Fall 2015 Newsletter

Faculty of Health Newsletter:  Issue No. Fall 2015 - 04

Message from Dr. Tru Freeman, Dean - Faculty of Health (FoH)

Angus the C. Diff Detection Dog (in training)

Its Your Call

BSN Program

BPN Students Made History at Justice Institute of BC

BC Coalition of Nursing Association

The 3rd annual KPU Science Rendezvous and Education Expo

SimMan Essentials Simulator

Classroom Management in Health Education:  Pedagogical Approach

Advocacy for Building Dementia Friendly Communities

Lori Shortridge Receives Kathryn Allen Award

Langley nursing students engage community to 'capture life'

Surrey residents engage community to 'capture life'

Healthy Communities @ KPU


Message from Dr. Tru Freeman, Dean - Faculty of Health (FoH)

On October 8/9th, 2015, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) graduands, including those from the Faculty of Health (FoH) who have successfully completed their educational program, will participate in graduation ceremonies at the Surrey campus. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “graduation” as “the act of receiving a diploma or degree from a school, college, or university” (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/graduation)

KPU refers to this ceremony as convocation; other terms such as commencement or invocation are used by other institutions. The origin of convocation, an ecclesiastic term, dates back to the end of the seventh century when the Archbishop of Canterbury (668-690) reorganized the structures of the English Church and established a convocation or national council of bishops that was later divided into two (733). The legislative powers of the convocations varied considerably over the centuries. Until 1664, the convocation determined the taxes to be paid by the clergy, but their powers were severely restricted by Henry VIII in 1532/4; and from the time of the Reformation until 1965 they were summoned and dissolved at the same time as Parliament. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convocation

Convocations have primarily been exclusively clerical assemblies, however, academic institutions began using the term for the main governing body of a university, consisting of all doctors and masters of the University. More recently, it now comprises all graduates of an academic institution. Convocation usually includes a procession of the academic body and graduands wearing academic regalia, with the presiding officer of the school, college or university conferring degrees upon the graduands.

The pomp and ceremony of graduation reminds us all of the power of an education and the effort, resilience and attitude required by students to reach their goals.  Margaret Atwood’s Commencement address titled “Attitude” for the University of Toronto’s convocation ceremony on June 14th, 1983 is definitely worth a read. Funny, articulate and, while expressed 32 years ago, is still relevant and speaks to the issues we face today! http://www.humanity.org/voices/commencements/margaret-atwood-university-toronto-speech-1983

Angus the C. Diff Detection Dog (in training)

Article by:  Arleigh Bell

VCH is engaged in a research project to determine the sensitivity and reliability of using a canine detection dog trained to sniff our reservoirs of C-Difficile. As part of the validation phase of this work, they wanted to test “Angus” in a lab environment that would not be contaminated inadvertently by C-Diff like a hospital unit.
On September 3, Team Angus Nose C-Difficile arrived with dog and samples in hand.  A total of  15 Negative & 2 positive samples were hidden through the 2 labs. Angus’s job was to identify all the samples and “Alert” (tell his handler Teresa) on the positive. Twenty five containers were also used in the lobby area where Angus used his super sniffer to identify the samples. Once Angus has completed his training and testing he will become the first dog in Canada to sniff out C-Diff.

Great job Angus and Teresa!

Its Your Call

Article by:  Balbir Gurm

The Network to Eliminate Violence in Relationships (NEVR) hosted a symposium entitled “It’s Your Call” at Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Surrey campus on April 1.  2015 NEVR is a community action project to change the attitudes of society regarding violence in relationships while supporting victims and families.

NEVR brings members together to learn from each other and create action strategies.  This year, we used different media, a play, to try to help understand the role of different personnel who deal with emergency domestic violence calls,” said NEVR facilitator Dr. Balbir Gurm, KPU, Nursing Faculty.

