COVID-19 Student Employment FAQs

The company I was working for has closed due to the outbreak. What can I do?

You have a few options open to you. If you have been laid off and find yourself in financial difficulty. Here is a link to our Student Awards and Financial Assistance page that has links to funding options.

If you are looking for work or volunteer options please see below.

I need a job right now – where can I look?

There are lots of companies still hiring – especially in the essential services industry (e.g. Grocery stores, Tech companies, Security companies, Delivery companies, Health Care etc.). You can find some companies hiring in those areas here:

Job postings are added daily to KPU’s Career Connection job board – be sure to check postings here: And follow us @KPUCDC on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter for regular updates on new jobs.

Are there any career advancement activities I can do at home?

“When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” - Victor Frankle, Man’s Search for Meaning

Being safe at home is a good opportunity to further your career or interests. Here are some tips:

  1. Get comfortable with anything online: familiarize yourself with LinkedIn, attend virtual career fairs, practice video interviews, participate in virtual interviews or webinars
  2. Learn/upgrade your skills: access free online learning like (now LinkedIn Learning) through your Public Library. Or take a free online Ivy League course
  3. Build relationships: LinkedIn is a great venue for online networking
  4. Volunteering from home.  Check out our information a little farther down this page.
  5. Revisit and reflect on your online skills: keep a running list ofthings of your accomplishments
  6. Reflect on what you are good at and what scares you.
  7. Stay flexible. You might not land your dream job yet, but you can surely aim for a good short-term job meantime!

What CDC resources are available?

Currently, the Career Development Centre (CDC) is offering online services, including:

How to recognize Job/Text Scams

During this time, unfortunately, job and text scammers are more active than ever. Stay vigilant when looking at a job ad or text, and always remember the saying: “If it is too good to be true, it might be a scam.”

You can view some examples of scams here:

Job scam:

Text scam:

Is there any way I can still volunteer?

If you are willing, you can either volunteer in your community or check essential services if they need any help.

You can also visit our Volunteer Services webpage for available volunteer opportunities. Covid-19 specific opportunities will be added daily.

CDC volunteer training will soon be available on-line. Watch our social media links for times, or sign up now and get in the queue. And we will contact you about signing up for training times.

What about my student loan?

On Wednesday, March 25, 2020, the Government of Canada announced that students with federal student loan debt will be automatically enrolled into a six-month loan relief program. Please remember that this only applies to the federal-issued loans and does not address any provincial or private loans.

For more information, please go to the Student Awards and Financial Assistance website:

Where can I apply for Employment Insurance (EI) and am I eligible?

Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is constantly being updated. Please check here: for the latest information on eligibility and the application process.

Helpful resources