Setting Our Table Capital Regional District Food & Agriculture Strategy

Topic(s): Economic Development, Education, First Nations and Indigenous Food Systems, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): soil, research and data collection, water rate for agriculture, pollinators, wildlife and ecosystem management, irrigation and drainage, farmland trust, agri-tourism, partnerships/advocacy/liaising

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policy partnerships, advocacy and development;   Establish a Regional Food and Agriculture (RFA) Task Force to develop an organizational structure that supports regional collaboration and strategic decision-making.  5.1
education;   Develop food and agricultural education, experience and expertise.  5.2 (i)
policy partnerships, advocacy and development;   Embed food and agricultural experience
and expertise within the CRD.
5.2 (ii)
  research and data collection;  iii) Maintain and improve regional food and
agriculture data.
5.2 (iii)
wildlife/environmental/pest management; soil; Consider food and agriculture interests with a goal of improving the region’s soils. 5.3
water management; irrigation and drainage; Where possible, support municipal efforts towards watershed management with a goal to address drainage issues impacting the region’s most fertile soils. 5.4
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; i) Continue to consider food and agriculture interests in regional wildlife management discussions and projects.  5.5(i)
wildlife/environmental/pest management;


wildlife and ecosystem management;

ii) Consider emerging wildlife and
environmental issues e.g. beneficial
species (pollinators), invasive and
problematic species. 
5.5 (ii)
water management; water rate for agriculture; Continue to provide affordable water rates for rural farm operations, and through direction from the water commissions, consider extending them to urban agriculture operations. 5.6

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

First Nations and indigenous food systems;

partnerships/ advocacy/liaising; Continue to develop meaningful relationships with Aboriginal communities through regional food and agriculture discussions and activities. 5.7

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

First Nations and indigenous food systems;

partnerships/ advocacy/liaising; Pursue regional food and agriculture related partnerships and activities between Aboriginal and non-aboriginal communities, agencies and groups. 5.8
  farmland trust; Initiate a process to establish a regional food and farmland trust. 5.9
economic development; agri-tourism;  ii) Support strategic business development initiatives for the region’s food and
agriculture sector including agri-tourism.
5.10 (ii)

Regional District of Nanaimo Regional Growth Strategy

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, agricultural industry services, ALR, ALR subdivision, aquaculture, community food system education, farmers' markets, food distribution, food processing, food storage, home occupation/home based businesses, irrigation and drainage, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, research and data collection, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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development and productive use of agricultural land;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;



Recognize the importance of agriculture to the region’s economy. To this end, the RDN and member municipalities agree to:

Encourage the provincial government to protect the agricultural land base through the ALR;

development and productive use of agricultural land; ALR; Support the agricultural use of ALR lands within designated Urban Areas or Rural Village Areas except in instances where urban land uses have already been established at the time of the adoption of this RGS;
  research and data collection; Support the preparation of a study of agriculture in the region for the purpose of identifying the issues and needs (both immediate and future) of the agricultural sector; 7.14
economic development;   Encourage and support value-added agricultural industries; and 7.14
development and productive use of agricultural land;   Enhance opportunities for agricultural activity on lands not in the ALR. 7.14

Recognize the importance of shellfish aquaculture to the region’s economy and environment. To this end the RDN and member municipalities agree to:

Support the management of the Shellfish Aquaculture leases by the provincial and federal governments;


policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

wildlife/environmental/pest management;

aquaculture; Work collaboratively with the provincial and federal government to protect the shellfish aquaculture leases from wastewater or industrial runoff contamination;
economic development; aquaculture; Encourage and support value-added shellfish  aquaculture industries;  7.15
development and productive use of agricultural land;



Encourage and support the Agricultural Land Commission in retaining lands within the ALR for agricultural purposes. 8.1

development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Discourage the subdivision of agricultural lands. 8.2
economic development; zoning; Include provisions in their official community plans and zoning bylaws to allow for complementary land uses and activities that support the on-going viability of farming operations. 8.3
development and productive use of agricultural land; ALR; Establish agriculture as the priority use on land in the ALR. 8.4

development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning;

ALR; Minimize the potential impact non-farm land uses may have on farming operations and include policies in their official community plans and zoning bylaws that reduce the opportunity for land use conflicts to occur. 8.5
  home occupation/home based businesses; Encourage and support agricultural activity on lands that are not within the ALR. This may include small-scale home-based agricultural businesses. 8.6
economic development;

farmers' market;

food processing;

agricultural industry services;


