
CIR:CLE is pleased to share in the exciting results that have come from the passion and hard work of its participants. The great news includes, but is not limited to, the following. Please contact us if you'd like to include your story of how CIR:CLE has improved your education, work or community experience.

Testimonial from student engagement fund recipient Arissa Patterson

“CIR:CLE program definitely helped my research thesis get off the ground. CIR:CLE helped me to generate interest in my study and obtain the number of participants that I needed. I know that without the support from CIR:CLE I wouldn't have had nearly as many willing participants. Teachers are very busy and as a result, requesting their time and gaining their participation is an onerous task. CIR:CLE helped along my participant recruitment and data collection. With the help of CIR:CLE it was a win/win for my participants and myself as a researcher. …CIR:CLE definitely helped in motivating teacher participation.”

Arissa received $225 from CIR:CLE to further her honours research into elementary school teachers' ability to identify the symptoms of ADHD subtypes in their students, and to gauge the teachers' perception of the child's potential for future academic success and their likelihood to refer the child for assessment. Funding went towards the provision of a $5 Tim Horton's gift card for each teacher who participated in the study, as a thank you for their contributions.

Anatomy of a Riot event attracts a full house

Town hall discussion was held on June 29 at Kwantlen's Surrey campus

Kwantlen Polytechnic University is ready to take the baton in analyzing and preventing a repeat of the riots—and nothing was more evident in a joint faculty open-doors event held at Kwantlen to delve into issues raised by the 2011 Vancouver Riot.

The event, called “Anatomy of a Riot”, invited faculty, students, police officers, city officials and community members to dissect, discuss and analyze the riot. It was held on June 29, 2011 in the Surrey campus Conference Centre (G1205) and attracted a full house, with over 200 students turning up representing a range of Kwantlen's programs.

Supporting parties that co-hosted this event were CIR:CLE, Kwantlen's criminology department and Acting Together SSHRC-CURA.

Anatomy of a Riot was organized rapidly, through impressive collaboration efforts among Kwantlen departments. In less than three weeks, the four-hour town hall discussion was organized and delivered.

It featured opening presentations from a Vancouver Police Department officer who worked downtown during the riot, two students who witnessed the mayhem and Laurie Cavan, the general manager of Parks, Recreation and Culture for the City of Surrey.

Cavan provided a different viewpoint on the riot by explaining what, instead, went right at the City of Surrey's Stanley Cup Finals live site.

Contributing to the success of Surrey's live site, explained Cavan, were the strictly enforced alcohol policies, the post-game entertainment options and the wide radius drawn for RCMP officer oversight.

The event continued with presentations by Kwantlen faculty, who explored aspects of the riots from their various areas of academic expertise, and responded to questions and commentary from the audience. Afterwards, the room split into small groups to allow attendees to discuss and debate their reactions to the riots and the presentations.

Topics of the presentations included the impact of social media upon the riots and factors that contribute to violent behaviour.

CIR:CLE's hosts annual barbeque to thank contributors for their efforts

Service Recognition Barbeque was held on June 3

On a blissful day in White Rock, CIR:CLE recognized the efforts of its workers and supporters with a delicious, relaxing and work-free barbeque.

The event, held on June 3rd, celebrated another great year of working together to achieve interdisciplinary learning and community engagement. It was held in appreciation of the hard work and support of its contributors.

Attendees shared delicious food and stories of work, academic and personal achievements in a rare chance to step away from the office and reflect upon the successes of the recent year in the company of those sharing common goals.

And, true to its name, the group formed a “CIR:CLE” to acknowledge this year's recipient of the service recognition award. Dr. Nathalie Gagnon, a Kwantlen criminology instructor, was selected as this year's recipient, in honour of her tireless commitment to CIR:CLE through her work evaluating the Surrey School District's iR3 program.

“For the past three years, Nathalie Gagnon has demonstrated the spirit and values of CIR:CLE through her work on the evaluation of an alternative-to-suspension program(iR3) offered through the Surrey School District,” said Stephen Dooley, director of The CIR:CLE.

“Nathalie has shown herself to be a very skilled program evaluator while at the same time, being sensitive to the needs of community stakeholders.”