NEVR members include government, police, health and education partners and non-governmental organizations. Honourable Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Children and Family Development, who has the Provincial Office of Domestic Violence in her portfolio, set the stage for the conference. “Domestic violence and violence against women are issues that affect us all, which is why government worked with its anti-violence partners to develop the Provincial Domestic Violence Plan and the Violence Free BC Strategy,” said Minister Cadieux. “Following up on one of NEVR’s suggestions, we recently launched the #SaySomething campaign (saysomethingbc.ca), which provides  information and practical resources for victims and those who want to safely help others.”

The play, “It’s Your Call,” provided information on the steps that occur from the time a woman calls 911, all the way to deposition and probation. The play was narrated by Superintendent Dave Attfield, RCMP Operations Manager for Surrey detachment. The actors were personnel who normally perform these functions every day. This was followed by a panel: Jim Cessford, Chief, Delta Police Department, retired; Kamal Dhillon, survivor and author of Black and Blue Sari; Lynn Gifford, Clinical Coordinator, Surrey Memorial Hospital Forensic Nursing Services;  BC Lions Jamie Taras (retired); and Tracy Porteous, Executive Director, EVA BC, who discussed ways to “Be More than a Bystander.”

For more information about NEVR: visit www.KPU.ca/NEVR

To join NEVR, contact Dr. Balbir Gurm  balbir.gurm@kpu.ca

BSN Program

Article by:  Deborah Dunn

By June 2015, the goals of the program and definition of the graduate had been revised and approved by faculty. Work on a refreshed philosophy guiding the whole program and giving rise to the curricular framework had actually started in 2012. The work continues on this aspect so that the philosophy will have meaning for both students and faculty. A third draft will be refined over the summer and presented to BSN faculty in the Fall. Essential and foundational concepts such as constructivism, health promotion and relational practice have been accepted by BSN faculty so the backbone of the revised philosophy is in place. Faculty also decided to retain the concepts of ways of knowing, personal meaning, time/ transitions, and culture/context, believing in the  value these perspectives add to educating future nurses.

Concurrently faculty are revising course outlines. The goal is to have all BSN course outlines completed and approved by the Faculty of Health Curriculum Committee for Dec 2015. Nine of the members from the BSN Curriculum Committee participated in a professional development workshop in the spring to support faculty in writing effective learning outcomes. This event helped set the stage for revising up to 24 new BSN course outlines. Key elements of the current program that have proven effective will be retained and integrated into the appropriate semester and course within the new framework.

The first candidates for the new BSN program will enter the Faculty of Health in Sept 2016 into the foundation year. This new BSN curriculum will not be implemented until Sept 2016 when the first new semester 3 will be offered. The plan for evaluating the curriculum and for collaborating with practice partners to support them in accepting our students remains to be developed.

BPN Students Made History at Justice Institute of BC

Article by:  Dr. Gamini Randeni

Project based learning is a popular aspect of the Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing program at KPU.  As part of practicum within PSYN 3200 Environment, Global Problems & Health framework, Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing program commenced a project at the request of the Justice Institute of BC (JIBC) to enhance Mental Health & Wellness services to its students. JIBC contacted the Faculty of Health Dr. Jean Nicolson-Church, Associate Dean, and the BPN received the opportunity. Under the supervision of Peter Welsh, Student Services Manager, at JIBC and Dr. Gamini Randeni of the BPN program, four BPN semester 6 students Joleen Ogonoski, Zachary Turner, Kam Sandhu and Jay Mendoza started working on the project in November 2014 with the mandate to make recommendations to set up a Mental Health & Wellness program at JIBC. A BPN graduate student, April Holland, participated in some segments of the project. Subsequent to a few brainstorming sessions and consultations with JIBC management and the BPN faculty, students systematically designed environmental scans, literature reviews and developed survey instruments by integrating their nursing research knowledge to gather information from staff and students at JIBC. The research proposal developed for JIBC Mental Health and Wellness project contained survey instruments and focus group details as tools. The research proposal was presented to the JIBC Research Ethics Board (REB) in March 2015 by the four students and received approval. BPN students made history when their research proposal got approved by the JIBC’s REB as this became the first REB approved student research proposal in JIBC’s history. Students presented their findings and recommendations to the JIBC Board of Directors on July 21st, 2015. The final written report is due to be handed over by end of August 2015. Please join with the BPN faculty to congratulate this group of students for their excellent demonstration of knowledge, integration and commitment to making a difference in mental health services at JIBC.


