Co-op Student Success Stories Contest

Share your success story with KPU Co-op Team

You can inspire others and get a chance to win up to $100 in gift cards!

Contest FAQs:

What is the eligibility criteria?

KPU Co-op students or alumni who have successfully completed at least one work term.

What is the time period of the contest?

The contest begins at 12:00 am PT on Monday, Feb 6th, 2023, and ends at 11:59 pm PT Friday, March 3rd, 2023. 

Where to read the official rules and regulations for the contest?

The contest's official rules and regulations:

When and where the winners of the contest will be announced?

  • 1 entry for each prize category will be randomly drawn from valid entries at 12pm, Monday, March 6, 2023.
  • Winners will be announced through KPU Career Development Centre’s @kpucdc, social media accounts.
  •  Winners of the draw will also be contacted directly (via email and phone) to provide instructions on how to claim their prize.

What are the prizes for this contest?

There are 2 categories of prizes to be given away:

  • Prizes for students or alumni submitting a video testimonial:

 5 x $100 Guilford Town Centre Gift Card

 5 x $100 Metropolis at Metrotown Gift Card

  • Prizes for students and alumni submitting a written testimonial:

 5 x $80 Uber Ride and Eats Gift Card

 5 x $80 Best Buy Gift Card

What topics to include while preparing your testimonial?

  • Why did you choose Co-op? 
  • When and where did you work as a Co-op student? 
  • What was your experience like?
  • Did it change your career outlook?
  • Share some observations about how Co-op impacted your personal growth and career goals.
  • Include advice for future students.

What is the minimum word requirement for the written testimonial?

The minimum number of words required is 300 for the written testimonial. 

What is the minimum length of the video required for a video testimonial?

The video testimonial should be at least 1 min long. 

Is the Photo Release Form mandatory while submitting a video testimonial?

Yes, please ensure that the current student photo release form/ alumni photo release form is submitted before uploading your video testimonial. 

Have questions?

Contact Mansha Kumar, Student Assistant, Co-operative Education, Surrey Main, 136.


Upload your Video Testimonial Here

Webform submission for a written and/or video testimonial along with the signed waiver.

Please enter your new KPU email address.
Co-op Programs
Testimonial Type
Select the type of testimonial you are submitting. Submit both to be entered to both draws.
The minimum words should be 300
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
The minimum length should be 1 min. Submit the Photo Release Form after uploading the video testimonial. Disclaimer: If your file size is more than 75 MB, please use the link "upload your video testimonial here" located above the webform. To access the link, please log in to your student outlook using Please label your video with your full name and student number (ex, John Doe_123456790).
One file only.
75 MB limit.
Allowed types: avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.