Mindfulness Matters

Mindfulness Matters

Facilitators: Sarah Duncan & Taryn Greig

The Mindfulness Matters learning community is a small group of interested faculty who meet monthly to develop a personal mindfulness practice and enhance their knowledge of contemplative practices in pedagogy. The group is co-facilitated by Taryn Greig and Sarah Duncan. Taryn and Sarah as certified mindfulness teachers and faculty members in the Melville School of Business.

Contemplative pedagogy views learning as: (1) Holistic: Involving the whole self; (2) Mindful: Happening in the present; and (3) Connected: Establishing connections with oneself and others. 

Meeting Dates

The community meets monthly for one hour, with the next meeting scheduled for Friday, October 21 at 11 am. We will also be meeting Friday, November 25 at 11 am. We will take a break over the December holidays and resume meetings in January. Before each semester, the facilitators typically send a poll to group members to get an idea of the availability of participants and to select the best possible meeting time.

How to join this group

This learning community is currently welcoming additional members. If you are interested to join this community of practice, please reach out to taryn.greig@kpu.ca