BC Coalition of Nursing Association

Article by:  Dr. Jacqollyne Keath

The BC Coalition of Nursing Associations (BCCNA) includes: BC Nurse Practitioner Association (BCNPA) Association of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of BC (ARPNBC), Association of Registered Nurses of BC (ARNBC), Licensed Practical Nurses Association of BC (LPNABC), and the Nursing Education Council of BC (NECBC). Together nursing leader representation from each group meet to share ideas and collaborate on nursing and health reform in BC.  Sitting on this coalition is KPU’s Dr. Jacqollyne Keath, faculty member in the Faculty of Health.

On May 13, 2015 the BCCNA leaders were present at the "Day at the Legislature" event with Terry Lake, Minister of Health and his staff.  Members from ARPNBC, ARNBC, BCNPA and LPNABC were present for the breakfast meeting with the Minister.  NECBC joined the sessions following the breakfast meeting that took place throughout the day discussing nursing unity.

On July 15, 2015 the BCCNA hosted a nursing forum to focus on collaborative approaches to supporting improvements to BC’s Health System.  Facilitated by Dr. Graham Lowe, each nursing leader from the Coalition facilitated a small group to discuss questions in regards to the BC Ministry of Health’s Policy Papers.  In attendance were Ministry of Health representatives including the Minister of Health, Terry Lake; Associate Deputy Minister, Lynn Stevenson; Assistant Deputy Minister Health Sector Workforce Division, Ted Patterson; and Executive Director Workforce Management and Planning Branch, Kevin Brown.

Dr. Jacqollyne Keath, KPU faculty member, representing the newly formed Association of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of BC is also a key player with the coalition and had the honour of introducing and thanking Dr. Lowe as the day’s facilitator. Students from the Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing program, Sunney Sidhu, Zachary Turner and Jay Mendoza were also in attendance and each participated in small groups representing the student voice for RPNs!  Also in attendance from KPU was Associate Dean, Dr. Jean Nicolson Church.  The day long forum was an unprecedented event bringing together the voices of all nursing in BC.  Representing the BCNU was Dan Murphy, RPN. He was thrilled to meet with our students.  Photos of this event and other BCCNA initiatives can be found on the website at www.bccna.com

On September 4, 2015 the BCCNA met again with Associate Deputy Minister, Lynn Stevenson and Assistant Deputy Minister Health Sector Workforce Division, Ted Patterson to discuss further updates from the Ministry of Health and share the Coalition’s view on unity in nursing regulation.  In the afternoon we were joined by a number of nurses – some nurse informatricians who were invaluable for the discussion about the IM/IT Enabling strategy (Enabling effective, quality population and patient-centred care: A provincial strategy for health information management and technology).  The purpose of the afternoon was to look at the recommendations in this document and discuss where nursing plays a role in this strategy.  This document will be sent back to the Ministry with the BCCNA recommendations within the next few weeks.  Stay tuned for more updates from the BCCNA.

The 3rd annual KPU Science Rendezvous and Education Expo

Article by:  Marc Guay

The 3rd annual KPU Science Rendezvous — and Education Expo (new for this year) — took place on Saturday, May 9th! KPU had approximately 700 visitors and 120+ volunteers that helped make this ‘wildly popular’ event another enthusiastic success!

The sun was shining, the Borealis String Quartet was playing, bees were buzzing, chemicals were bubbling, bugs were racing, and fire was dancing. It was a festive feeling and the crowds of smiling faces said it all! Many families stayed for the entire day and still felt they could have stayed longer. Some of the comments from visitors were: “This is even better than Science World”; “It’s better than the PNE!” and “We hope you keep doing this every year!”

