FAQs | Applied Communications

Just the FAQs

Here are a number of frequently asked questions about the Applied Communications Department and its courses.
If you need further information and cannot find it elsewhere on the site, you can the Office of the Dean of the Melville School of Business at their main number, 604-599-3251. 

FAQ Topics:

Course Prerequisites

Do Applied Communications Department courses have prerequisites?

Yes: you have to meet certain prerequisites for admission to any Applied Communications Department course. To see the respective prerequisites for regular Applied Communications Department courses:

  • point your browser to Kwantlen’s Home Page at https://kpu.ca;
  • at the top, click on Current Students;
  • on the left, click on Calendar;
  • on the left, under Calendar, click on Courses A-Z;
  • click on Applied Communication (CMNS).


I’ve heard that, if I don’t have the necessary prerequisites, I can get a prerequisite waiver, particularly if I need the course to finish my program. How do I go about doing this?

You’ve been given inaccurate information. Signing a prerequisite waiver would mean that we believe, among other things, that:

  • circumstances beyond your control prevented you from meeting the prerequisites (for example, if Kwantlen misplaced your transcripts and you therefore could not prove that you met the prerequisites);
  • you would nonetheless have a very good chance of doing well in the course (something that we’d normally be unable to judge); and,
  • you’re not merely seeking “special” treatment to avoid inconvenience or because you neglected to plan properly.

In general, Applied Communications Department faculty do not sign prerequisite waivers. However, if you think you have a valid case, you can contact the Office of the Dean of the Melville School of Business.

Grade Appeals

If I think that an assignment grade - or even a course grade - is unfair or inappropriate, can I appeal it?

Yes, you can. The Applied Communications Department adheres to Kwantlen's policy ST3 Appeals of Academic Decisions


What must I know about plagiarism versus "originality of ideas and wording"?

The Applied Communications Department adheres to Kwantlen's policies regarding plagiarism and cheating. In general, you should consider the following:

Plagiarism refers to passing off another's work as your own. This may involve:

  • verbatim transcription of material you have found and inserted, but without having properly credited your source;
  • a quote (or other data or visual) you have “modified” before including it as part of your own submission, but for which you have not provided due credit;
  • material you submit that is not entirely your own composition; e.g., that has been written by someone else or that has been edited by someone else to the extent that your own language use and idiosyncrasies are no longer apparent;
  • presentation of another's idea(s) as your own; i.e., the attempt to have your reader believe that you are the originator of something that is not entirely your own creation;
  • material that you submit that you had submitted previously, whether for another course, at another institution, or in other circumstances—without having received prior permission to so.

Cheating refers to plagiarizing the work of one of another student, with or without permission, or to obtaining answers to tests, etc., from sources not permitted at the time. It brings the same consequences as does plagiarism.

As a student, you should consult Kwantlen’s policy on plagiarism and cheating, and the University’s Statement on Academic Honesty, available at https://kpu.ca/sites/default/files/downloads/Honesty1432.pdf. (These documents require a pdf-file reader, such as Adobe's free Acrobat Reader. If you don't have Acrobat Reader, you can download it without charge from Adobe's download site. If you do so, however, we suggest you make sure that you uncheck the Optional Offer for McAfee Security Scan Plus before you click on Install Now.)

You should also be aware that you bear the responsibility for adhering to the provisions of these documents, that a first instance of plagiarism in any course will result in failure for the assignment involved, that a second occurrence may result in course failure, and that Kwantlen maintains interdisciplinary records of plagiarism and cheating.


Who decides which textbooks to use for which course?

Normally, each Applied Communications instructor decides which textbook(s) to make mandatory and, perhaps, which to recommend for the respective course and section. Thus, students registered in one section of a particular course may use a different text from that required by students in a different section of the same course. When you go to buy your texts, therefore, make sure you pay attention to the particular section. Note, also, the answer to the next question.

Where and when do I obtain my textbooks?

Kwantlen's bookstores can normally make textbooks available well in advance of the start of the term.

Note, however, that not all texts for all sections of all courses are available at all bookstores. You should, in fact, go to the bookstore on the campus on which you will be taking the respective course.

In addition, Kwantlen's bookstores often allow you to order your textbooks on line. For more information, go to their Web site, at www.kpu.ca/bookstore.

Can I buy and use second-hand copies of textbooks?

That depends on whether a second-hand copy of the particular text (and, perhaps, edition) chosen by the instructor is available. In effect, an instructor would have had to choose a text already used for that course in a previous semester.

How do I contact Kwantlen's bookstores?

Simply point your browser to www.kpu.ca/bookstore, or call one of the campus bookstores:

  • Surrey: 604.599.2353
  • Richmond: 604.599.2511
  • Langley: 604.599.3220
  • Cloverdale: 604.598.6020

Page last updated: January 25, 2015