Events Sponsorship



The purpose of the event sponsorship support application process is to streamline all requests and centralize event sponsorship efforts across the institution. The process provides all Faculties and Departments an equal opportunity to obtain sponsorship support. Additionally, the process enables the Office of Advancement to properly allocate resources based on what has been committed to for the following year. Similarly, sponsors often create their sponsorship budget a year in advance; therefore, presenting an annual event sponsorship plan allows potential sponsors to consider Kwantlen in their annual sponsorship budget.


The primary call for applications will be on May 1 of each year, with a secondary call November 1 of each year. Applicants will be notified within four weeks of the submission deadline.

It is strongly suggested to apply for sponsorship support in the primary call for applications as there will be more opportunity to obtain sponsorship for your event due to the extended period of time, if your event is selected.


Funding is available for groups only and requirements are as follows:

  • Consideration given to activities that increase the profile of Kwantlen and level of exposure for sponsors.
  • Funds committed on a one year basis and multi-year funding not available.
  • Funds must be used within twelve months after application approval.
  • Event sponsorship application is open to all Faculties and Non-Faculty Departments but is not available for student-led events.


Events selected will encompass the following factors:

  1. Events that support the vision and commitments of the University
  2. Events that have been annual events or that have the intention of becoming an annual event
  3. Events that engage the Kwantlen community (external and internal)
  4. Events that are unique to Kwantlen
  5. Events that have marketability and strong sponsor appeal
  6. Events that have stability, strength and a strategic plan
  7. Events that have full support and commitment of the Faculty/Non-Faculty Departments

*If a Dean or AVP is submitting several requests for different events then the Dean/AVP must rank each application in terms of priority.

Review & Selection

The External Affairs Committee will review the event sponsorship support applications and will determine the events that best align with the vision of the institution and have the greatest sponsorship appeal. Recommendations for selection will be provided to the Office of Advancement by the External Affairs Committee and the Advancement Officer working on sponsorship. Final selections are made by the Office of Advancement.


The External Affairs Committee will categorize your event in one of 3 groups:

Approval: Category One – Your event has been approved as one of the key priority events for the year. The Office of Advancement will create sponsorship materials, develop a list of prospects and solicit sponsorships. The Office of Advancement will be responsible for all sponsorship related matters. Past Category One events have been Kwantlen's Fashion Show, Kwantlen's 30th Anniversary Gala and Kwantlen Eagles Golf Tournament.

Approval: Category Two – Your event has been approved to proceed under the Kwantlen brand. The Office of Advancement will play an advisory role in your sponsorship efforts but will not be actively soliciting sponsorship. The Office of Advancement will work with your team to assist you in creating sponsorship materials, help identify prospects and provide coaching to assist you with sponsorship solicitations. The Office of Advancement will review all prospect lists to ensure there is no duplication of approaches between events or other Office of Advancement activities.

Decline –Your event has not been approved and cannot move forward as a Kwantlen event. The External Affairs Committee has concerns and questions around your event and will communicate such concerns with you. We encourage declined applicants to apply again after consultation with the Office of Advancement. The Office of Advancement can assist you in creating a stronger application.

Download the Funding Application in Word format