students should register in either all S10 or S11 sections of LGLA courses.
2018-01-18: Jan 22 to take place online, that date only


Last updated: 07-Aug-2018 11:08:23