Information for Students
Peer Tutors are fellow students at KPU. They can work with you in one-on-one or group sessions to help clarify your understanding of course material. They can also provide suggestions on approaches that you are using for assignments and exams.
To book an appointment, please click here.
- Log in with your student number and password.
- In the seach bar, you may search by subject (ie. "Accounting") or by course (ie. "ACCT 1110"). You will be presented with the schedule of tutors available that day to help you. You can switch to a weekly schedule to view other available tutors if a tutor isn't available to help you today. Please feel free to switch between the "Schedule View" and the "List View" if you wish to see the profiles of all tutors who are available to help and what topics they cover.
- If you require further assistance with booking, please contact tlconline@kpu.ca
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How many appointments can I make per week?
You may book up to three hours of appointments per week with a peer or faculty tutor. Please refrain from booking more than one hour straight with any individual tutor.
Q: I have booked a session, but I don't think I can attend. How do I cancel the session?
Once you log in to your account at tlc.kpu.ca, you may navigate to your calendar and view all upcoming appointments. As long as you have more than 30 minutes before the start of your appointment, you may click on the appointment in your calendar to see the session details and choose to delete the session. Within 30 minutes of the session, you will need to contact tlconline@kpu.ca and notify us that you cannot attend. If you miss more than three sessions, your account will be blocked from making further appointments.
Q: Can I get help on my take home exam/homework?
No, peer tutors will not provide you with ideas or written work that you may submit as your own. To do so would violate Academic Integrity and be in violation of KPU’s policy on plagiarism and cheating (see Policy C.8 at http://www.kpu.ca/policies).