A Guide to Using and Developing Trails in Farm and Ranch Areas

Topic(s): Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning

Sub-topic(s): recreational use of agricultural land

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The BC Misnistry of Agriculture guidleines for the use and develeopment of trials through agricultural areas.

Township of Langley Agricultural Viability (Phase 3)

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, First Nations and Indigenous Food Systems, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Waste Management, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, agricultural advisory committee, ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, amenity density zoning/contributions, buffer at agricultural edge, commercial development, community food system education, covenants, emergency preparedness, farm retail/farm gate sales, farm worker accommodation, farmers' markets, food processing, irrigation and drainage, livestock, local food culture, new entrants to farming, nuisance complaints, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, recreational use of agricultural land, residential development, roads in agricultural land, signage in agricultural areas, water restrictions and conservation, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Encourage regional, provincial, and federal governments to establish agricultural policies and protocols that are sensitive to the needs of farm producers and processors (AAC, EDD, commodity groups) 2.1.1
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Support participating in regional and provincial discussions where agriculture is encouraged (AAC) 2.1.1
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Support positive staff contact with individuals and all industry groups, including agriculture, wishing to expand or establish  their businesses (AAC, EDAC) 2.1.1


economic development;

  Support increasing staff knowledge about agriculture by supporting staff training and attendance at relevant agricultural workshops and seminars (AAC). Assess current expectations of various services to agriculture and determine resources that may be necessary to assist the industry with appropriate economic development and support (AAC, EDD)  2.1.1
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Support partnerships with other organizations and agencies and working together to enhance agricultural production in the Township and the region (AAC, farm community, commodity groups, other agencies)  2.1.3
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; agricultural advisory committee; Support having an active and effective Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC) 2.1.2
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; agricultural advisory committee; Support ongoing monitoring by the Agricultural Advisory Committee of selected indicators affecting agriculture in the Township (AAC, staff) Request an annual work plan from the Agricultural Advisory Committee and ensure an appropriate budget for completion of the work plan
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; agricultural advisory committee; Provide reports on agricultural activities and update the Agricultural Profile as appropriate (AAC, IAF) 2.1.2
economic development;   Support the agricultural industry as an important economic contributor to the Township economy (AAC, EDD, EDAC, commodity groups) 2.1.4
education; agricultural advisory committee; Support the annual farm tour organized and conducted by the Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Langley Environmental Partners Society (AAC) 2.1.4
education; local food culture; Encourage additional cultural and heritage events related to food and culinary products and agricultural background of the community 2.1.4
First Nations and indigenous food systems;   Support First Nations agricultural development on First Nations land within the Township 2.1.4
  emergency preparedness; Support working with all relevant government agencies and agricultural groups and associations to address crises and disasters affecting the agricultural and rural community
(BCMA, PEP, farm community)
  emergency preparedness; Support emergency planning at the Township and Provincial levels to address flooding issues and concerns (BCMA, PEP, farm community, Drainage and Dyking Committee)  2.1.5
education;   Encourage the students of School District #35, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and Trinity Western University to consider seasonal or temporary agricultural employment in conjunction with their studies (AAC, School District #35, KPU, TWU, farm community) 2.1.7
education;   Encourage local educational institutions to promote work experiences on local farms to their students (AAC, farm community, educators) 2.1.7
   farm worker accommodation; Encourage non-permanent housing for seasonal or temporary workers that conforms to the Ministry of Agriculture’s Guidelines for the Provision of Seasonal Housing for Migrant Farm Workers in BC and that conforms to amendments to the Township’s Zoning Bylaw (AAC)  2.1.7
development and productive use of agricultural land;   Support the promotion of farming options to owners of smaller parcel land in the ALR that is not being farmed (AAC, IAF) 2.1.8
development and productive use of agricultural land;


residential development;

Support agricultural production on ALR land where residential use may be the primary use (AAC, land owners). 2.1.8
development and productive use of agricultural land;   Support agricultural production on Township land or land owned by other governments where practical and possible (AAC)  2.1.8


urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

nuisance complaints; Support efforts of the BC Ministry of Agriculture and the agricultural industry to inform the public about normal farm practices occurring on area farms (AAC, BCMA, farm community) 2.1.9


urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;


commercial development;

residential development;

nuisance complaints;

Support the use of a Restrictive Covenant, using Section 219 of the Land Title Act, on all new residential and commercial parcels adjacent to agricultural properties notifying purchasers that the use of their property may be impacted by normal farm practices (AAC) 2.1.9


urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

nuisance complaints; Encourage area realtors to ensure purchasers of properties adjacent to, or in close proximity to, active farm operations are aware of normal farm practices protected from bylaw enforcement or private nuisance suits by the Farm Practices Protection Act (AAC, FVREB) 2.1.9
education; community food system education; Support the BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation’s “Agriculture in the Classroom” program to educate young people about farming (School District #35, farm community) 2.1.9
economic development; agri-tourism; Encourage agri-tourism and culinary tourism (AAC, Tourism Langley, EDAC) 2.1.11

economic development;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

agri-tourism; Support organizations working to increase agri-tourism and culinary tourism in the Township such as Circle Farm Tours and the Fraser Valley Farm Direct Marketing Association (EDAC, AAC, Tourism Langley)  2.1.11
education;   Recognize the importance of education and training for the growth and development of the agricultural sector in the Township (School District #35, KPU, TWU, AAC) 2.1.12
education;   Support additional education and training for local farmers and others interested in agriculture (AAC, educators)  2.1.12
  new entrants to farming; Support efforts to encourage people to enter farming, through the work of educational institutions and the farm community (AAC, educators, commodity groups) 2.1.13
  amenity density zoning/contributions; Consider amenity bonuses for the agricultural industry where reasonable and possible (AAC, other municipal committees)  2.1.14
water management; water restrictions and conservation; Support water conservation by all citizens 2.2.1
water management; irrigation and drainage; Support the provision of sufficient water for agriculture for all farms practicing efficient water use (AAC) 2.2.1
water management; irrigation and drainage; Support appropriate ways to measure water use (Property owners, AAC)  2.2.1
water management; irrigation and drainage; Encourage farmers unprotected by the dyke system to be aware of the dangers from flooding and to take the steps necessary to minimize risk to their families and farm operations (AAC, BCMA) 2.2.2
water management; irrigation and drainage; Support the maintenance and upgrading of the dykes and other related infrastructure (AAC) 2.2.2

water management;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

irrigation and drainage; Encourage senior governments to protect all farm land from flooding using appropriate dykes and other methods (AAC, BCMoE, BCMA) 2.2.2

water management;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

irrigation and drainage; Work closely with the farm community to ensure ditch drainage and maintenance address farmer needs (AAC, DDC) 2.2.3
water management; irrigation and drainage; Support ditch drainage and maintenance activities that are environmentally sustainable (DDC) 2.2.3
water management; irrigation and drainage; Encourage farmers who practice management strategies on their farms to reduce the levels of vegetative growth occurring in ditches (AAC)  2.2.3
development and productive use of agricultural land;

roads in agricultural land;