New for this year — and a first for the Langley campus — was the KPU Education Expo where visitors were invited to meet faculty and learn about KPU’s many diverse programs. A big thanks and kudos to all the faculties that came out and participated in this debut event! We know you gave up a sunny Saturday to be there to champion your programs and we love you for it! We still have some tweaking to do to make the Expo even more of a draw but it was a first step and your support is enormously appreciated.   

As part of the nation-wide Science Rendezvous campaign, our event helps put KPU as a whole on the map. It helps provide a playful stage for building community relationships, sparking a passion for learning and inspiring budding minds, as well as providing a vehicle for national awareness through the overall Science Rendezvous promotions and social media efforts.

SimMan Essentials Simulator

Article by:  FoH Lab Instructors

For two days in June the FoH Simulation Debriefing Room undertook a role reversal in that it hosted training for Faculty and Staff - in effect, the ‘Trainers’ became the ‘Trainees’ for two days.

Shane Peddle of Laerdal Medical Corp. did a fantastic job of ensuring that everyone had the opportunity to get comfortable with our simulators. Hands on exercises allowed us to explore the physical features of the mannequin through the use of the laptops. 

The sessions covered everything from basic navigation of the ‘LEAP software suite to customizing a personalized ‘user interface’,  programming ‘Trends’ to assist in the control and delivery of scenarios,  in either manual or automatic modes of operation, and the debrief options using either the Patient Monitor or Instructor Tablets.

By the conclusion of the two days of training it was quite clear that everyone displayed a new air of confidence in their approach to simulation. The realization that the use of simulation goes beyond skills training, lab exercises, testing or even fully immersive, team oriented scenario simulations finally evolved into another topic – simulation in the classroom to introduce a fresh and dynamic new level of student engagement.

Perhaps you have questioned if simulation really can enhance curriculum delivery in your classes or labs. I can only hope that this brief news article has piqued your interest enough to take a fresh look at the potential benefits of simulation in both the lab and classroom. If you would like to see a demonstration of the many ways simulation can benefit your students next semester - we would love to facilitate that.

Training, self-paced materials or led by members of the FoH “Simulation Team” can be provided. Please contact Arleigh Bell Arleigh.bell@kpu.ca> or Sherilyn Sweeny sherilyn.sweeny@kpu.ca> to find out how we can schedule the opportunity for you and your students to get “up-close-and-personal” with a simulator too.

Langley Hospice Society

Article by:  Megan Salcak

Three BSN students, Janice Jonathan, Tara Rahiman, and Megan Salcak partnered with the Langley Hospice Society (LHS) as part of their third year Community Development course.  Shortly after partnering with this organization, they established that they wanted to increase community capacity and awareness surrounding the programs and services that LHS offers, as well as engage and mobilize community to participate in the creation of a visual presentation that can be used to illustrate the underlying mission, vision, and values of hospice.  In addition, they were interested in developing partnerships with local businesses.  As a result, the ‘Capturing Life Contest’ was conceptualized, developed, and launched. 

The BSN trio approached local businesses to obtain sponsorship and were amazed by the generosity that was received and the partnerships that were formed.  Three local businesses generously sponsored the contest by donating prizes to incentivize community participation.  The grand prize was a one year unlimited membership to Evolution Pilates and Yoga Studio; second prize was a $30 gift basket and $50 gift certificate to Rustic Roots Health Foods; and third prize was a $50 gift certificate to Nature’s Fare Markets. 

Classroom Management in Health Education:  Pedagogical Approach

Article by:  Michelle Home

At the recent FoH Faculty Day on August 31, 2015 Dr. David Burns facilitated a professional development workshop with a focus on classroom management practices in health education.  Dr. D. Burns is a KPU instructor in the Faculty of Arts.  His research and publications in educational studies and experience teaching in higher education challenged participants to explore current classroom management techniques.  This process fostered critical analysis and reflection by participants on their personal classroom management decision-making process.

