Paul Ohler
BA (Calgary), MA (UBC), PhD (UBC)
I teach introductory literature and writing courses and upper-year courses on American literature, literary theory, and British Fiction since 1945. I am the author of Edith Wharton’s Evolutionary Conception: Darwinian Allegory in Her Major Novels (Routledge), and I have published peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on Wharton's fiction and non-fiction. My conference presentations include papers delivered at the Modern Language Association convention, the American Literature Association conference, the Pacific MLA conference, and the SSAWW conference. I am a past editor of the Edith Wharton Review. My recent work includes the essay “Creative Process and Literary Form in Edith Wharton’s Archive” in The New Edith Wharton Studies (Cambridge UP, 2020), a chapter on Wharton's early short stories for The Bloomsbury Handbook to Edith Wharton (2023), and an article in Studies in American Naturalism. My current scholarly projects include editing Volume 2, Short Stories I: 1891-1903 of the Oxford UP Complete Works of Edith Wharton (30 vols.), for which I am an Associate General Editor.
Courses taught
- ENGL 1100-Strategies for University Writing
- ENGL 1202-Reading/Writing about Literature
- ENGL 2309- Literature of the U.S.
- ENGL 2317- English Lit: 18th to 20th Centuries
- ENGL 3300-Critical Theory
- ENGL 3306-Lit of the U.S.: Beginnings to 1860
- ENGL 3307- Lit of the U.S.: 1860-1910
- ENGL 3308-Lit of the U.S.: 1910-1945
- ENGL 3351-Studies in Modernism
- ENGL 3358-British Fiction Since 1945
- ENGL 3380-Reading Popular Culture
- ENGL 4409-Topics in American Literature