Recognize the importance of value-added agricultural uses and complementary land use activities for the economic viability of farms. To support complementary farm uses, official community plans should consider:

· The provision of appropriately located agricultural support services and infrastructure;

· Reducing impediments to agricultural processing and related land uses;

· Allowing compatible complementary land use activities (e.g., agri-tourism);

· Allowing farmers’ markets and other outlets that sell local produce to locate in all parts of the community.


food production;


urban agriculture;

community food system education; Encourage urban agriculture initiatives and support activities and programs that increase awareness of local food production within the region. 8.8
water management; irrigation and drainage; Support the appropriate use of water resources for irrigation of agricultural lands. 8.9
water management; irrigation and drainage; Support the provision of drainage infrastructure to flood-prone lands that do not lie within environmentally sensitive areas. 8.10

food sales, access and procurement;

economic development;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

irrigation and drainage; Work in collaboration with federal and provincial agencies, adjacent regional districts, and agricultural organizations to improve access to markets for agricultural products. 8.11

economic development;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Support partnerships and collaborate with non-profit groups to enhance the economic viability of farms. 8.12
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Support farms that produce organic agricultural products and use sustainable farming practices. 8.13

food processing, storage and distribution;

food sales, access and procurement;

food processing;

food storage;

food distribution;


Support the production, processing, distribution and sale of locally grown produce (including shellfish). 8.14

Electoral Area 'C' Oliver Rural OCP Bylaw No. 2452

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Waste Management, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, agricultural advisory committee, ALR, ALR subdivision, buffer at agricultural edge, farm diversification, farm home plate, farm worker accommodation, home occupation/home based businesses, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, protection of farming development permit area, residential development, roads in agricultural land, urban containment/growth boundary, water restrictions and conservation, zoning

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water management;



water restrictions and conservation;

Encourage the Provincial water authority and the Town of Oliver to make decisions about water availability, quantity and quality with the interests of the agricultural community as the first priority. 6.3.1
education;   Promote public education and awareness of and sensitivity to agricultural operations through farming practices. 6.3.2
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; agricultural advisory committee; Continue to support the Agricultural Advisory Committee to consider and advise the Board on agricultural matters, and the preparation of an Agricultural Area Plan. 6.3.3
economic development; agri-tourism; Support agri-tourism activities which promote local agriculture and are secondary and incidental to the area’s farming production. 6.3.4
development and productive use of agricultural;  ALR; Preserve and protect the existing agricultural land base in rural Oliver 6.3.5
development and productive use of agricultural;  ALR: Encourage new agricultural land to be incorporated within the Agricultural Land Reserve. 6.3.6
development and productive use of agricultural;  urban containment/growth boundary; To reinforce the agricultural policies and to preserve the integrity of the Agricultural Land Reserve by establishing an urban containment boundary to define Oliver’s urban/rural boundary. 6.3.7
development and productive use of agricultural;  protection of farming development permit area; Consider the creation of a development permit area for the protection of farming 6.3.8
development and productive use of agricultural;  zoning; Directs that the principal use of lands designated as ‘Agriculture’ on the Official Community Plan Map shall be agriculture. 6.3.9

development and productive use of agricultural land;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