Require Agricultural Impact Assessments (see 2.3.1) be completed for new roads within the Agricultural Land Reserve.  2.2.4
development and productive use of agricultural land; roads in agricultural land; Review rural road standards for arterial and collector roads to ensure that road development meets the growing road demand and has proper lighting and traffic control (AAC)
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; signage in agricultural areas; Support appropriate agricultural signage in the Township (AAC) 2.2.4

food production;

food processing, storage, and distribution;

  Support food processing on area farms when consistent with the Agricultural Land Commission Act and Regulations (AAC, ALC) 2.2.5
food processing, storage, and distribution;

food processing;


Support efforts to attract food processors to the Township and work with interested processors to provide the infrastructure needs of larger-scale food processing industries within existing and future industrial parks (EDD, AAC, EDAC)
food processing, storage, and distribution; food processing; Support the use of food hubs or clustering, where relevant, as a strategy for increasing agricultural production in the Township (AAC, EDD, BCMA, LSAF) 2.2.5
food sales, access and production;

farmers' markets;

 farm retail/farm gate sales;

Support the efforts of local farmers in making their products available for local purchase from the farm gate, through farmers’ markets, or in cooperation with other local retailers(AAC, farm community 2.2.5
food sales, access and production;

farmers' markets;

 farm retail/farm gate sales;

Encourage the establishment of appropriate farmers’ markets in the Township (AAC, EDD)  2.2.5
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; recreational use of agricultural land; Support multi-use trails in or adjacent to agricultural land when implementation takes into consideration concerns of the agricultural community and minimizing conflict (AAC, Parks and Recreation, BCMA, ALC) 2.2.7
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;

ALR subdivision;


agricultural advisory committee;

Support seeking advice from its Agricultural Advisory Committee for all applications for removal, boundary adjustment, sub-division or non-farm use on land within the Agricultural Land Reserve (AAC) 2.3.1

ALR exclusion;

ALR subdivision;


agricultural advisory committee;

Support providing input to the Agricultural Land Commission on applications for exclusion, boundary adjustment, non-farm use and subdivision in the Agricultural Land Reserve as to their benefits to agriculture (AAC)  2.3.1
development and productive use of agricultural land; zoning; Encourage agricultural use for all land zoned for agriculture and within the Agricultural Land Reserve (AAC, BCMA, ALC)
  zoning; Continue to review rural zones within Zoning Bylaw No. 2500 to reduce the number of zones and provide consistency with the BC Ministry of Agriculture's Guide for Bylaw Development in Farming Areas (BCMA, ALC) 2.3.3
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;   Support the concentration of new urban growth within the six existing established urban centres in the Township The Township of Langley, in the medium term and ongoing, 2.3.4
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; ALR; Support strategies for edge planning in areas of the Township where the Agricultural Land Reserve abuts non-ALR land (AAC, BCMA, ALC) 2.3.4
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

buffer at agricultural edge;


Encourage citizens residing in the ALR, but not farming, to consider appropriate buffering or residential site planning on their land where it may abut active and productive farming operations (AAC,
waste management;   Encourage farmers to reduce, or eliminate, open air burning when diseased crops are not present and where recycling programs for the material exist (AAC) 2.4.1
waste management;   Support the use of air curtain incinerators (mainly suitable for large burns) and other technological options by farmers who are committed to open air burning for diseased crops (AAC, BCMA) 2.4.1
waste management;   Support the burning of regular agricultural waste when it cannot be recycled and when all bylaw considerations are being followed (AAC) 2.4.1
education;   Encourage all farmers to ensure those applying chemicals on their farms have the required training for the application and use of chemicals (AAC, BCMA) 2.4.2

wildlife/environmental/pest management;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

wildlife and ecosystem management; Support working with farmers and other rural landowners, agricultural and wildlife organizations, and agencies to identify farming practices that enhance wildlife and wildlife habitat (AAC, LEPS,BCMA, BCMoE, farm community) 2.4.3

water management;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

wildlife and ecosystem management; Work closely with the farm community regarding farming near watercourses to balance farming requirements with the requirements for safe water (AAC, BCMA) 2.4.4
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Support farmers using best management practices for activities that may impact the quality of surface and groundwater such as proper storage of manure and wood waste, fuel storage, compost sites building locations and livestock access to surface water courses (AAC, BCMA, IAF) 2.4.4
wildlife/environmental/pest management; livestock; Support livestock farmers, and other farmers that use manure on their properties, having a nutrient management plan in place to identify farm wastes and how they are to be treated. 2.4.5
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Support the Environmental Farm Plan Program and encourage all area farmers to participate in the program (AAC, BCMA, AAFC) 2.4.6
wildlife/environmental/pest management;   Support the principle of farmer compensation when there is an environmental benefit to the Township, when funding sources are available, and when the investments undertaken on farms exceed existing requirements of law and regulation and result in benefits to citizens at large (AAC) 2.4.7

District of North Saanich Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1130

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Waste Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, buffer at agricultural edge, climate change and greenhouse gases, demonstration farm, farmer training, farmers' markets, food distribution, food processing, livestock, recreational use of agricultural land, soil, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location Language Rating
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

buffer at agricultural edge;


To protect ALR land from uses that are incompatible or inconsistent with agricultural use, proposed development adjacent to Agricultural and Rural areas may only be supported in accordance with the following criteria:
a) The development will have minimal impact on the existing manmade and natural physical features of the area; and
b) There must be a buffer zone used between the proposed land use and the agricultural parcels of land, on the non-farm side of the agricultural area.
5.3 *
food production; livestock; All types of crop and livestock-based agricultural activities are supported on agricultural lands. 5.4 *
development and productive use of agricultural land; ALR subdivision; Lands designated as Rural are presently of a variety of sizes, but no Rural lands may be subdivided into parcel sizes smaller than 4.0 hectares (10 acres). 5.6 *
development and productive use of agricultural land; recreational use of agricultural land; On lands designated as Agricultural and Rural, but not within the Agricultural Land Reserve, outdoor recreation uses may be permitted where it can be demonstrated that there is no reduction in the amount of land being used for agricultural purposes and no impact on surrounding agricultural uses. 5.9  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;



