Lucie Gagne

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Lucie Gagne


Dr. Lucie Gagné is an award-winning designer and educator who has been teaching in the Wilson School of Design at Kwantlen Polytechnic University since 1998, and is currently the Chair of the Interior Design Program. Lucie is passionate about finding ways to help students gain a greater cultural and contextual awareness, and to understand the broader context in which one’s work fits. She is particularly interested in what can result from the spontaneous collision of ideas when people from differing backgrounds and experiences collaborate, and in the integration of diverse and global approaches in making informed connections across disciplines and international boundaries.

Lucie holds a Doctoral Degree in Educational Leadership in Post Secondary Contexts from Simon Fraser University (SFU). Lucie's research interests focus on the interrelationship between pedagogy, people, and place. Principally, she is interested in exploring the various ways faculty-led international experiential education can provide opportunities for contextually grounded transformative learning experiences, and how the inclusion of these components in program curriculi can be an effective aid in helping to provide a fullspectrum education. Her doctoral research focused on the practices of experiential learning within a non-formal, cross-cultural, and global context. The case study examined students' experience of the Amazon Interdisciplinary Field School (AIFS) offered by KPU and how the AIFS provides opportunities for contextually grounded transformative learning experiences.

Areas of research:

Design thinking and praxis; in particular design for well-being and design for learning (learning spaces). Human-centered design; sustainability, green design & living buildings. Experiential & place-based education; outdoor learning, nature as teacher & researcher; study abroad programs & global competency; transformative learning.

Current projects:

Member of the Institute for Environmental Leaning (IEL) at Simon Fraser University (SFU). IEL is a cutting-edge educational research group working towards a sustainable future for British Columbia (BC).


Currently involved with the Living Forest Institute (LFI). LFI is collaborating with the Elphinstone Logging Focus(ELF) in its efforts to save the Dakota Bear Sanctuary from clear cut logging by developing and implementing a creative campaign to engage the public and influence decision makers.