  Supports the policy direction of the Province to implement the Farm Practices Protection (Right to Farm) Act. The possibility of adopting Farm Bylaws that will support the concept of ‘right to farm’ in the Plan area will be considered. 6.3.10
urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning; buffer at agricultural edge; Encourages the provision of sufficient buffering of new development adjacent to agricultural areas in the form of setbacks, fencing and landscaping consistent with the buffer design guidelines of the Agricultural Land Commission set out in the document “ALR & Community Planning Guidelines”. 6.3.11
development and productive use of agricultural;  farm diversification; Encourage a range of parcel sizes for farming operations to allow for larger (greater than 10 hectares) and smaller (4 hectares) agricultural operations. 6.3.12
development and productive use of agricultural;  ALR subdivision;
Will consider applications to subdivide parcels smaller than 4 hectares within the Agricultural Land Reserve, subject to approval of the provincial Agricultural Land Commission, in the following cases: a) for a homesite severance under the Agricultural Land Commission’s homesite severance policy.; vi b) where the subdivision or boundary adjustment will allow for more
efficient use of agricultural land or the better utilization of farm
buildings for farm purposes; and
In these cases, the individual parcel sizes within the ‘Agriculture’
designation are subject to approval by the provincial Agricultural
Land Commission, and must meet minimum parcel size required to
meet the applicable Provincial regulations for septic disposal fields.
economic development; home occupation/home based businesses; Provides for home industry operations, home occupations and bed and breakfast establishments and encouraging secondary ‘value added’ uses such as agri-tourism for the purpose of diversifying and enhancing farm income, provided that these developments: • are compatible with the agricultural character of the area,; • remain incidental to the primary agricultural uses; • remain subject to the provisions of the Zoning Bylaw, the Agricultural Land Reserve Act (if in the Agricultural Land Reserve) and other Provincial standards; and • do not present a potential land use conflict with surrounding properties. v 6.3.14
development and productive use of agricultural;    Supports the consolidation of legal parcels that support more efficient agricultural operations. 6.3.15
development and productive use of agricultural;  roads in agricultural land;
recreational use of agricultural land;
Encourage the Province to minimize the impact of road, utility corridors and trails through agricultural lands, utilizing only those lands necessary and to the maximum capacity prior to seeking new corridors. All levels of government will seek approval of all affected adjacent farm owners. Provision for farms traffic to cross major roads should be made. Trail development should follow the Provincial reference ‘A Guide to Using and Developing Trails in Farm and Ranch Areas’.viii 6.3.16
urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning; zoning;
buffer at agricultural edge;
Supports increased building setbacks and other possible restrictions in the Zoning Bylaw for intensive agricultural operations that are not in accordance with the Local Government Act to prevent potential conflicts with adjacent agricultural, residential or commercial uses, subject to compliance with the Farm Practices Protection (Right to Farm) Act. 6.3.18
development and productive use of agricultural;  farm home plate;
residential development;
Encourages maximizing productive farm activity and minimizes nonfarm use on farmland by limiting the footprint of non-farm uses. ix 6.3.19
development and productive use of agricultural;  farm worker accommodation; Supports establishing housing for year round farm help and seasonal farm workers. x 6.3.20
waste management;
wildlife/environmental/pest management
wildlife and ecosystem management; Encourages farm operations and practices that are sustainable and environmentally sound, including best practices for waste disposal, and protection and enhancement of wildlife habitat and ecosystems. xi 6.3.21
development and productive use of agricultural;  zoning; On existing parcels, encourage agricultural use of all farm parcels regardless of size. xi 6.3.22
economic development; agri-toursim; Will consider proposed agri-tourism accommodation development using the following criteria: a) Capability of handling of on-site domestic water and sewage disposal; b) Impact on agricultural productive lands; c) Impact on adjacent land uses and character of the existing area; d) Location relative to existing roads, access and other buildings; and e) Consideration of visual impacts where development is proposed on hillsides and other visually sensitive areas.xiii 6.3.23
development and productive use of agricultural;  farm home plate; Encourages maximizing productive farm activity and minimizing areas of development by clustering buildings, structures and related activities. Xiv 6.3.24

Electoral Area ‘C’ Oliver Rural Zoning Bylaw No. 2453

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, farm retail/farm gate sales, food distribution, food processing, food storage, livestock, residential development, siting and coverage, zoning

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economic development; agri-tourism;

Agri-Tourism Accommodation

Agri-tourist accommodation is subject to the following regulations:
.1 Agri-tourist accommodation units are not permitted on parcels less than 4
ha, and no more than five (5) agri-tourism accommodation units are permitted on parcels 4 ha up to 7.9 ha, and no more than ten (10) agri-tourism accommodation units are permitted on parcels 8 ha and greater.

