Summer 2014 Timetable - Philosophy (PHIL)

Students are expected to meet all course prerequisites and co-requisites as listed below. Waivers may be requested if you can clearly demonstrate that you have the equivalent skills and knowledge. Students are responsible for completing the "Permission to Register" form and presenting it to the appropriate person, listed below, for signature.

Prerequisites or Co-requisite waivers for Philosophy courses can be obtained by contacting the instructor for the course.

If the instructor is not available, or is noted as TBA, please contact the Chair of Philosophy (


PHIL 1100 Introduction To Philosophy (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20137     R10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug    T      1000  1250  Richmond Main       1340      Korolev, Alexandr
                    Final exam       19/Aug - 19/Aug    T      0800  1100  Richmond Main       1340      Korolev, Alexandr
20708     R11       Class            05/May - 09/Aug    T      1300  1550  Richmond Main       1340      Guirguis, Mazen
                    Final exam       19/Aug - 19/Aug    T      1130  1430  Richmond Main       1340      Guirguis, Mazen
20139     R12       Class            05/May - 09/Aug     W     1300  1550  Richmond Main       1340      Garrett, Brian
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug     W     1130  1430  Richmond Main       1340      Garrett, Brian
20709     R13       Class            05/May - 09/Aug      R    1000  1250  Richmond Main       1340      Glouberman, Mark
2014-06-02: Final exam cancelled




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20153     S10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug   M       1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         2422      Garrett, Brian
                    Final exam       18/Aug - 18/Aug   M       1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         2422      Garrett, Brian
20710     S11       Class            05/May - 09/Aug    T R    1600  1720  Surrey, Fir         130       Garrett, Brian
                    Final exam       14/Aug - 14/Aug      R    1500  1800  Surrey, Fir         130       Garrett, Brian


PHIL 1101 Philosophy, Culture & Identity (Cr: 3)

(Formerly HUMN 1100)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20386     R10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug   M       1600  1850  Richmond Main       2300      Glouberman, Mark
                    Final exam       11/Aug - 11/Aug   M       1500  1800  Richmond Main       2300      Glouberman, Mark
2015-05-02: Room changed


PHIL 1110 Introduction to Ethics (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20711     R10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug    T R    1430  1550  Richmond Main       1830      Thomas, Brian
2014-06-02: Final exam cancelled
20712     R50       Class            05/May - 09/Aug    T      1900  2150  Richmond Main       1340      Bruin, John
                    Final exam       12/Aug - 12/Aug    T      1900  2200  Richmond Main       1340      Bruin, John


PHIL 1145 Critical Thinking (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20519     A75       Online           05/May - 09/Aug            -     -    Online                        Guirguis, Mazen
                    Orientation      10/May - 10/May        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         128       Guirguis, Mazen
                    Final exam       16/Aug - 16/Aug        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Guirguis, Mazen
Orientation and final exam to take place at the Surrey campus.
20520     A76       Online           05/May - 09/Aug            -     -    Online                        Guirguis, Mazen
                    Orientation      10/May - 10/May        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         128       Guirguis, Mazen
                    Final exam       16/Aug - 16/Aug        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Guirguis, Mazen
Orientation and final exam to take place at the Surrey campus.


PHIL 1150 Introduction to Formal Logic (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20320     R10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug     W     1600  1850  Richmond Main       1340      Barthelemy, Bill
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug     W     1500  1800  Richmond Main       1340      Barthelemy, Bill




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20154     S10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug   M W     1130  1250  Surrey, Fir         2422      Fenske, Wayne
                    Final exam       18/Aug - 18/Aug   M       0800  1100  Surrey, Fir         2422      Fenske, Wayne
20713     S11       Class            05/May - 09/Aug    T R    1130  1250  Surrey, Fir         2422      Fenske, Wayne
                    Final exam       19/Aug - 19/Aug    T      0800  1100  Surrey, Fir         2422      Fenske, Wayne
20714     S12       Class            05/May - 09/Aug       F   1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         2422      Barthelemy, Bill
                    Final exam       15/Aug - 15/Aug       F   1130  1430  Surrey, Fir         2422      Barthelemy, Bill


PHIL 3010 Health Care Ethics (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 1100 or higher



CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20719     A75       Online           05/May - 09/Aug            -     -    Online                        Guirguis, Mazen
                    Orientation      10/May - 10/May        S  1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         130       Guirguis, Mazen
                    Final exam       16/Aug - 16/Aug        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Guirguis, Mazen
Orientation to take place at the Surrey Campus. Section has reserved seats.


PHIL 3033 Business Ethics (Cr: 3)

Note: This course has program restrictions




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20217     R50       Class            05/May - 09/Aug     W     1900  2150  Richmond Main       1340      Barthelemy, Bill
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug     W     1900  2200  Richmond Main       1340      Barthelemy, Bill
This section restricted to students in the 3rd level of the following programs: BBA ACCT, BBA ENTR, BBA HRMT, BBA MRKT, BTech (Including Coo p Option)
Restrictions to be removed Thursday April 24, 2014 at 4pm




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20715     S10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug       F   1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         2422      Barthelemy, Bill
                    Final exam       15/Aug - 15/Aug       F   1500  1800  Surrey, Fir         2422      Barthelemy, Bill
This section restricted to students in the 3rd level of the following programs: BBA ACCT, BBA ENTR, BBA HRMT, BBA MRKT, BTech (Including Coo p Option)
Restrictions to be removed Thursday April 24, 2014 at 4pm


PHIL 3425 Language and Meaning (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: 18 credits of 1100 level course or higher including any 3 credits of PHIL or permission of instructor. PHIL 1150 is recommended.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20717     S50       Class            05/May - 09/Aug   M       1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         2422      Garrett, Brian
                    Final exam       11/Aug - 11/Aug   M       1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         2422      Garrett, Brian