Case studies were examined and the challenges experienced by faculty and students in the teaching and learning environment that technology and social media present today, unimaginable 20 years ago, were shared.  Dr. Burns described how decisions by educators and students in their use of social media may have personal and professional implications. He illustrated how carefully considered and developed classroom management techniques can positively influence professional character development that we value as health educators.  

A new academic year is underway in which participants have an opportunity to apply and evaluate the strategies and techniques explored using the classroom management models Dr. Burns provided particularly within a health education paradigm.

I would like to extend a special thank you to Dr. D. Burns, Dean, Tru Freeman, and Lida Blizard, BSN, for their initiative and support of this PD session.

Stay tuned for future Faculty Day PD opportunities. 

For those interested in learning more about Dr. D. Burns please visit his KPU profile via the following link, https://kpu.ca/arts/edst/faculty/david-p-burns

Advocacy for Building Dementia Friendly Communities

Article by:  Sharon Leitch

More than 70,000 British Columbians are currently living with Alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia – nearly 10,000 of these individuals are under the age of 65 (http://www.alzheimerbc.org). This statistic is growing at alarming rates and has direct impact on the ability of the health system and the community to support people living with Dementia. With these staggering statistics in mind, Carol Hansen, Judith DeGroot and Sharon Leitch continue to advocate that Dementia is a Public Health and Social issue.  Utilizing a Human Rights perspective, they draw on Scotland's lead towards building local communities that are Dementia aware and Dementia friendly in British Columbia. Their spoken word, to date, has reached Alzheimer Society of BC, Czorny Alzheimer Centre, BC Provincial Articulation Committee, Fraser Valley GNBC Chapter and Purdy Pavillion Care Team (Vancouver).

Lori Shortidge Receives Kathryn Allen Award

Article by:  Sherilyn Sweeney

Lori Shortridge, a faculty from the GNIE program was presented with the Kathryn Allen Award this past spring during the Partners in Education and Integration of Internationally Educated Nurses Conference in Regina, Saskatchewan. The Kathryn Allen Award recognizes an individual who has made an outstanding contribution through their work to promote successful registration and integration of IENs into the Canadian Healthcare workforce.

Congratulations Lori!

Langley nursing students engage community to 'capture life"

Media Release

Langley, B.C. – How do you capture life, and what does it look like?

It’s a big question, and three nursing students from Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) are turning to community for answers.

Developed through a partnership between the Langley Hospice Society (LHS) and third-year bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) students, the Capturing Life project aims to increase community awareness around the work LHS does for local individuals and families.

Over the next several weeks, students Janice Jonathan, Tara Rahiman and Megan Salcak will collect images from community to create for LHS a visual presentation for education, advocacy and program delivery. The goal is to ultimately help visualize the values of LHS, and the work it does to ensure all individuals live with dignity and hope as they cope with grief and the end of life.

“We are incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to work with KPU nursing students.  We’ve been so impressed both with the content and focus of their community development class, and with the incredible engagement of the students themselves. This is such a fabulous opportunity for the Langley Hospice Society to engage in conversation about who we are and what we do, and the importance of accessible palliative and bereavement care and support,” said Nancy Panchuk, executive director of the Langley Hospice Society.

Everyone is encouraged to capture and share their version of life. Images with the most likes on Facebook are eligible to win prizes, including a one-year unlimited pass to Evolution Pilates and Yoga Studio, a gift certificate and basket from Rustic Roots Health Foods and a gift certificate to Nature’s Fare Market.

While the goal of the project is to support LHS, engage community and apply their education, the students spearheading the project are taking the experience to heart.

“Working with the Langley Hospice Society has been transformational,” said Salcak, a Langley resident. “It has opened my eyes to the incredible community-based resources that exist in order to support individuals and families that are preparing for, experiencing or grieving the loss of a loved one.”