.2 No more than ten guest rooms are permitted on parcels 10 ha and greater.
.3 All guest rooms shall be located within a principal dwelling unit or separately from a principal dwelling unit, but all rooms contained under one roof.
.4 No guest room in the agri-tourist accommodation shall have an area of greater than 30 m2. A separate or ensuite washroom is not included as part of the area of the guest room.
.5 Meals for those persons renting the guest rooms may be provided within a principal dwelling unit or separately from the principal dwelling unit but contained under the same roof as the guest rooms.
.6 No cooking facilities shall be provided for within the guest rooms intended for the agri-tourist operation.
.7 No person shall stay within a guest room for more than thirty days in a calendar year.
.8 Approval from the Land Reserve Commission is required for an agri-tourist accommodation on lands within the Agricultural Land Reserve.
.9 One parking space per guest room is required in addition to those required for the principal dwelling.
.10 The agri-tourist operation shall not generate traffic congestion or parking problems within the District and shall not produce a public offence or nuisance of any kind.

development and productive use of agricultural land; siting and coverage;

Setbacks for Buildings, Structures and Areas for Farm uses...,

See document for additional details.

food production; livestock;

Keeping of Livestock

In this Bylaw, where agriculture is a permitted use, the following restrictions apply:
.1 On any parcel 2.0 ha or less in area, the total number of livestock, shall not exceed one (1) animal for each 0.4 ha of parcel area; xxxviii

.2 Despite Section 7.24.1, on any parcel 0.4 ha or less in area, the total number of poultry and/or fur bearing animals shall not exceed twenty-five (25).


food sales, access and procurement;

food processing, storage and distribution;

farm retail/farm gate sales;

food processing;

food distribution;

food storage;

Provisions for Accessory Retail Sales and Processing, Packing and Storage of Farm Products and/or Off-Farm Products

.1 Where permitted in any agricultural zone, farm products, processed farm
products and off-farm products may be sold to the public by retail sale subject
to the following:

a) the portion of the agricultural land used for retail sales of off-farm products shall not exceed one-third of the total area used for all retail sales. For the purpose of calculating the portion of agricultural or industrial agriculture land to be used for retail sales, the area of any building or structure used for that purpose, including aisles and other areas of circulation, shelf and display space, counter space for packaging and taking payment and any area used for the service and consumption of hot and cold food items, shall be included, but any office area, wholesale storage area, processing facility or parking area or driveway, whether used for retail sale or not, shall not be included;

b) where off-farm products are offered for sale, farm products and/or processed farm products shall also be offered for sale;

c) the retail sales area shall not exceed 300 m2;

d) ‘retail sales area’ in an Agricultural zone means the floor area or dedicated outside area on which farm retail sales are taking place and includes areas used for retail purposes inside buildings and areas outside buildings. It does not include parking, driveways, office space, washrooms, winery food & beverage lounges, or areas for processing or product storage;

e) where off-farm products are offered for sale, a minimum of 50% of the retail sales area must be devoted to the sales of farm products produced on the farm; and

f) at least 50% of the farm product being stored, packed, prepared, or processed is produced on the farm or is feed required for farm production purposes on the farm.

development and productive use of agricultural land; residential development;

Maximum Number of Dwellings Permitted Per Parcel

a) the number of principal dwellings and the number of accessory
dwellings, mobile homes and temporary farm worker housing
permitted per parcel shall be as follows:...

See document for details related to number of dwellings permitted per parcel in Agriculture One Zone (AG1)

development and productive use of agricultural land; siting and coverage; See document for siting and coverage regulations for buildings and structures in Agriculture One Zone (AG1). 10.2.6-10.2.8


Township of Langley Agricultural Viability (Phase 3)

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, First Nations and Indigenous Food Systems, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Waste Management, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, agricultural advisory committee, ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, amenity density zoning/contributions, buffer at agricultural edge, commercial development, community food system education, covenants, emergency preparedness, farm retail/farm gate sales, farm worker accommodation, farmers' markets, food processing, irrigation and drainage, livestock, local food culture, new entrants to farming, nuisance complaints, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, recreational use of agricultural land, residential development, roads in agricultural land, signage in agricultural areas, water restrictions and conservation, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Encourage regional, provincial, and federal governments to establish agricultural policies and protocols that are sensitive to the needs of farm producers and processors (AAC, EDD, commodity groups) 2.1.1
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Support participating in regional and provincial discussions where agriculture is encouraged (AAC) 2.1.1
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Support positive staff contact with individuals and all industry groups, including agriculture, wishing to expand or establish  their businesses (AAC, EDAC) 2.1.1


economic development;

