
2008 2010 2011  2012                     
Oct 20 Jan 18 Jan 24 January 23 (cancelled)
Dec 1 Mar 15 Feb 21 February 20
Apr 20 Mar 21 (cancelled) October 22
2009 May 17 Apr 18 2013
Jan 12 June 21 May 12 January 21
Mar 9 Sep 20 May 24 February 18
May 4 Oct 18 June 20 (cancelled) March 13
Sep 14 Nov 15 September 19 April 22
Oct 19 Dec 6 October 24 (cancelled)         May 13           
November 21 June 17 

For minutes prior to September 2008, please check the following link: https://plaza.kwantlen.ca/sites/edcouncil.nsf/pages/PolRCMinMenu