The project is just one aspect of the work the trio is doing as part of their community development class. They’ve also helped prepare and organize the LHS Children’s Garden Celebration and BBQ, and have assisted with volunteer recruitment for upcoming events and camps.

“KPU nursing students synergistically and collaboratively learn to work with key community stakeholders and resources. They learn to see themselves as ‘difference-makers’ and believe in their capacity to positively impact community. This translates into determined community advocates who approach their studies from a deeper perspective; one that transcends course work and credential achievement,” explained Connie Klimek, the BSN instructor who teaches the nursing community development class.

Surrey residents engage community to 'capture life'

Media Release

With the assistance of KPU media specialist, Hayley Woodin and Langley Times journalist, Miranda Gathercole, the contest received media recognition which facilitated community awareness and participation.  The contest was launched via Facebook and utilized the power of social media to reach over 1,300 people.  Community was invited to submit images that ‘capture life’.  The end result was an eclectic mix of various images that represent how community truly celebrates life which were then utilized to create a visual presentation that will be used for education, advocacy, and program delivery.  The visual presentation premiered at the Langley Hospice Society’s Annual Garden Party Event on August 13, 2015 and can be viewed on the ‘Capturing Life Contest’ Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/capturinglifecontest?ref=bookmarks). 

Healthy Communities @ KPU

Office of Research and Scholarship

Rapid population expansion and a concomitant growth in critical health care needs in British Columbia have created a pressing demand to bring together medical technologies, independent living technologies, and digital health technologies - with business and market expertise, clinical product development, and patient outcome solutions - to improve the health of individuals, and to build and sustain healthy communities across the region. A significant investment in research and development is being undertaken to understand and deploy health technology and to train more people in its use. This research will be a collaborative process involving multiple areas of expertise from the health sector, post-secondary institutions, and the private sector.

The City of Surrey has embarked on an ambitious strategic initiative - Innovation Boulevard - a health-technology oriented research and business corridor that will bring together leading health science practitioners, health service providers, and more than 180 health organizations in one square kilometre of Surrey City Centre. This new initiative will create a world-class hub to enhance patient care and boost economic growth. Health Tech Connex (HTC), a new building directly across from Surrey Memorial Hospital on Innovation Boulevard, will bring together hospital, health care development, and key business services to quickly and effectively produce health technology solutions and products for market (e.g. medical technology and digital health accelerators) and integrate them into Surrey Memorial Hospital’s suite of health and community care services.

KPU, will join a network of health institutions, universities (UBC, SFU, and BCIT), and companies in HTC in 2015. Involvement in HTC will raise the university’s profile in the community and provide access by researchers, students, and alumni to a range of research opportunities around the theme of building healthy communities. Exposure to real-world collaborations where health, academic, industry, technology, and community-living experts creating innovative design solutions is a unique opportunity for KPU faculty and students. Currently, KPU has some expertise in the health and life sciences areas, but the HTC space will give the university an opportunity to expand faculty and student access to hospital-embedded medical technologies, as well as technical and business expertise that can help commercialize research and development. The expansion of experiential learning and applied research opportunities at HTC will reinforce our polytechnic university mandate and strengthen KPU’s presence in the health sector in the region.

HTC aligns with KPU's strategic, academic, and research goals by cultivating a supportive, collaborative, and exceptional learning environment that blends together relevant community engagement and academic expertise in order to explore concepts in community health, design thinking, and business concepts/skills. Innovation Boulevard represents a unique opportunity for KPU to blend theory and practice, integrate teaching and learning with research and scholarship, and build institutional capacity for faculty champions and highly motivated students in the Health Sciences, Design, Business, and Arts. The thematic focus of HTC will allow KPU to draw faculty and students from across disciplinary boundaries into a systematic, structured, and cumulative approach where experiential learning opportunities can be integrated with applied research opportunities to producing significant contributions to building healthy communities in southwest BC.


The next Faculty of Health issue will be published in Spring 2016.  Newsletter articles are welcome at any time, please contact Davinder.Cheema@kpu.ca for a template for your submission.

Thank you.