  Support increasing staff knowledge about agriculture by supporting staff training and attendance at relevant agricultural workshops and seminars (AAC). Assess current expectations of various services to agriculture and determine resources that may be necessary to assist the industry with appropriate economic development and support (AAC, EDD)  2.1.1
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Support partnerships with other organizations and agencies and working together to enhance agricultural production in the Township and the region (AAC, farm community, commodity groups, other agencies)  2.1.3
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; agricultural advisory committee; Support having an active and effective Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC) 2.1.2
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; agricultural advisory committee; Support ongoing monitoring by the Agricultural Advisory Committee of selected indicators affecting agriculture in the Township (AAC, staff) Request an annual work plan from the Agricultural Advisory Committee and ensure an appropriate budget for completion of the work plan
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; agricultural advisory committee; Provide reports on agricultural activities and update the Agricultural Profile as appropriate (AAC, IAF) 2.1.2
economic development;   Support the agricultural industry as an important economic contributor to the Township economy (AAC, EDD, EDAC, commodity groups) 2.1.4
education; agricultural advisory committee; Support the annual farm tour organized and conducted by the Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Langley Environmental Partners Society (AAC) 2.1.4
education; local food culture; Encourage additional cultural and heritage events related to food and culinary products and agricultural background of the community 2.1.4
First Nations and indigenous food systems;   Support First Nations agricultural development on First Nations land within the Township 2.1.4
  emergency preparedness; Support working with all relevant government agencies and agricultural groups and associations to address crises and disasters affecting the agricultural and rural community
(BCMA, PEP, farm community)
  emergency preparedness; Support emergency planning at the Township and Provincial levels to address flooding issues and concerns (BCMA, PEP, farm community, Drainage and Dyking Committee)  2.1.5
education;   Encourage the students of School District #35, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and Trinity Western University to consider seasonal or temporary agricultural employment in conjunction with their studies (AAC, School District #35, KPU, TWU, farm community) 2.1.7
education;   Encourage local educational institutions to promote work experiences on local farms to their students (AAC, farm community, educators) 2.1.7
   farm worker accommodation; Encourage non-permanent housing for seasonal or temporary workers that conforms to the Ministry of Agriculture’s Guidelines for the Provision of Seasonal Housing for Migrant Farm Workers in BC and that conforms to amendments to the Township’s Zoning Bylaw (AAC)  2.1.7
development and productive use of agricultural land;   Support the promotion of farming options to owners of smaller parcel land in the ALR that is not being farmed (AAC, IAF) 2.1.8
development and productive use of agricultural land;


residential development;

Support agricultural production on ALR land where residential use may be the primary use (AAC, land owners). 2.1.8
development and productive use of agricultural land;   Support agricultural production on Township land or land owned by other governments where practical and possible (AAC)  2.1.8


urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

nuisance complaints; Support efforts of the BC Ministry of Agriculture and the agricultural industry to inform the public about normal farm practices occurring on area farms (AAC, BCMA, farm community) 2.1.9


urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;


commercial development;

residential development;

nuisance complaints;

Support the use of a Restrictive Covenant, using Section 219 of the Land Title Act, on all new residential and commercial parcels adjacent to agricultural properties notifying purchasers that the use of their property may be impacted by normal farm practices (AAC) 2.1.9


urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

nuisance complaints; Encourage area realtors to ensure purchasers of properties adjacent to, or in close proximity to, active farm operations are aware of normal farm practices protected from bylaw enforcement or private nuisance suits by the Farm Practices Protection Act (AAC, FVREB) 2.1.9
education; community food system education; Support the BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation’s “Agriculture in the Classroom” program to educate young people about farming (School District #35, farm community) 2.1.9
economic development; agri-tourism; Encourage agri-tourism and culinary tourism (AAC, Tourism Langley, EDAC) 2.1.11

