Robert Pasquini
BA (Hons) (UofT), MA (Ryerson), PhD (McMaster)
I specialize in nineteenth-century culture and literature. My ongoing teaching and research interests explore the "ever-branching" ramifications of evolutionary theory and biological sciences in print culture. I am interested in representations of nature, animals, and resilience, especially in relation to the anxieties produced by the prospect of mass extinction and ecological crisis that still resound today. In 2016, I won the Founders’ Circle Award for emergent scholars from the Victorian Studies Association of Western (VSAWC), and in 2017, I co-organized the "Resilience in a Multispecies World" conference hosted at McMaster University. My publications include scholarly articles, interviews, short fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
Courses taught
- English 1100 - Introduction to University Writing
- English 1202 - Reading and Writing about Special Topics (Representing Nature)
- English 1204 - Reading and Writing about Genre
- English 2341 - Science Fiction and Fantasy
- English 3336 - The Victorian Novel
Areas of Interest
Nineteenth-Century British Culture and Literature, Literature and Science, Animal Studies, Book History, Nineteenth-Century Print Culture, Darwin Studies, Environmental Humanities, History of the Novel, Digital Humanities, & Science Fiction.
Scholarly Work
- “Hearing the Patient’s Voice: A Profile of Dr. Michael Schweitzer.” Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 192 no.1, 2020, pp. E13-E14.
- “Primates in Print: Popularizing Interspecies Kinship in Huxley’s ‘Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature” in Pivot: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and Thought, vol. 5, no. 1, 2016.
- “Evacuated Ecologies: H. G. Wells and the Evolutionary Aesthetics of Extinction” in Interdisciplinary Humanities, special issue on Environmental Aesthetics, vol. 32, no. 3, 2015.