SRIG 23-67 Jemima Headshot

Jemima PB., Health Science

SRIG 23-67 Jemima Headshot Full

Conducting a survey-based research project on the association between arrival pathway to Canada and food insecurity has by far been my most rewarding experience in KPU. Given the nature of my research question, I was privileged to be out in the community to recruit participants and this grant enabled me to purchase grocery store gift cards to provide some incentive for participation. Not only that, I was also able to translate my survey into 9 languages (French, Tagalog, Spanish, Punjabi, Hindi, Arabic, Ukrainian, Mandarin, and Swahili) using the funding provided by this grant. This greatly improved my survey’s accessibility to the migrant community and gave me the opportunity to not only conduct a research project, but also to meet people and get to hear their stories. I got to present the results of this project to some interested support organisations (e.g., Options and S.U.C.C.E.S.S.) and it is very rewarding to see the information gained from my study have a positive impact on the community.


End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.


Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.