economic development;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

agri-tourism; Support organizations working to increase agri-tourism and culinary tourism in the Township such as Circle Farm Tours and the Fraser Valley Farm Direct Marketing Association (EDAC, AAC, Tourism Langley)  2.1.11
education;   Recognize the importance of education and training for the growth and development of the agricultural sector in the Township (School District #35, KPU, TWU, AAC) 2.1.12
education;   Support additional education and training for local farmers and others interested in agriculture (AAC, educators)  2.1.12
  new entrants to farming; Support efforts to encourage people to enter farming, through the work of educational institutions and the farm community (AAC, educators, commodity groups) 2.1.13
  amenity density zoning/contributions; Consider amenity bonuses for the agricultural industry where reasonable and possible (AAC, other municipal committees)  2.1.14
water management; water restrictions and conservation; Support water conservation by all citizens 2.2.1
water management; irrigation and drainage; Support the provision of sufficient water for agriculture for all farms practicing efficient water use (AAC) 2.2.1
water management; irrigation and drainage; Support appropriate ways to measure water use (Property owners, AAC)  2.2.1
water management; irrigation and drainage; Encourage farmers unprotected by the dyke system to be aware of the dangers from flooding and to take the steps necessary to minimize risk to their families and farm operations (AAC, BCMA) 2.2.2
water management; irrigation and drainage; Support the maintenance and upgrading of the dykes and other related infrastructure (AAC) 2.2.2

water management;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

irrigation and drainage; Encourage senior governments to protect all farm land from flooding using appropriate dykes and other methods (AAC, BCMoE, BCMA) 2.2.2

water management;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

irrigation and drainage; Work closely with the farm community to ensure ditch drainage and maintenance address farmer needs (AAC, DDC) 2.2.3
water management; irrigation and drainage; Support ditch drainage and maintenance activities that are environmentally sustainable (DDC) 2.2.3
water management; irrigation and drainage; Encourage farmers who practice management strategies on their farms to reduce the levels of vegetative growth occurring in ditches (AAC)  2.2.3
development and productive use of agricultural land;

roads in agricultural land;


Require Agricultural Impact Assessments (see 2.3.1) be completed for new roads within the Agricultural Land Reserve.  2.2.4
development and productive use of agricultural land; roads in agricultural land; Review rural road standards for arterial and collector roads to ensure that road development meets the growing road demand and has proper lighting and traffic control (AAC)
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; signage in agricultural areas; Support appropriate agricultural signage in the Township (AAC) 2.2.4

food production;

food processing, storage, and distribution;

  Support food processing on area farms when consistent with the Agricultural Land Commission Act and Regulations (AAC, ALC) 2.2.5
food processing, storage, and distribution;

food processing;


Support efforts to attract food processors to the Township and work with interested processors to provide the infrastructure needs of larger-scale food processing industries within existing and future industrial parks (EDD, AAC, EDAC)
food processing, storage, and distribution; food processing; Support the use of food hubs or clustering, where relevant, as a strategy for increasing agricultural production in the Township (AAC, EDD, BCMA, LSAF) 2.2.5
food sales, access and production;

farmers' markets;

 farm retail/farm gate sales;

Support the efforts of local farmers in making their products available for local purchase from the farm gate, through farmers’ markets, or in cooperation with other local retailers(AAC, farm community 2.2.5
food sales, access and production;

farmers' markets;

 farm retail/farm gate sales;

Encourage the establishment of appropriate farmers’ markets in the Township (AAC, EDD)  2.2.5
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; recreational use of agricultural land; Support multi-use trails in or adjacent to agricultural land when implementation takes into consideration concerns of the agricultural community and minimizing conflict (AAC, Parks and Recreation, BCMA, ALC) 2.2.7
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;

ALR subdivision;


agricultural advisory committee;

Support seeking advice from its Agricultural Advisory Committee for all applications for removal, boundary adjustment, sub-division or non-farm use on land within the Agricultural Land Reserve (AAC) 2.3.1

ALR exclusion;

ALR subdivision;


agricultural advisory committee;

Support providing input to the Agricultural Land Commission on applications for exclusion, boundary adjustment, non-farm use and subdivision in the Agricultural Land Reserve as to their benefits to agriculture (AAC)  2.3.1
development and productive use of agricultural land; zoning; Encourage agricultural use for all land zoned for agriculture and within the Agricultural Land Reserve (AAC, BCMA, ALC)
  zoning; Continue to review rural zones within Zoning Bylaw No. 2500 to reduce the number of zones and provide consistency with the BC Ministry of Agriculture's Guide for Bylaw Development in Farming Areas (BCMA, ALC) 2.3.3
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;   Support the concentration of new urban growth within the six existing established urban centres in the Township The Township of Langley, in the medium term and ongoing, 2.3.4
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; ALR; Support strategies for edge planning in areas of the Township where the Agricultural Land Reserve abuts non-ALR land (AAC, BCMA, ALC) 2.3.4
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

buffer at agricultural edge;


