Resources Planning Project: Integrated Planning

1 Vision Triangles


Vision 2018 Articulates:   

  • Vision: KPU’s aspiration for the future (where we want to go)
  • Mission: KPU’s purpose (why we do what we do)
  • Values: What is important to us (permeate every day decisions)
  • Goals: What we want to achieve that will advance us towards our vision
  • Strategies:  The way to achieve our goals (provide focus and direction)

Resources Planning is part of the integrated planning process KPU has begun to ensure that all aspects of the University are working towards the same ends:

Integrated planning is a holistic approach to coordinating all planning, resource allocation, and accountability activities that is iterative, and interrelated.

Integrated planning includes:

  • Developing plans aligned with the strategic plan in all areas of the University
  • Articulating annual priorities
  • Allocating scarce resources to meet these priorities
  • Measuring the achievement of our goals an priorities
  • Communicating the results effectively
  • Creating space for innovation and collaboration



2 Vision Plans


Vision Circle Graph


KPU – an Integrated University?

4 Integration Graph


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