To preserve land in the ALR for current and future agricultural production, the District does not encourage or support applications for exclusion of land from the ALR unless such an application involves an inclusion of an equal or greater amount of land that is or will be appropriate for farming and there is a clear benefit to agriculture and the community. 5.11 *

ALR subdivision;


The subdivision of any land within the ALR designated lands can be supported for agricultural activities only. 5.12 *
economic development; agri-tourism; To ensure the sustainability of the District's farm community as an integral part of agriculture on the Saanich Peninsula, agricultural activities, ancillary agriculture uses such as agri-tourism and the uses outlined in the Agricultural Land Commission Act Regulation 171/2002 Section 2(1) are encouraged on lands in the ALR. 5.14  
development and productive use of agricultural land; ALR subdivision; Lands designated as Agricultural are presently of a variety of sizes, but no Agricultural lands may be subdivided into parcel sizes smaller than 20.0 hectares (50 acres). 5.15 *

food production;


food sales, access and procurement;


farmers' market;

demonstration farm;

farmer training;

Those lands identified as “Special Agriculture” on Schedule B are dedicated to agricultural purposes. These lands were gifted to the District of North Saanich by the previous owners of the Sandown Racetrack to be a community legacy for the purpose of agriculture. The uses may include, for example, traditional agriculture, community gardens, agricultural research and practices education, farm markets or other agricultural/farm uses. 5.18  

food processing, storage, and distribution;

food sales, access and procurement 

farmers' market;

food processing;

food distribution;

climate change and greenhouse gases;

Encourage the establishment of local farmers markets and agricultural processing facilities to reduce the greenhouse gases emitted to transport food.  18.7.2  
waste management;



Continue and expand recycling programs with the Capital Regional District, support the Capital Regional District organics (food and garden waste) recycling, and explore connections between local agricultural growers’ fertilizer needs and organics recycled topsoil. 18.7.5 *

District of Kent Agricultural Area Plan (OCP Schedule E)

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, First Nations and Indigenous Food Systems, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Water Management

Sub-topic(s): recreational use of agricultural land, ALR, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, agricultural advisory committee, zoning, irrigation and drainage, local procurement, farm diversification, agri-tourism, agricultural impact assessment, farmers' markets, residential development

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Topic Sub-Topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;   It is recommended the District of Kent, in situations where development may impact farm operations in any way, consider edge‐planning strategies as an effective option for protecting farmers from possible impact on their operations.   4.2.1 

development and productive use of agricultural land;

recreational use of agricultural land;



agricultural advisory committee;

It is recommended the District of Kent, in all cases where recreational trails may be considered in, or adjacent to, agricultural land, have plans reviewed by the Kent Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Agricultural Land Commission where required, and involve the agricultural community in the planning and implementation of design standards and maintenance or operation plans, to take into consideration concerns of the agricultural community and to minimize conflict 4.3 
development and productive use of agricultural land; ALR; It is recommended the District of Kent encourage amalgamation of contiguous parcels owned by one land owner to the extent possible, but not if any non‐agricultural use of any part of the parcels is proposed as a condition of amalgamation. 4.4.1
development and productive use of agricultural land;


residential development;

It is recommended the District of Kent, as a matter of policy, discourage applications for additional residences in the Agricultural Land Reserve. 4.5.1
development and productive use of agricultural land;



residential development;

It is recommended the District of Kent, after discouraging applications for additional permanent dwellings on agricultural land, consider removing the Rural Residential 1 and Rural Residential 2 zones from the Zoning Bylaw so that all agricultural land has as its main purpose to provide for agricultural and related rural development. 4.5.2
water management;

irrigation and drainage;


It is recommended the District of Kent work closely with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Fraser Valley Regional District, and the Province as required, to implement appropriate bank protection and encourage better dredging of the Fraser River. 4.6.2 

food sales, access and procurement;

local procurement;

farmers' markets;


It is recommended the District of Kent make every effort, in cooperation with the Kent Agricultural Advisory Committee, the local agricultural community and the Harrison Agassiz Chamber of Commerce where appropriate, to support District farmers in making their products available for local purchase either from the farm gate or through a farmers’ market or in cooperation with other local retailers. 4.7.1 
food sales, access and procurement;

farmers' markets;


It is recommended the District of Kent, in cooperation with interested local farmers and the local business community, and the Harrison Agassiz Chamber of Commerce if appropriate, review ways to encourage development of a local farmers’ market in the Agassiz and Harrison area.   4.7.2
economic development;

farm diversification;


It is recommended the District of Kent support farmers considering value‐added, vertical integration, agri‐tourism, culinary tourism or other diversification efforts by continuing to provide a supportive regulatory environment for this to occur. 4.8.1

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;


agricultural advisory committee;

It is recommended the District of Kent continue to appoint a staff person as the designated first point of contact for agricultural issues and concerns, to attend all meetings of the Kent Agricultural Advisory Committee, and to prepare the background material and other items necessary for those meetings 5.1.1
development and productive use of agricultural land;

agricultural impact assessment;


agricultural advisory committee;

It is recommended the District of Kent, with input from the Kent Agricultural Advisory Committee and other appropriate bodies such as the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and the Agricultural Land Commission, prepare an appropriate agricultural impact assessment process so that all situations involving land‐use20 District of Kent Agricultural Area Plan applications or other issues affecting agricultural land in the District of Kent may be addressed through a consistent process.    
First Nations and indigenous food systems;



It is recommended the District of Kent continue to maintain positive relationships with First Nations communities by inviting representatives to participate in agricultural tours and other appropriate District agricultural events. 6.2.1 

Corporation of Delta Agricultural Area Plan

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Land Access, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Urban Agriculture, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): ALR, BC environmental farm plan, climate change and greenhouse gases, community food system education, covenants, crops, deposit of fill and dumping, disclosure agreement, farm diversification, farm traffic, farmland speculation, farmland trust, food processing, irrigation and drainage, leasing of land for agriculture, local food culture, new entrants to farming, nuisance complaints, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, recreational use of agricultural land, residential development, signage in agricultural areas, soil, tax mechanisms, urban gardens/orchard, water rate for agriculture, wildlife and ecosystem management

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location
food processing, storage and distribution;

food processing;

farm diversification;