Encourage citizens residing in the ALR, but not farming, to consider appropriate buffering or residential site planning on their land where it may abut active and productive farming operations (AAC,
waste management;   Encourage farmers to reduce, or eliminate, open air burning when diseased crops are not present and where recycling programs for the material exist (AAC) 2.4.1
waste management;   Support the use of air curtain incinerators (mainly suitable for large burns) and other technological options by farmers who are committed to open air burning for diseased crops (AAC, BCMA) 2.4.1
waste management;   Support the burning of regular agricultural waste when it cannot be recycled and when all bylaw considerations are being followed (AAC) 2.4.1
education;   Encourage all farmers to ensure those applying chemicals on their farms have the required training for the application and use of chemicals (AAC, BCMA) 2.4.2

wildlife/environmental/pest management;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

wildlife and ecosystem management; Support working with farmers and other rural landowners, agricultural and wildlife organizations, and agencies to identify farming practices that enhance wildlife and wildlife habitat (AAC, LEPS,BCMA, BCMoE, farm community) 2.4.3

water management;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

wildlife and ecosystem management; Work closely with the farm community regarding farming near watercourses to balance farming requirements with the requirements for safe water (AAC, BCMA) 2.4.4
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Support farmers using best management practices for activities that may impact the quality of surface and groundwater such as proper storage of manure and wood waste, fuel storage, compost sites building locations and livestock access to surface water courses (AAC, BCMA, IAF) 2.4.4
wildlife/environmental/pest management; livestock; Support livestock farmers, and other farmers that use manure on their properties, having a nutrient management plan in place to identify farm wastes and how they are to be treated. 2.4.5
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Support the Environmental Farm Plan Program and encourage all area farmers to participate in the program (AAC, BCMA, AAFC) 2.4.6
wildlife/environmental/pest management;   Support the principle of farmer compensation when there is an environmental benefit to the Township, when funding sources are available, and when the investments undertaken on farms exceed existing requirements of law and regulation and result in benefits to citizens at large (AAC) 2.4.7

District of North Saanich Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1130

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Waste Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, buffer at agricultural edge, climate change and greenhouse gases, demonstration farm, farmer training, farmers' markets, food distribution, food processing, livestock, recreational use of agricultural land, soil, zoning

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urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

buffer at agricultural edge;


To protect ALR land from uses that are incompatible or inconsistent with agricultural use, proposed development adjacent to Agricultural and Rural areas may only be supported in accordance with the following criteria:
a) The development will have minimal impact on the existing manmade and natural physical features of the area; and
b) There must be a buffer zone used between the proposed land use and the agricultural parcels of land, on the non-farm side of the agricultural area.
5.3 *
food production; livestock; All types of crop and livestock-based agricultural activities are supported on agricultural lands. 5.4 *
development and productive use of agricultural land; ALR subdivision; Lands designated as Rural are presently of a variety of sizes, but no Rural lands may be subdivided into parcel sizes smaller than 4.0 hectares (10 acres). 5.6 *
development and productive use of agricultural land; recreational use of agricultural land; On lands designated as Agricultural and Rural, but not within the Agricultural Land Reserve, outdoor recreation uses may be permitted where it can be demonstrated that there is no reduction in the amount of land being used for agricultural purposes and no impact on surrounding agricultural uses. 5.9  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;



To preserve land in the ALR for current and future agricultural production, the District does not encourage or support applications for exclusion of land from the ALR unless such an application involves an inclusion of an equal or greater amount of land that is or will be appropriate for farming and there is a clear benefit to agriculture and the community. 5.11 *

ALR subdivision;


The subdivision of any land within the ALR designated lands can be supported for agricultural activities only. 5.12 *
economic development; agri-tourism; To ensure the sustainability of the District's farm community as an integral part of agriculture on the Saanich Peninsula, agricultural activities, ancillary agriculture uses such as agri-tourism and the uses outlined in the Agricultural Land Commission Act Regulation 171/2002 Section 2(1) are encouraged on lands in the ALR. 5.14  
development and productive use of agricultural land; ALR subdivision; Lands designated as Agricultural are presently of a variety of sizes, but no Agricultural lands may be subdivided into parcel sizes smaller than 20.0 hectares (50 acres). 5.15 *

food production;


food sales, access and procurement;


farmers' market;

demonstration farm;

farmer training;

