Get Ready! Get Hired! Job & Volunteer Fair 2023

GRGH 2023
KPU Surrey
Spruce Atrium


2023_GRGH-Social Post

To RSVP, login to Career Connection. On the Events tab and click on Get Ready! Get Hired! Job & Volunteer Fair 2023 to reserve your spot.

Students/ Alumni

The Get Ready! Get Hired! event connects students with employers looking to fill active employment posts. Many organizations attending will be showcasing their part-time, full-time, internships, and co-op opportunities that are perfect for students who are looking to expand their experience beyond classes and build their network. 

The event also brings volunteerism to the forefront to help students find life-shaping opportunities with community organizations in need of volunteers. 

Alumni are welcome to join as well to learn more about graduate opportunities and career positions that are open from employers attending.