Encourage and facilitate local on-farm processing opportunities with on-farm regulatory processes and requirements that encourage diversification 5.1.1
food processing, storage and distribution; food processing;  Investigate the feasibility of attracting processors for local crops by providing financial incentives and serviced locations. Identify and target appropriate scale niche and value chain opportunities presented by the Delta agricultural sector 5.1.1
food processing, storage and distribution; food processing; tax mechanisms; Investigate the feasibility of attracting processors using a revitalization tax exemption program bylaw 5.1.1
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Lobby for the incorporation of on-farm value-added as eligible farm income for farm tax assessment purposes. 5.1.1

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

water management

water rate for agriculture;

irrigation and drainage;


Advocate with Metro Vancouver for regional bulk water rates for agriculture (e.g., Capital Regional District) or otherwise reduce the cost of municipal water to farmers) 5.1.2
  climate change and greenhouse gases; Investigate the feasibility of alternative fuel technologies (e.g., cogeneration) to support farm operations and reduce GHG emissions 5.1.2
economic development;   Encourage farmer buying groups for inputs (fertilizer, lime, feed, other inputs) 5.1.2

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;;

land access;

leasing of land for agriculture;

farmland trust;


 Advocate for a regional agricultural trust to acquire agricultural land and provide affordable long term leases to farmers. 5.1.2
policy partnerships, advocacy and development;


climate change and greenhouse gases;

Lobby senior governments to investigate and research opportunities and create incentives for farmers to reduce GHG emissions. 5.1.2
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; tax mechanisms;   Lobby the Province to investigate farmstead provisions that would tax agricultural buildings and improvements of bona fide farmers at a lower agricultural rate or provide tax exemptions for farm improvements (e.g., New York State, North Dakota). 5.1.2
development and productive use of agricultural land; deposit of fill and dumping; Identify areas where dumping of waste on agricultural lands is occurring, improve frequency of clean-up, and  increase bylaw enforcement 5.1.3

recreational use of agricultural land;

signage is agricultural areas;

Review and maintain signage and provide education material to recreational users that they are in an agricultural area and that agricultural activities are acceptable 5.1.3
urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning;

nuisance complaints;


residential development;

disclosure agreement;

Require notification/disclosure on property transactions adjacent to agricultural lands that purchasers may expect normal farm practices, possibly  through a covenant 5.1.3
policy partnerships, advocacy and development;


farm diversification;

Assist farmers to navigate the regulatory requirements in pursuing innovative projects (e.g., energy and waste management technologies), on-farm value added and diversification 5.1.4
  climate change and greenhouse gases;  Work with farmers to develop technological and land based solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with agricultural practices and to make farm business more resilient to future impacts of climate change by investing in adaptation strategies for agriculture. 5.1.4
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising;  Support farmers in dealings with federal and provincial agencies, such as the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and BC Ministry of Environment, to ensure that conditions for efficient agriculture are enhanced, and specifically work toward “agriculture-friendly” protocols for ditch and dike maintenance that protect the environment and are timely, reasonable and feasible from an agricultural perspective 5.1.5
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Build agricultural understanding in municipal Hall with agriculturally qualified staff (e.g., professional agrologist), information sessions, tours and dialogue 5.1.5
wildlife, environmental and pest management; BC environmental farm plan; Encourage environmental farm planning, the adoption of beneficial management practices, and other environmental initiatives to reduce environmental risks and regulatory compliance costs 5.1.5
water management;


food processing;

irrigation and drainage;

Ensure municipal water is accessible to support high valued crops production and on-farm processing. 5.2.1
water management; irrigation and drainage; Continue to improve agricultural drainage and irrigation  5.2.1
urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning; farm traffic; Continue to work with the farming community to explore options to improve agricultural vehicle movement (e.g., through the Highways Bylaw) 5.2.2
economic development;

new entrants to farming;

farm diversification;

In collaboration with Metro Vancouver, neighbouring municipalities and BCMA, investigate options for providing agrologist services to assist start up farmers and identify funding sources to pursue new business ideas.

new entrants to farming;


Enhance relationships with Delta farmers, secondary and post-secondary education institutions, agricultural academies, ministries and associations to facilitate events and initiatives to provide new/young farmers with training, mentoring, technical expertise, production knowledge, and access to agricultural programs that would promote knowledge transfer and build capacity in smaller scale farming 5.3.1
economic development; farm diversification;  Explore and support farming models that develop stronger connections between the farming community and the local marketplace and encourage new types of agricultural enterprise, such as community supported agriculture, cooperatives, local food alliances, and community networks. 5.3.1
education; new entrants to farming; Support on-farm internship programs (e.g., Canadian Farm Business Management Council, CRAFTOntario program, WWOOF Canada
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Lobby senior governments for the development of family trust legislation to facilitate transfer of farmland between generations 5.3.1
land access;

leasing of agricultural land;

new entrants to farming;

Investigate incentives to encourage active farmland use, by improving access by aspiring and landless farmers, spurring existing non-farming farmland owners to lease out their land, exploring agricultural trusts, and encouraging longer lease terms. 5.3.2
land access;

leasing of agricultural land;

new entrants to farming;

Make municipal and Crown land available for farming under lease to young farmers and new entrants. 5.3.2
land access; farmland trust; Explore new relationships with existing land trusts (e.g., Ducks Unlimited, The Land Conservancy), to increase access to farmland by farmers. 5.3.2
development and productive use of agricultural land;



deposit of fill and dumping;

Improve enforcement of existing regulations in farming areas including soil filling, storage, waste dumping, and maintenance of agricultural properties, engaging the AAC to assist in spotting violations and problem areas 5.3.3
development and productive use of agricultural land;

farmland speculation;


Explore financial mechanisms to address farmland speculation and deter non-agricultural development on farmland. 5.3.3

urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning;


nuisance complaints;


residential development;

Educate rural-residential property owners about normal impacts associated with adjacent agricultural operations and create awareness among realtors and non-agricultural property purchasers of farming activities in the ALR 5.3.3
land access;


farmland trust

Encourage agricultural and other land trusts to make their farmland available to Delta famers without covenants that restrict its agricultural use. 5.3.3

local food culture;

community food system education;

Build on existing farmer-supported agricultural awareness events such as “Farm Hike by Bike” (Earthwise) or “A Day at the Farm”, Delta Farm Tours, and “Meet Your Maker” events, work with local tourism/hospitality industry to initiate ‘taste of Delta’ food promotions at Delta restaurants and hotels, and other opportunities for the public to experience local food and agriculture 5.4.1
education; community food system education; Develop a multi-partner communications plan to engage farm groups e.g. by creating contact lists of farmers and farmers organizations
willing to educate the public, distributing a “Champions of Farming” speakers list to the Rotary Club, Delta Chamber of Commerce and other groups, encouraging presentations on agricultural issues and to engage the public, (e.g., agricultural awareness events, newspaper coverage, crop information, and farm field identification.

urban agriculture;


community food system education;

urban gardens/orchard;

Support and expand opportunities for community gardens/urban agriculture demonstrations to promote agricultural awareness, through additional funding , supportive bylaws and provision of land 5.4.1
economic development; research and data collection; Encourage reports and research that show what the returns to farmers are on agricultural products, where the food dollar goes in the food chain, and the cost of food in relation to other staples in the community 5.4.1


urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning;

signage in agricultural areas;

farm traffic;

Review and expand signage to identify agricultural areas, what is grown in those areas, and indicate respect for farm traffic. 5.4.1
wildlife, environmental and pest management;

wildlife and ecosystem management;


Engage with the Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust (DFWT) to promote initiatives to foster public awareness of how farmland sustains wildlife and habitat and to build support for more equitable sharing of the costs of providing ecological goods and services. 5.4.2

wildlife, environmental and pest management;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

wildlife nad ecosystem management;


Lobby senior governments for programs to compensate farmers for wildlife crop damage, through participation in federal –provincial waterfowl damage compensation programs. 5.4.2

development and productive use of agricultural land;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

partnerships and advocacy;

Lobby the ALC, provincial ministries, BC EAO and CEAA to develop a better framework for addressing loss of land base due to public infrastructure works, transportation projects, land claims, wildlife and fisheries policy, incorporating compensation and mitigation to offset the negative impact on agriculture. 5.4.2
wildlife, environmental and pest management;

research and data collection;

wildlife and ecosystem management; 

Support research into integrated farm-level strategies to mitigate the potential for damages from waterfowl.  5.4.2

wildlife, environmental and pest management;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;;

wildlife and ecosystem management;


Advocate with Metro Vancouver to establish a program to compensate farmers for ecological goods and services that agricultural land provides (e.g. creating a regional levy) 5.4.2

wildlife, environmental and pest management;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

wildlife and ecosystem management;


Work with environmental agencies to develop effective ways of managing agriculturally sustainable wildlife populations 5.4.2
economic development; local food culture; 

Work with Metro Vancouver and other lower Mainland municipalities to investigate the feasibility of regional branding for agricultural products, developing a “buy regional” policy for local governments, and engaging businesses, schools, government agencies, and institutions to participate.


climate change and greenhouse gases;

research and development ;


Pursue opportunities to re-instate on-farm field trials function, specifically in relation to crops grown in Delta and responses to cope with impending climate change 5.4.3
economic development;

tax mechanisms;

climate change and greenhouse gases;

Explore on-farm carbon tax and sequestration responses that would provide economic benefits to farming. 5.4.3

City of Chilliwack Agricultural Area Plan

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, First Nations and Indigenous Food Systems, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, ALR subdivision, BC environmental farm plan, community food system education, emergency preparedness, farm retail/farm gate sales, farm worker accommodation, farmers' markets, food processing, irrigation and drainage, local food culture, new entrants to farming, nuisance complaints, recreational use of agricultural land, research and data collection, residential development, urban containment/growth boundary, water restrictions and conservation, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location
economic development; research and data collection; The City of Chilliwack supports the efforts of the Chilliwack Agricultural Commission and the University of the Fraser Valley to create a centre for excellence and innovation in agriculture at the Chilliwack campus
education; edconomic development and agri-tourism; research and data collection; The City of Chilliwack supports the Chilliwack Agricultural Commission promoting the progressive components of the agricultural industry in Chilliwack through various ways such as:
• Emphasizing technical agricultural careers in area education institutions
• Focusing on the importance of research and technology
• Promoting the science and technology aspects of the industry.
water management; water restrictions and conservation; The City of Chilliwack encourages water conservation for all citizens including agricultural users.
water management; water restrictions and conservation;  The City of Chilliwack, when addressing possible water shortages or other water concerns for agriculture, consults with industry stakeholders and looks at economically sustainable solutions to long term needs.
water management; research and data collection; The City of Chilliwack encourages research efforts involving the agricultural industry and other stakeholders to assess the impact of using lower quality water on local farm operations.
development and productive use of agricultural land;   The City of Chilliwack supports the protection and enhancement of designated agricultural land for agricultural purposes.
development and productive use of agricultural land; urban containment/growth boundary; The City of Chilliwack supports the following:
• A focus on densification of existing urban areas that supports building up, not out, to prevent urban sprawl, and redevelopment of central downtown areas through multi-family housing
• Ongoing work with the Agricultural Land Commission to establish a rational Urban Containment Boundary
• Farmer best management practices, good husbandry of animals and good stewardship of land
development and productive use of agricultural land;   The City of Chilliwack encourages existing non-permitted uses on land in the Agricultural Land Reserve be transitioned back into acceptable agricultural uses.
development and productive use of agricultural land; farm worker accommodation; The City of Chilliwack supports non-permanent housing in cases of demonstrated need for seasonal worker housing on agricultural land.
development and productive use of agricultural land; residential development; The City of Chilliwack supports the BC Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Land Commission with efforts being made to minimize the impact of residences and other buildings on agricultural land.

economic development;

food processing, storage and distribution;

food processing; The City of Chilliwack through the Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation and the Chilliwack Agricultural Commission supports attracting food processors to encourage economic development in the City.
food production;


ALR subdivision;


 The City of Chilliwack supports agricultural production from all parcels zoned for agriculture including parcels of 10 acres or less.
food sales, access and procurement;

farm retail/farm gate sales;

farmers' markets;

The City of Chilliwack supports the efforts of local farmers in making their products available for local purchase from the farm gate, through farmers’ markets, or in cooperation with other local retailers.
food sales, access and procurement; farmers' markets; The City of Chilliwack encourages the establishment of appropriate farmers’ markets in Chilliwack.
economic development; agri-tourism; The City of Chilliwack supports the efforts of local farmers to increase agri-tourism activities that are consistent with those approved by the Agricultural Land Commission.
education;  new entrants to farming; The City of Chilliwack supports all efforts to encourage young people to enter farming, through the work of the Chilliwack Agricultural Commission, the University of the Fraser Valley, Chilliwack School District 33, and the farm community.
first nations and indigenous food systems;   The City of Chilliwack supports working collaboratively with First Nations to share agricultural best practices and to encourage agricultural production on First Nations’ land located in the Chilliwack area.
urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning; nuisance complaints; The City of Chilliwack supports notifying citizens living adjacent to, or in close proximity to, active farm operations about normal farm practices that are protected from bylaw enforcement or private nuisance suits by the Farm Practices Protection Act. 3. The City of Chilliwack encourages area realtors to ensure purchasers of properties adjacent to, or in close proximity to, active farm operations are aware of normal farm practices protected from bylaw enforcement or private nuisance suits by the Farm Practices Protection Act.
urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning; nuisance complaints; The City of Chilliwack encourages area realtors to ensure purchasers of properties adjacent to, or in close proximity to, active farm operations are aware of normal farm practices protected from bylaw enforcement or private nuisance suits by the Farm Practices Protection Act.

