University Transitions Project

University Transitions Project

Aligned with KPU’s Vision 2018 strategic plan, the Transitions Project will redesign our admissions and student support mechanisms at KPU.  The project will create a streamlined approach to university admissions, allow students in first year room to explore and assess their academic options, and ensure that all students who come to KPU can be successful in their studies.   

Transitions allows us to maintain our mandate as a regional, open access institution at the same time as we move forward to expand our polytechnic university programming. We have set new requirements for admission to undergraduate studies in 2015 and are establishing a set of pathway programs students may take if they do not immediately meet the admission requirements. We will continue to offer preparatory and vocational programs and ensure that laddering options are available throughout our curriculum.  

KPU began seeking input on these changes in 2011. Our initial focus has been to align our admissions and advising practices to best support a diverse range of students.  Soon we will begin addressing the recommendations coming out of the Foundations of Excellence Project related to improving the first year experience of KPU students.

This work could not have taken place without the invaluable contributions of a very large group of KPU faculty, staff and students who participated in the Admissions Framework and the Foundations of Excellence initiatives. 

We hope there will be many who continue to participate as we move forward. If you have feedback or questions about the Transitions Project, please contact us @ Contact Us, or email us at