SRIG 23-25 Jessica Wood Headshot

Jessica W., Environmental Protection Tech

SRIG 23-25 Jessica Wood Headshot

The opportunity to contribute towards this research project with the support of the SRIG was the perfect ending to my final semester of the Environmental Protection Technology program with KPU and has helped refine my aspirations for my future career trajectory. It was a genuine honour to assist with this meaningful project in support of the Kwikwetlem First Nation’s salmon hatchery work in the Coquitlam River. Our sampling work helps answer questions regarding the potential impacts of the current water quality on the salmon’s ability to survive and thrive, an important subject in today’s changing environment. My only regret is to have been in the pilot project and to be missing out on the continuing investigation as the research project expands, becomes more involved, and moves ahead.


Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.


Reduce inequality within and among countries.


Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.