community food system education;

local food culture;

The City of Chilliwack supports the annual tour of agriculture in Chilliwack organized by the Chilliwack Agricultural Commission and designed for Councillors, press members, students and educators, and others to promote the activities of area farms and other efforts of the Commission to improve agricultural awareness and understanding.
urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning; nuisance complaints; The City of Chilliwack encourages the agricultural industry, with leadership from the Chilliwack Agricultural Commission, to prepare and promote a “good neighbour” policy to deal with issues of conflict in the spirit of being good neighbours....( The guidelines may:Farmers will be encouraged to,
• Get to know their neighbours and share information about their farm practices
• Support neighbourhood practices that enhance quality of life
• Protect the area environment with sensitive farm practices
• Reduce dust and odour where reasonable to do so
• Consider visual screening or hedging where practical
• Pull over to allow other traffic to pass when travelling city roads with large farm equipment and tractors
• Make efforts when moving farm equipment to take routes that avoid winding, or busy, roads
• Make efforts to limit mud and other debris on city roadways
• Maintain clean and tidy farm sites. Neighbours will be encouraged to,
• Understand and appreciate “normal farm practices” and other best practices on farms
• Support farmers’ need to operate their farms in a sustainable manner
• Appreciate the contributions of area farms to local food supplies and food security
• Eliminate unauthorized trespass on area farms
• Report all incidences of dumping of yard waste on area farms
• Report observed incidences of vandalism and theft from farms and farm outlets
• Share the roads with farm equipment and other vehicles accessing area farms.)
economic development;   The City of Chilliwack supports the agricultural industry as an important economic contributor to the Chilliwack economy.
urban - agriculture conflict and edge planning;   The City of Chilliwack, in situations where development may impact farm operations or farming operations may affect other residents in any way, supports appropriate edge planning as a way to protect both farmers and other citizens.
education; recreational use of agricultural land; The City of Chilliwack supports the development of walking and cycling trails adjacent to, or part of, agricultural land where farmers’ affected have been consulted and agree to the use and where the walking and cycling trails may contribute to agricultural awareness and understanding.
wildlife, environmental and pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; The City of Chilliwack supports the guidelines for building setbacks from watercourses prepared by the BC Ministry of Agriculture.
water management; irrigation and drainage; The City of Chilliwack works closely with the farm community to monitor open watercourse drainage and maintenance in order to address farmer requirements.

water management;

wildlife, environmental and pest management;

irrigation and drainage;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

The City of Chilliwack supports existing open watercourse drainage and maintenance activities that recognize fish salvaging and protection of fish habitat.
wildlife, environmental and pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; The City of Chilliwack supports progressive farmers who may wish to establish an appropriate buffer zone along watercourses to reduce the amount of run-off into drainage ditches.
  emergency preparedness; 2. The City of Chilliwack supports emergency planning activities at the City and Provincial levels to address flooding issues and concerns and to arrange for the evacuation of livestock if required.
education; wildlife and ecosystem management;  The City of Chilliwack supports the efforts of the Chilliwack Agricultural Commission and the University of the Fraser Valley to provide seminars on nutrient management and planning for area farmers.

wildlife, environmental and pest management;


wildlife and ecosystem management;

BC environmental farm plan;


The City of Chilliwack supports all livestock farmers in Chilliwack having a nutrient management plan in place to identify farm wastes and how they are disposed. This plan may be developed as part of the Environmental Farm Plan Program offered through the BC Agriculture Council and funded through the Growing Forward agreement between the province and Agriculture and
Agri-Food Canada.
wildlife, environmental and pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; The City of Chilliwack supports all efforts of the Chilliwack Agricultural Commission to promote innovative ways to mitigate damage to wildlife habitat from farming practices.
wildlife, environmental and pest management; BC environmental farm plan; The City of Chilliwack supports the Environmental Farm Plan Program and encourages all area farmers to participate in the program.

City of Pitt Meadows Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2352

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Land Access, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Water Management

Sub-topic(s): agricultural impact assessment, ALR, ALR subdivision, buffer at agricultural edge, covenants, farm worker accommodation, irrigation and drainage, leasing of land for agriculture, recreational use of agricultural land, residential development, roads in agricultural land, stormwater management, urban containment/growth boundary, water restrictions and conservation

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development and productive use of agricultural land; urban containment/growth boundary; The City is introducing the concept of an Urban Containment Boundary in this OCP.  For years, Pitt Meadows has effectively managed development growth through its commitment to farmland and the Agricultural Land Reserve and by way of its natural features (i.e. floodplain), which curtails development in most of the City.  An Urban Containment Boundary will more clearly identify those areas to be preserved as rural and those areas to be developed.  The Urban Containment Boundary is a conceptual line which generally coincides with the Agricultural Land Reserve and with Metro Vancouver’s Green Zone.  It is the intention of the City to consider development proposals in those areas where the Urban Containment Boundary does not coincide with one or both of these designations. section 1  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

recreational use of agricultural land;

f) With the exception of the operations lawfully in existence as of the date of adoption of this Plan, any development of new golf course facilities, driving ranges and other commercial recreation uses are not supported on agricultural lands.

