The Levels of Academic Standing

Good Academic Standing

All students at KPU are expected to maintain an acceptable standard of Academic Achievement. To be in Good Academic Standing, a student’s Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) must be at 2.00 or higher.

Academic Warning

Academic Warning is when a student has:

  • Completed a minimum of 9 semester credit hours (3 courses) AND
  • Achieved a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of less than 2.00

Students will remain on Academic Warning until they have completed 27.0 semester credit hours. A student should consult with an Academic Advisor at this time.

Academic Probation

Academic Probation is when a student has:

  • Been on Academic Warning AND
  • Completed a minimum of 18.0 semester credit hours (9 courses) AND
  • Achieved a Cumulative Grade Point Average of less than 2.00

Students will remain on Academic Probation until they have completed 27.0 semester credit hours. A student should consult with an Academic Advisor at this time.

  ***The Blurb below will be included for the sections for both AW and AP

At this point, there are two types of GPA to consider:

  1. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): The Grade Point Average for all courses completed at KPU in which a letter grade was assigned. 
  2. Term Grade Point Average (TGPA): The Grade Point Average for all KPU courses completed within one semester only.

In order to get back to Good Academic Standing once your CGPA is below 2.00 you will need to ensure that your TGPA is at a 2.00 or higher each semester going forward.

Note: Repeating courses got below a C grade in is a quick way to improve your CGPA. For repeated courses, KPU will only count the higher grade in your GPA calculation. It is recommended that you book an appointment with an Academic Advisor for further information.

Required to Withdraw

Required to Withdraw is when a student has:

  • Been on Academic Probation AND
  • Completed a minimum of 27.00 semester credit hours AND
  • A Term Grade Point Average and Cumulative Grade Point Average less than 2.00

At this point, the student will be referred to KPU’s president which may lead to:

  1. The student will be required to withdraw where they may not register in KPU undergraduate courses for a minimum of six months.
  2. Other action may be taken.

Note: Students are encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor at this time to discuss options and to have a conversation on the reinstatement process.

Readmission on Academic Probation

Readmission on Academic Probation is when a student has:

  • Been reinstated into KPU after being Required to Withdraw after a minimum period of six months

In order for a student to be readmitted on Academic Probation, they MUST first meet with an Academic Advisor to have a conversation regarding the reinstatement process. The reinstatement process will include filling out the Reinstatement Form which covers 7 questions:

1. Assess the issues you confronted at KPU which led to your dismissal.
2. Describe any other circumstances that impacted your ability to perform well in School.
3. Describe how these issues and circumstances have been addressed.
4. Identify several reasons why you want to be readmitted to KPU.
5. Detail the activities you have been involved in since you left KPU (work, study elsewhere, volunteer activities).
6. Give an honest assessment of the challenges you may face if readmitted to KPU.
7. Detail a plan that will address these challenges.

Once the reinstatement form is filled out, the student can submit it to for review. If approved, the student can then reapply to KPU.

At this point, there are two types of GPA to consider:

  1. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): The Grade Point Average for all courses completed at KPU in which a letter grade was assigned. 
  2. Term Grade Point Average (TGPA): The Grade Point Average for all KPU courses completed within one semester only.

In order to get back to Good Academic Standing once your CGPA is below 2.00 you will need to ensure that your TGPA is at a 2.00 or higher each semester going forward.

Academic Suspension

Academic Suspension is when a student has:

  • Been readmitted on Academic Probation
  • Has completed a minimum of 36.00 credit hours AND
  • A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) less than 2.00

At this point, the student will be referred to KPU’s president which may lead to:

  1. The student will be required to withdraw where they may not register in KPU undergraduate courses for a minimum of one year.
  2. Other action may be taken.

Note: Students are encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor at this time to discuss options and to have a conversation on the reinstatement process.

Re-Admission on Academic Suspension

Re-Admission on Academic Suspension is when a student has:

  • Been reinstated back into KPU after being placed on Academic Suspension after a minimum period of one year


In order for a student to be readmitted on Academic Suspension, they MUST first meet with an Academic Advisor to have a conversation regarding the reinstatement process. The reinstatement process will include filling out the Reinstatement Form which covers 7 questions:

1. Assess the issues you confronted at KPU which led to your dismissal.
2. Describe any other circumstances that impacted your ability to perform well in School.
3. Describe how these issues and circumstances have been addressed.
4. Identify several reasons why you want to be readmitted to KPU.
5. Detail the activities you have been involved in since you left KPU (work, study elsewhere, volunteer activities).
6. Give an honest assessment of the challenges you may face if readmitted to KPU.
7. Detail a plan that will address these challenges.

Once the reinstatement form is filled out, the student can submit it to for review. If approved, the student can then reapply to KPU.

If re-admission is approved, the student will be re-admitted on Good Academic Standing. It is strongly encouraged that students’ meet with an Academic Advisor at this time.