Creative Capital Fund


Call for Proposals 


DEADLINE: Monday, December 11, 2017

OVERVIEW: The KPU Creative Capital Fund (CCF) has been established to promote and encourage the cultivation of new education ideas by KPU Faculty members around social, cultural, economic, health, sustainability and technological innovation. One time funding will be provided to support projects that achieve these objectives. Funded projects will reflect, sustain and accelerate the goals of KPU’s Academic Plan 2018 and further the institution’s polytechnic university mandate. A call for applications will be issued by the Provost’s Office once per year. 

ELIGIBILITY: KPU faculty members. All proposals will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Degree to which the proposal directly supports strategies embedded in the Academic Plan 2018;
  • Degree to which proposal has the potential to enhance the reputation of KPU;
  • Degree to which the proposal enhances teaching and learning at KPU;
  • Degree to which proposal involves collaboration within and/or outside the institution;
  • Degree to which proposal involves opportunities for student involvement;
  • Degree to which proposal leads to a tangible outcome, e.g. change of business practice,  publication, etc;
  • Degree to which proposal has potential for high impact;
  • Degree to which proposal has potential to develop areas of existing or emerging institutional strength and excellence;
  • Degree to which proposal builds on and contributes to the development of existing programs;
  • Degree to which proposal involves and provides training in research for KPU students; and
  • Degree to which proposal has potential to attract external funding, and/or utilize funds from another source.

GRANT TERM: February 1 to December 31, 2018

APPLICATION PROCESS: All completed applications received by the posted deadline will be considered for funding. The Selection Panel may, under special circumstances and at the request of the Provost, entertain proposals other than at a set call date. Applications should include the following information:

  1. A brief description of the activity
  2. A description of how the proposal reflects, sustains and accelerates the goals of KPU’s Academic Plan 2018 and furthers the institution’s polytechnic university mandate
  3. Total Budget Request, including all associated estimated costs and expected revenue from all sources, including other KPU units
  4. A confirmation of support (financial, in‐kind and/or letter of support) from the Dean.
  5. An indication whether the funding is being sought to leverage other support
  6. A description of anticipated outcomes of the proposal
  7. A communication plan.

Applications will be reviewed by a CCF Committee assembled by the Provost. The committee will make recommendations to the Provost who is responsible for the final approval of applications, allocation and the release of funds. The final decision will be communicated to applicants within six weeks of the submission deadline date.


  • Applications will be considered only for activities that occur within the grant term, Feb. 1 to December 31, 2018. Activities are subject to the requirement to demonstrate suitable progress as outlined in an interim report and again at the conclusion of the project. Failure to comply will result in denial of committed funds.
  • The Creative Capital Fund aims to support as many different eligible projects from the KPU community as possible.  Projects are subject to one-time funding and therefore will not be considered for renewal. 
  • Proposals that involve multiple units and that cross disciplinary boundaries may be considered subject to funding availability.
  • An interim and final report (within one month of completion of the project) detailing activities and outcomes must be submitted to the CCF Committee and will be reported to Senate and the Board. (See Creative Capital Fund Interim and Final Report)


Allowable activities include those that support the goals of KPU’s Academic Plan 2018 and furthers the institution’s polytechnic university mandate.


Thursday, November 23, 2017: Registration opens. Applicants Complete Project Proposal

Monday, December 11, 2017: Deadline for application. Email completed applications to:

Monday, January 22, 2018: Notification of final decision communicated to applicants

  • Notification of panel decision to Senate & Board of Governors
  • Fund recipients details posted on the Provost and VP Academic’s website for the duration of the grant period.

February 1, 2018: Start of grant activities

June 15, 2018: Interim Report Submission Deadline 

February 1, 2019: Final Report Submission Deadline