Visions & Aims


The Annual Sociology & Criminology Undergraduate Student Conference is a place for students to participate and share their interpretations of social, cultural, economic, and political issues. The goal of this conference is to bring together students in British Columbia in order to highlight undergraduate research at both Kwantlen and other institutions. The aim of this multidisciplinary conference is to provide a space—in which local concerns may overlap with transnational issues— for sociology, criminology, and other social science undergraduate students to share their knowledge and research findings about the effects of the globalization of the economy and culture, neo-liberalism, and neo-colonialism in Canada and in different parts of the world.

Our objective is to promote a culture of scholarship and research at Kwantlen that is learner-centred, multicentric, and inclusive of the varied intellectual, personal, and community interests of students. Our main goal is to provide intellectual, communal, and social spaces in order to facilitate multidisciplinary approaches to de-colonizing knowledge and to promoting democratic educational practices and policies based on alternative viewpoints and ways of knowing. We call upon students of sociology and criminology to submit their papers, panel ideas, and other projects that explore the multifaceted and interscetional aspects of globalization.

During the first two annual conferences, in addition to sociology students, a number of criminology students also presented papers and participated in the conference. In 2013, due to the popularity of this annual conference among criminology students and faculty, it was decided to change the title of the conference from "Annual Sociology Undergraduate Student Conference" to "Annual Sociology & Criminology Undergraduate Student Conference".