Those lands identified as “Special Agriculture” on Schedule B are dedicated to agricultural purposes. These lands were gifted to the District of North Saanich by the previous owners of the Sandown Racetrack to be a community legacy for the purpose of agriculture. The uses may include, for example, traditional agriculture, community gardens, agricultural research and practices education, farm markets or other agricultural/farm uses. 5.18  

food processing, storage, and distribution;

food sales, access and procurement 

farmers' market;

food processing;

food distribution;

climate change and greenhouse gases;

Encourage the establishment of local farmers markets and agricultural processing facilities to reduce the greenhouse gases emitted to transport food.  18.7.2  
waste management;



Continue and expand recycling programs with the Capital Regional District, support the Capital Regional District organics (food and garden waste) recycling, and explore connections between local agricultural growers’ fertilizer needs and organics recycled topsoil. 18.7.5 *

District of 100 Mile House Official Community Plan Bylaw NO. 1289

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning

Sub-topic(s): roads in agricultural land, buffer at agricultural edge, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, food processing, amenity density zoning/contributions, agri-tourism, community food system education, farm diversification, climate change and greenhouse gases, farmers' markets, urban gardens/orchard, residential development

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urban-agriculture conflict/ edge planning;  buffer at agricultural edge; Encourage new subdivisions, which abut lands designated Agriculture and are used for grazing, to provide perimeter fencing to strengthen the buffer between agricultural and non-agricultural uses. 10.5.1  

urban-agriculture conflict/ edge planning;

development and productive use of agricultural land;

  Evaluate new developments in respect to their implications and impacts on the agricultural uses in the area. 10.5.2  

urban-agriculture conflict/ edge planning;


 buffer at agricultural edge; Encourage new non-agricultural developments, adjacent to lands designated for Agriculture to provide and maintain a distinct buffer in the form of setbacks, fencing or landscaping that is consistent with Ministry of Agriculture Guidelines and take advantage of naturally occurring buffers, such as roads, topographic features, watercourses and transitional land uses such as rural residential parcels. 10.5.3  

development and productive use of agricultural land;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

roads in agricultural land;


Encourage provincial and utility agencies to minimize the impact of new roads and utility corridors through agricultural land by utilizing only those lands necessary, and by maximizing the capacity of existing corridors and roads. 10.5.4  
economic development;   Support the agricultural industry by considering the establishment of economic strategies that promote the industry, and identify new farm markets. 10.5.5  

food processing, storage, and distribution;

economic development;

food processing;


Support the agricultural and rural economy by encouraging secondary “value added” uses such as agri-tourism, and secondary processing of products produced on site through home occupations. 10.5.6 *
urban agriculture;

urban gardens/orchard;

amenity density zoning/contributions;

residential development;

Examine ways of expanding the amount of space dedicated to community gardens such as encouraging community gardens in new subdivisions and as part of multifamily
residential developments.
food sales, access, and procurement;

farmers' markets;

Continue to support and promote a Farmers Market within 100 Mile House. 10.5.8  
policy partnerships, advocacy and development; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Work with agricultural producers and support organizations, including the Agricultural Enterprise Development Centre, in the South Cariboo to advance the principles of food systems planning and agricultural enterprises. 10.5.9  
education; community food system education; Work with stakeholders to support education programs on local food production and gardening. 10.5.10  
economic development;

farm diversification;


Support the production and processing of hemp and other sustainable crops as a means of diversifying the agricultural land base in the South Cariboo. 10.5.11 *
policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

climate change and greenhouse gases;


Recognize climate change will impact the agricultural sector and work with stakeholders to undertake sustainable and adaptive action including opportunities for diversification. 10.5.12 *

ALC Policy: Wineries and Cideries in the ALR

Topic(s): Food Sales, Access & Procurement

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, farm retail/farm gate sales

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ALC regulation and interpretation of wineries and cideries in the ALR.

ALC Policy: Bed and Breakfast Use in the ALR

Topic(s): Economic Development

Sub-topic(s): ALR, agri-tourism

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ALC regulation and interpretation of bed and breakfast use in the ALR.

ALC Policy: Agri-tourism Activities in the ALR

Topic(s): Economic Development

Sub-topic(s): ALR, agri-tourism

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ALC regulation and interpretation of agri-tourism activities in the ALR.