Career Related Skills


Kwantlen's Career Services

Career Services supports Kwantlen students and graduates in finding meaningful employment, expanding and improving their tools needed to land the perfect job. They help with resume, cover letter and interview preparation through workshops and one-to-one sessions.
Check out the job postings!  Watch also for "Career Day" events to meet prospective employers.

Visit the Career Services website here!


Career Counselling, Seminars & Resources

Did you know that having a clear educational and/or career goal is one of the most important determinants of student success?

The Counselling Department offers:

  • Career Planning Seminars (three different types)
  • Individual Career Counselling
  • Career Exploration/Research Resources (print and online)

Click here to visit their website for more information and contact details.


Develop your Leadership (and other) Skills

Employers are, of course, looking for much more than courses, grades and degrees. They want employees who can work well in a team, communicate well, and demonstrate initiative.  Develop your leadership skills, your "social intelligence" so you can stand out from the crowd.

Visit the Student Life & Development website for information on the following opportunities: