Summer 2016 Timetable - Entrepreneurial (ENTR)

ENTR 3100 Business Analysis & Decisions (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: (BUQU 1130 or MATH 1120 or MATH 1130 or MATH 1140), (BUQU 1230 or MATH 1115 or MATH 2341, or CRIM 2103 or PSYC 2300 or SOCI 2365), ECON 1150, MRKT 1199, CMNS 1140, BUSI 2405, and ACCT 2293 or ACCT 1210

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20783     S10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         134       Anderson, Brad
                    Final exam       03/Aug - 03/Aug     W     1500  1800  Surrey, Fir         134       Anderson, Brad
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
20930     S50       Class            02/May - 30/Jul      R    1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         1362      Anderson, Brad
                    Mid-term exam    23/Jun - 23/Jun      R    1900  2150  Surrey, Cedar       1040      Anderson, Brad
                    Final exam       04/Aug - 04/Aug      R    1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         1362      Anderson, Brad
As this is a new section, students on waitlist(s) for other course sections will be offered seats in the order in which they were waitlisted. Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, BBA in Marketing Management programs.
2016-03-11: Section added
2016-04-19: Comp lab bkd for date listed


ENTR 3110 Advncd Organization Behaviour (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites:45 credit hours including BUSI 1215 or BUSI 1210 Corequisites: CMNS 3000 or ENTR 3000

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20087     S10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         1362      McMullen, Marla
                    Final exam       04/Aug - 04/Aug      R    1500  1800  Surrey, Fir         1362      McMullen, Marla
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting , BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Marketing Management Programs . This course requires Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality inventory assessment. MBTI credits can be purchased at KPU Bookstores. 2 seats for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
20782     S11       Class            02/May - 30/Jul    T      1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       3045      McMullen, Marla
                    Final exam       09/Aug - 09/Aug    T      1500  1800  Surrey, Cedar       3045      McMullen, Marla
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting , BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Marketing Management Programs . This course requires Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality inventory assessment. MBTI credits can be purchased at KPU Bookstores. 2 seats for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed


ENTR 3120 Mgmt Acctng for Entrepreneurs (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: 45 credit hours including (ACCT 2293 or ACCT 1210) and ECON 1150 and (BUQU 1230 or MATH 1115 or MATH 2341 or CRIM 2103 or PSYC 2300 or SOCI 2365)

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20088     R10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul     W     1300  1550  Richmond Main       2530      Clayton, Lindsay
                    Final exam       03/Aug - 03/Aug     W     1130  1430  Richmond Main       2160      Clayton, Lindsay
Restricted to students in the BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, and BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserved seats lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
2016-03-24: Final exam added
20938     R11       Class            02/May - 30/Jul     W     1000  1250  Richmond Main       2170      Clayton, Lindsay
                    Final exam       03/Aug - 03/Aug     W     0800  1100  Richmond Main       2825      Clayton, Lindsay
As this is a new section, students on waitlist(s) for other course sections will be offered seats in the order in which they were waitlisted . Restricted to students in the BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, and BBA in Marketing Management programs.
2016-03-21: Section added
2016-03-24: Final exam added

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20220     S50       Class            02/May - 30/Jul    T      1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         132       Dallas, Laura
                    Final exam       09/Aug - 09/Aug    T      1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         132       Dallas, Laura
Restricted to students in the BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, and BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserved seats lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
2016-03-24: Final exam added
2016-05-09: Room changed
20785     S51        -                         -     -    Cancelled
Restricted to students in the BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, and BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International Students. Reserved seats lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed


ENTR 3130 Production & Operations Manag (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: 45 credit hours including (ACCT 2293 or ACCT 1210) and ECON 1150 and (BUQU 1230 or MATH 1115 or MATH 2341 or CRIM 2103 or PSYC 2300 or SOCI 2365)

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20089     R10        -                         -     -    Cancelled
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students, and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
2016-03-15: Section cancelled

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20596     S10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         134       Anderson, Brad
                    Final exam       08/Aug - 08/Aug   M       1500  1800  Surrey, Fir         134       Anderson, Brad
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students, and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
20093     S50       Class            02/May - 30/Jul      R    1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         118       Zamfirescu, Vasil
                    Final exam       04/Aug - 04/Aug      R    1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         118       Zamfirescu, Vasil
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students, and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-10: Room and instructor changed
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
20911     S51        -                         -     -    Cancelled
Restricted to students in the BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership program. 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserved seats to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-10: Currently suspended
2016-03-10: Section cancelled


ENTR 3140 Entrepreneurial Marketing (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: 45 credit hours including (ACCT 2293 or ACCT 1210) and ECON 1150 and (BUQU 1230 or MATH 1115 or MATH 2341 or CRIM 2103 or PSYC 2300 or SOCI 2365)

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20264     R10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul      R    1600  1850  Richmond Main       2530      Crockett, Robert
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students, and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20597     S10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul    T      1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         134       Ford, Mike
                    Final exam       09/Aug - 09/Aug    T      1500  1800  Surrey, Fir         134       Ford, Mike
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students, and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
20094     S50       Class            02/May - 30/Jul     W     1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         134       Anderson, Brad
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students, and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
20400     S51       Class            02/May - 30/Jul    T      1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         134       Ford, Mike
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students, and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed


ENTR 3150 Business Economics (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: 45 credit hours including (ACCT 2293 or ACCT 1210) and ECON 1150 and (BUQU 1230 or MATH 1115 or MATH 2341 or CRIM 2103 or PSYC 2300 or SOCI 2365)

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20249     R10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul     W     1600  1850  Richmond Main       2530      McAuley-Bax, Shau
                    Final exam       03/Aug - 03/Aug     W     1500  1800  Richmond Main       2530      McAuley-Bax, Shau
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20095     S10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       3045      Akbar, Mohammad
                    Final exam       08/Aug - 08/Aug   M       1500  1800  Surrey, Cedar       3045      Akbar, Mohammad
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
20096     S50        -                         -     -    Cancelled
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: Section cancelled
20599     S51       Class            02/May - 30/Jul     W     1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         1364      Akbar, Mohammad
                    Final exam       03/Aug - 03/Aug     W     1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         1364      Akbar, Mohammad
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed


ENTR 3160 Information Tech. for Business (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: 45 credit hours including (ACCT 2293 or ACCT 1210) and ECON 1150 and (BUQU 1230 or MATH 1115 or MATH 2341 or CRIM 2103 or PSYC 2300 or SOCI 2365) Note: ENTR 3100 will be the required prerequisites starting September 2017

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20090     R10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul   M       1600  1850  Richmond Main       2530      Wong, Richard
                    Final exam       08/Aug - 08/Aug   M       1500  1800  Richmond Main       2160      Wong, Richard
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
2016-08-08: Final exam room changed

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20598     S10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         1362      Wong, Richard
                    Final exam       03/Aug - 03/Aug     W     1500  1800  Surrey, Fir         1362      Wong, Richard
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
20097     S50       Class            02/May - 25/Jun    T      1900  2150  Surrey, Cedar       3040      Kleis, Landon
                    Class            27/Jun - 23/Jul    T      1900  2150  Surrey, Cedar       3015      Kleis, Landon
                    Class            25/Jul - 30/Jul    T      1900  2150  Surrey, Cedar       3040      Kleis, Landon
                    Final exam       09/Aug - 09/Aug    T      1900  2200  Surrey, Cedar       3040      Kleis, Landon
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
2016-06-22: Room changed for June 28 to July 19


ENTR 3170 Entrepreneurial Finance (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: 45 credit hours including (ACCT 2293 or ACCT 1210) and ECON 1150 and (BUQU 1230 or MATH 1115 or MATH 2341 or CRIM 2103 or PSYC 2300 or SOCI 2365)

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20098     R10        -                         -     -    Cancelled
Restricted to students in the BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students, and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-10: Section cancelled2016-03-10: Section currently suspended

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20250     S10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         134       Yuill, Garry
                    Final exam       04/Aug - 04/Aug      R    1130  1430  Surrey, Fir         134       Yuill, Garry
Restricted to students in the BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students, and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed


ENTR 4110 Business Leadership (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: (CMNS 3000 or ENTR 3000 or 3500) and (ENTR 3110 or HRMT 3115)

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20221     R10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul   M       1600  1850  Richmond Main       2225      Radcliffe, Duane
Restricted to students in the BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, and BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserved seats lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
2016-07-04: Final exam cancelled

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20306     S50       Class            02/May - 30/Jul     W     1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         122       Charlton, Peter
Restricted to students in the BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, and BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserved seats lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed


ENTR 4140 Entrepreneurial Sales (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: ENTR 3140 or ENTR 3240

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20091     R10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul      R    1900  2150  Richmond Main       2520      Ford, Mike
                    Final exam       04/Aug - 04/Aug      R    1900  2200  Richmond Main       2520      Ford, Mike
Restricted to students in the BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership program. 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserved seats to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL reserves removed
2016-05-09: Room changed


ENTR 4200 Business Strategy (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: [ENTR 3130 and 3140 and either (ENTR 3170 OR ACCT 2380 or ACCT 3380)] or [CMNS 3000, ENTR 3100, (ENTR 3120 or ACCT 3320), ECON 1250, ACCT 3380 and 15 additional credits of 3000 level or higher of MKTG, ACCT, ENTR, or HRMT]

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20222     R50       Class            02/May - 30/Jul    T      1900  2150  Richmond Main       2530      Byrne, Daniel
                    Final exam       09/Aug - 09/Aug    T      1900  2200  Richmond Main       2530      Byrne, Daniel
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20099     S10       Class            02/May - 30/Jul      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         120       Weir, Bruce
                    Final exam       04/Aug - 04/Aug      R    1500  1800  Surrey, Fir         120       Weir, Bruce
Restricted to students in the BBA in Accounting, BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership, BBA in Human Resources Management, BBA in Marketing Management programs. 2 seats reserved for GDUF students and 4 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 11.
2016-03-11: INTL and GDUF reserves removed
2016-05-31: Room changed


Last updated: 15-Aug-2016 12:08:06