Portfolio Requirements

Portfolio pieces.

The Wilson School of Design at KPU uses an online submission portal, SlideRoom, to collect, evaluate, and store portfolios. Once you have completed your online application to KPU, you may submit your portfolio to SlideRoom. Please be aware there is a supplemental fee and data privacy consent required when creating a SlideRoom profile. 

The Interior Design Program does not have a set number of portfolio pieces we ask you to submit. Using the online portal, you may submit JPGs, PDFs, videos, or links to online blogs or websites of your work. Some applicants choose to attach a variety of different items depending on their knowledge and skill level.

We want you to think of the portfolio as a way to express yourself. You want your portfolio to show your willingness to experiment with design, art materials, and various mediums. Be sure you organize your pieces effectively and provide as much written support and descriptions as possible.

Please review the submission and portfolio criteria below to ensure you submit all necessary information to be considered. And once you've read the info below, check out our portfolio tips video

Interior Design Degree - Portfolio Tips

Portfolio Submission

As part of your online submission via SlideRoom, you will be asked to:

  1. Upload a short video answering specific questions
  2. Upload a Resume/CV
  3. Attach Unofficial Transcripts (as applicable)
  4. Submit 1-3 Letter(s) of Reference 
  5. Upload your Portfolio

Further to 1-4 above, we will be reviewing your submission for:

Communication Skills
Designers require strong oral and written communication skills to effectively present their ideas, communicate with various professional consultants on a project, and to articulate their technical knowledge. Please show us your communication skills by answering our questionnaire on SlideRoom; the questionnaire will be both written and oral (video featuring you answering a set of questions). We may also review your communication skills during the interview phase.

Awareness of the Interior Design Profession
Designers must have a clear understanding of the profession in which they practice. We want to see your passion for design and evidence that you understand the "profession" of interior design. Show us you understand the difference between a registered professional interior designer and a decorator or stager. Show us the results of your research in your questionnaire or any other accompanying piece in your portfolio submission.

Designers need to be creative, flexible, and able to problem-solve. We are looking for your thinking process, your ability to problem-solve, process and methods, and your curiosity. We want to understand how you solve a problem and/or the process you use to work through a project. You can show us this in a number of ways including within your portfolio by explaining your pieces of work and/or through your personal video (questionnaire).

At the interview, we may ask you to elaborate by explaining an example of taking on a problem, evaluating issues, identifying potential solutions, and applying those solutions. 

Life Skills
Life skills are an ability to problem-solve, be self-aware, and think critically. Professional interior designers work in teams as well as independently. Interior designers require strong time-management skills, teamwork, and organizational skills. 

As part of your online submission, please provide:

  • Letter(s) of reference that describe your passion for design, teamwork skills, communication skills, or time management, etc. 
  • Your Resume/CV with any work or volunteer history, education, technical knowledge, skills and abilities, etc.
  • Photocopies of any relevant transcripts or credentials.

For the Portfolio submission itself, we would like to see the following:

Visual Communication
An eye for design is important as is your ability to draw. Designers use various visual communication skills to understand, translate, interpret, and communicate design concepts and solutions. Show us examples of your drawing and/or 3-dimensional skills. You may want to include sketches, sketchbooks, drawings, model-making, painting, drafting, etc. Show us anything you have that shows your ability to communicate visually.

Designers need to have the ability to build and create sample boards, models, and other visually expressive items. Good craftsmanship is important. 

Show us your production skills. We want to see your approach to making things and your attitude toward your work and attention to details. We want to see how you put things together. You may want to include, prints, pottery, poster-making, built items, model-making, furniture-making, or layouts, etc.

Creative Work
Designers need to be creative, flexible, and able to problem-solve. We are looking for your thinking process, your ability to problem-solve, and your curiosity. Show us a variety of creative work such as painting, drawing, photography, jewelry, models or sculptures, or anything else you have 'designed' or 'created' or 'built'. Have you made a film, video, or website? Include it. Most importantly, include written descriptions (that explain your process and include your reflection) along with your creative work. 

* * *

We hope the above assists you in your selection of portfolio pieces and written materials. Eligible applicants who have met the application, documentation, and portfolio submission requirements as above may be contacted for an interview.

*Set of questions provided on the online submission portal.