Dr. Steve Weber
BA (SFU), MA (SFU), PhD (SUNY Albany)
I received my Ph.D. from the English Department at the State University of New York at Albany where I filed my dissertation entitled A Transnational Postmodernism: North Africa as a Locus for Postmodern Fiction. Born and raised in British Columbia, I returned to BC after teaching for six years at SUNY Albany and living for one year in Hoboken, New Jersey; I then taught at Okanagan College, Capilano University, and KPU. My dissertation research focused on postmodern literature that understands postmodernity as a problem of control—where mobility and mutability are not treated as tools of postmodern resistance, but as perfect avenues for control under the guise of liberation. My areas of interest include First-Year Rhetoric and Composition, Postmodern Literature, North African Postcolonial Literature, Poststructural/Postcolonial Literary Theory, and Twentieth-Century American Literature.
Courses taught
- ENGL 1100: Introduction to University Writing
- ENGL 1202: Reading and Writing about Selected Topics: An Introduction to Literature
- ENGL 1204: Reading and Writing about Genre: An Introduction to Literature
- ENGL 2309: Literature of the United States of America
Scholarly Work
- Publications:
- Chapter in an Edited Volume
- Weber, Steven. “Paul Bowles and the Problem of Postmodernity within the Colonized World.” Short Story Criticism, edited by Lawrence J. Trudeau, vol. 214, Gale, 2015, pp. 90-103. Originally published in Wretched Refuge: Immigrants and Itinerants in the Postmodern, edited by Jessica Datema and Diane Krumrey, Cambridge Scholars, 2010, pp. 41-68.
- Translations
- Arezki, Djamal. “The Origin of Shooting Stars.” “The First Eclipse.” “The Origin of Menstruation.” Translated by Steven Weber. Poems for the Millennium, Volume Four: The University of California Book of North African Literature, edited by Pierre Joris and Habib Tengour, U of California P, 2013, pp. 339-340.
- Frobenius, Leo. “Kabyle Origin Tale: ‘The World Tree and the Image of the Universe.’” Translated by Steven Weber. Poems for the Millennium, Volume Four: The University of California Book of North African Literature, edited by Pierre Joris and Habib Tengour, U of California P, 2013, p.120.
- Encyclopedia Entry
- Weber, Steven. “Roland Barthes.” The Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory, Volume I: Literary Theory from 1900 to 1966, edited by Michael Ryan and Gregory Castle, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp. 65-72.