4.2.1 (f) *

development and productive use of agricultural land;

land access;

leasing of land for agriculture; a) The City supports the retention of large land holdings, the consolidation of small parcels of land and the creation of long-term land leases to enable investment to occur within agricultural areas as part of helping to maintain and establish economically viable farm units;  4.2.2 (a) *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


b) Fracturing or subdivision of agricultural parcels is not supported. However, the City may consider severance of a home-site parcel where the applicant has continuously owned and lived on the property prior to and since December 21,  1972, no previous subdivision of the property has occurred, and the minimum lot requirements of the City’s Zoning Bylaw are met 4.2.2 (b) *
development and productive use of agricultural land;


residential development;

a) Zoning regulations for residential dwellings on agricultural land that establish a building placement envelope at set distances from front and side lot lines and create building height restrictions will be considered. The City will also consider restricting the size of dwelling units. 
4.2.3 (a)  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

farm worker accommodation;

residential development;

b) All seasonal farm labour housing must conform to health and fire code regulations and not create housing opportunities for non-farm workers 4.2.3 (b) *

development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

agricultural impact assessment; Policies
a) An agricultural impact assessment prepared by a professional agrologist is required by the City quantifying the impacts of any proposed development that may affect agricultural activity, such as a non-farm use on farmland or rezoning or subdivision on lands adjacent to farmlands; 
4.2.4 (a) *
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

buffer at agricultural edge;


b) In support of Provincial Right to Farm legislation, agricultural lands shall be buffered from urban uses that could have negative impacts on farm activities.  Developers of land close  to agricultural areas shall provide appropriate building setbacks and landscape buffering using the current standards of the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission and the City and shall also place restrictive covenants on title that outline the potential disruptions encountered when living or working close to agricultural areas (e.g. noise, odours, crop spraying, slow moving traffic); 4.2.4 (b) *
development and productive use of agricultural land;


residential development;

a) Residential development on agricultural lands for non-agricultural purposes is not encouraged by the City;  4.6.5 (a)  

development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;


residential development;

b) Rural Residential lands as indicated on Schedule 3B are lands which are not within the Agricultural Land Reserve.  In order to ensure compatibility with surrounding farmland, residential density on rural lands shall not exceed a maximum of one lot per net hectare. No extension of the public sanitary sewage collection system will be  considered by the City for rural residential housing;
4.6.5 (b) *
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

roads in agricultural land;

farm traffic;

Conflicts between farm and non-farm traffic in agricultural areas will be reduced by directing non-farm traffic away from rural roads that serve farm traffic when designing new arterial or collector roads; (j) *
water management;

water restrictions and conservation;

irrigation and drainage;

b) The use of potable water for irrigation and agri-industrial uses is discouraged where other sources of water are available; 4.10.2 (b)  
water management; irrigation and drainage; c) The City will work with the agricultural community to develop a plan, including an appropriate funding model, to provide adequate irrigation water from the Pitt and Alouette Rivers. 4.10.2 (c)  
water management; stormwater management; a) The City will limit the extent  of urban run-off by requiring each development application to adhere to  the requirements outlined in the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw. In addition, the City will consider using similar limits on storm water run-off for large, intensive impervious agricultural projects 4.10.4 (a)  
development and productive use of agricultural land;


ALR subdivision;

Agricultural – 8 Hectare (20 Acre) Minimum Parcel Size Land reserved for farming and agri-industrial uses that serve and support agriculture. The vast majority of the land is in the Agricultural Land Reserve and is governed by the Agricultural  Land Commission Act and Regulations. The intention of the designation is to provide a stable, long term land base for agriculture limited only by the Farm Practices Protection Act and the Agricultural Land Commission Act. The minimum parcel size is governed by the Agricultural Land Commission, but with the exception of subdivision for a Homesite Severance, shall be not less than 8 hectares.Agricultural – 16 Hectare (40 Acre) Minimum Parcel Size Section 5 *
development and productive use of agricultural land;


ALR subdivision;

Agricultural – 16 Hectare (40 Acre) Minimum Parcel Size Land reserved for farming and agri-industrial uses that serve and support agriculture. The vast majority of the land is in the Agricultural Land Reserve and is governed by the Agricultural Land Commission Act and Regulations.The intention of the designation is to provide a stable, long term land base for agriculture limited only by the Farm Practices Protection Act and the Agricultural Land Commission Act. The minimum parcel size is governed by the Agricultural Land Commission, but with the exception of subdivision for a Homesite Severance, shall be not less than 16 hectares.  Section 5 *

Corporation of Delta Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3950, Schedule A

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Production, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): agricultural impact assessment, agricultural industry services, ALR, ALR subdivision, BC environmental farm plan, climate change and greenhouse gases, commercial development, farm diversification, greenhouses, protection of farming development permit area, recreational use of agricultural land, research and data collection, soil, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location Language Rating
wildlife/environmental/pest management;

wildlife and ecosystem management;


Encourage land use and development practices that minimize soil erosion or loss of highly productive organic soils 2.4.30  
development and productive use of agricultural land;


Recognize farming as the primary use of agricultural land. 2.5.1  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Maintain the parcel size of Delta’s agricultural land and encourage consolidation of agricultural parcels to increase parcel size, rather than fragmentation of agricultural lands. 2.5.2 *

development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

agricultural impact assessment;


Use Agriculture Impact Assessments to quantify the impacts of a proposed development, rezoning subdivision or non-farm use on the ALR, farmed lands or lands adjacent to farmed lands. Require mitigation for possible impacts. 2.5.4 *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

recreational use of agricultural land;

commercial development;

institutional development;


Consider alternate nonagricultural sites when recreational, institutional, industrial, commercial uses or utility facilities are proposed for agricultural areas. 2.5.5  

food production;

development and productive use of agricultural land;



Continue to work with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission and other appropriate stakeholders and organizations to determine the maximum threshold for greenhouses and other non-soil dependent farming operations that preserves a critical mass of land for soil based agriculture. 2.5.6 *
development and productive use of agricultural land;



Encourage non-soil dependent farm operations to locate in areas of poorer soils and minimize the impacts of these operations (e.g. air and light pollution). 2.5.7  
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; protection of farming development permit area; Consider urban-rural edge planning initiatives, such as Development Permit Guidelines for the urban side. 2.5.10  
economic development; farm diversification; Support economic diversification initiatives accessory to and compatible with farming that add value to locally produced farm products. 2.5.11  
economic development; agricultural industry services; Encourage businesses that support and service farming to locate in Delta. 2.5.14  
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Encourage initiatives, including best management practices, that support both farming and wildlife, protect against soil erosion and degradation, and maintain water quality and hydrological functions on agricultural land.  2.5.19  
wildlife/environmental/pest management;


wildlife and ecosystem management;

climate change and greenhouse gases;

research and data collection;

Support and if appropriate participate in studies to determine the impacts of greenhouses and other agricultural and non-agricultural development on the Pacific Flyway, and study the impacts of waterfowl on agricultural lands 2.5.20 *
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Recognize and protect environmentally significant areas of farmland, including hedgerows, stands of trees, old fields, watercourses and other sensitive areas. 2.5.21  
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Continue to support programs that mitigate and compensate for crop damage from migratory birds and on farm stewardship activities such as setasides, and hedgerows. 2.5.22 *
wildlife/environmental/pest management;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

recreational use of agricultural land;

