Explore Careers

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Browse Online Career Search Tools

Search the following online reference tools to help you discover your career:

Career Dictionary, KPU

An online reference tool (soon-to-be-released by Career Services) that will help you discover careers you may not have considered, related to specific academic programs.



Use LinkedIn to follow the careers of professionals from your area and around the world! Learn from their experiences to find your career path.

What are you Made of? 


Visit ITA Youth and select the top ten qualities you're made of to find out what trades you are suited for! Learn about all types of trades, including what you do, what you learn, who you work for, and what you earn. BC has a severe labour shortage in the skilled trades, and demand for workers in this area is expected to continue to grow.

My Blueprint Builder 


A hub for building your personal blueprint, which includes help with choosing a career, planning your education, applying for funding, and finding a job. 

Career Cruising  


An excellent, comprehensive Canadian website offering an online interest assessment, information on hundreds of occupations, labour market information, links to Canadian post-secondary institutions and job search topics. (Username: kwantlen;  Password: careers)

Careers by Major, University of Toronto 

careers by major

A helpful list of potential careers with their academic subjects and degree majors.



Everything you need to know about career and education planning, job search, labour market information and more for BC. WorkBC includes a comprehensive description of 500 occupations as they relate directly to the BC labour market.

Alberta Learning


Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) is designed to help people plan and achieve educational and career success! It provides information for career planning, post-secondary education and training, educational funding, job search, labour market trends, and workplace issues.

Government of Canada Job Bank  

Government of Canada

Visit the Government of Canada Job Bank and use the Explore Careers feature to search the salaries, level of education, skills, knowledge, and outlook of various occupations.

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