Minimize the negative impacts on farming and wildlife habitat when new agri-tourism, transportation and utility corridors, regional recreational opportunities and other economic initiatives are being developed. 2.5.23  
wildlife/environmental/pest management; BC environmental farm plan; Encourage farmers to prepare Best Management Practice Plans and Environmental Farm Plans.
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Encourage other levels of government and non-government agencies to implement habitat initiatives on agricultural land in cooperation with farmers. 2.5.25  
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; recreational use of agricultural land; Work with the GVRD, user groups, and stakeholders to educate recreational users of private property rights, the implications of trespassing on farmland, nuisance activities for farming, and security concerns of the farm community. 2.5.26  
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; recreational use of agricultural land; Support planning initiatives that minimize conflicts between recreational and farm users. 2.5.27  


City of Pitt Meadows Agricultural Plan

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): 'benefit to agriculture' language, agricultural advisory committee, ALR, ALR subdivision, disclosure agreement, farm home plate, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, recreational use of agricultural land, research and data collection, residential development, wildlife and ecosystem management

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policy partnerships, advocacy and development; agricultural advisory committee;
Establish a Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee of Council. Suggested membership on the Committee includes a member of Council as liaison, two representatives nominated from the Pitt Meadows Farmers Institute, two representatives from the farming community at large, a representative representing agri-tourism interests, one member representing the Chamber of Copmmerce, one member representing ecological interests, one member representing the Katzie First Nation as a non-voting member.     

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;


disclosure agreement;
residential development;
Request the Real Estate Board to require realtors be adequately trained about the ALR and the Farm Practices Protection Act in order to properly inform potential purchasers of ALR land about living in an agricultural area and an appropriate disclosure statement be signed. The APSC also recommends Council confirm with the Real Estate Board their commitment to maintain all ALR land in the Reserve and that tools to assist realtors with education, such as the BCMAF publication “Countryside and You”, be made available.
economic development; agri-tourism;
agricultural advisory committee;

Support and encourage agri-tourism in Pitt Meadows and liaise with the Canadian Agri-Tourism Network and the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee to develop a strategy for agri-tourism options consistent with already existing agricultural enterprises. 
development and productive use of agricultural land; ALR subdivision;
' benefit to agriculture' language;
Support subdivision of agricultural parcels only where the number of parcels does not increase, there are no parcels created that are less than 20 acres,  and there is a net benefit to agriculture, as determined by the local Approving Officer in consultation with the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee, with the exception of home site severance for retiring farmers consistent with existing Agricultural  Land Commission policy. Whenever possible, actively look for ways to consolidate smaller parcels to larger ones. 4.8;
development and productive use of agricultural land; farm home plate;
residential development;
Contain all future residential and farm-help dwellings within a strategically located building “envelope” in a manner that optimizes agricultural production in accordance with a policy to be developed by the District of Pitt Meadows in consultation with the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee, the ALC and the BCMAF. 4.9;

development and productive use of agricultural land;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

residential development;
To maximize the agricultural land available for future agricultural uses, request the Province to review policies on non-resident ownership currently in place in other jurisdictions and consider implementing policies to encourage agricultural uses of all agricultural lands and reduce potential speculation on value of farmland. 4.11;
economic development; agricultural industry services; Investigate a suitable site for an Agricultural Industrial Park, to house value-added agricultural enterprise activities that do not meet the criteria as developed for value-added agricultural enterprise activities on a farm site....( The APSC recommends the site be selected in consultation with the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee, Engineering and Development Services, the general public and other relevant groups. 4.13;
food processing, storage and distribution; zoning;
Allow storage of farm inputs on a bona fide farm without further regulation, provided the farm input is not environmentally hazardous, is necessary for the farm operation, will be used in one growing year, and is safely stored at least 15 metres from natural watercourses, ditches or streams and is in accordance with established provincial legislation, regulation, and best practices guidelines.  4.17;
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management;
research and data collection;
Have the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee, in consultation with BCMAF, the Pitt Meadows Farmers Institute and others, encourage further research into, review of, and adoption of, alternative bird management practices that are less intrusive than bird cannons.  4.18;
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management;
research and data collection;
agricultural advisory committee;
Have the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee, in cooperation with the Pitt Meadows Farmers Institute and the BCMAF, continually monitor, review and encourage the use of new technologies and practices which may limit the effects of wildlife on the agriculture industry. 4.21;
development and productive use of agricultural land; recreational use of agricultural land;
Do not allow any more golf courses or driving ranges on any ALR land in Pitt Meadows. 4.24;


City of Kamloops OCP Kamplan 2004

Topic(s): Economic Development, Education, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Food Self Reliance, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management, Water Management

Sub-topic(s): irrigation and drainage, food distribution, community food system education, food policy council, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, composting, urban gardens/orchard, recreational use of agricultural land, water restrictions and conservation

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Topic Sub-Topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location Language Rating
water management;

recreational use of agricultural land;

irrigation and drainage;

water restrictions and conservation;

The City will not permit the use of domestic water sources for irrigation purposes. section iii, 8.2; *
urban agriculture; 

food distribution;

urban gardens/orchard;

Consider the use of City parks, school yards, rights-of-way, surplus properties, and redevelopment parcels at least in part for food production and distribution.  section iv, 5.2.6;  

food self reliance;

urban agriculture; 

urban gardens/orchard;

community kitchen;

Encourage initiatives aimed at local food self-reliance such as community kitchens and community gardens. section iv, 5.2.7;  

food sales, access and procurement;


community food system education; Continue to promote agriculture in all schools, with emphasis on food production in the local region and school gardens to train children in growing skills and provide food for school meals. section iv, 5.2.10;  


community food system education; Continue to provide nutrition and food preparation courses, with emphasis on the importance of a sound diet and environmentally friendly growing, including "Food Safe" as elements of school curricula section iv, 5.2.11; *

economic development;

food sales, access and procurement;

partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Promote the development of new businesses and the expansion of existing businesses that improve access to locally produced, affordable, and nutritious food. This could be done in partnership with business improvement associations, Community Futures, and Venture Kamloops. section iv, 5.2.17;  
policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

food policy council;


Recognize the Kamloops Food Policy Council as the lead agency in the development of food policies.
section iv, 5.2.19; *
waste management;  composting; The City shall continue to pursue the goal of a 50% reduction in the amount of solid waste going to landfills, in accordance with provincial guidelines and the Regional Waste Management Plan. The City will continue to use a variety of approaches including:...encouraging home composting ... Section VI 6.2 *