FAQ | Health Science

What are the program admission requirements for the Health Science degree?
English 12 (B), or equivalent
Chemistry 12 (C+), or equivalent
Pre-Calculus 12 (C+), or equivalent
Physics 12 (P)
Biology 11 and 12 are recommended, but not required.

Completion of these requirements will allow you direct entrance into the program, without any upgrading required.

When are the admission deadlines?
The BSc Major in Health Science is a Selective Entry, Open Enrolment program and follows the application deadlines found in the Admissions Guide. Students may apply for the Fall, Spring or Summer semesters.

Canadian Application Deadlines
International Application Deadlines

I am interested in the Health Science program. How do I apply?
If you are new to KPU you can apply by filling out the online application at www.kpu.ca/apply. When asked for your Program of Study, select “Bachelor of Science Major in Health Science”. Current students may change their program by completing a Program Status Change form.

I have applied to KPU but am currently in another program. How do I change to the BSc Major in Health Science?
You may submit a Program Status Change form that is found at: www.kwantlen.ca/admission/adm-forms . You do not need to reapply to Kwantlen or pay any additional fees. Admission to the program will be based on meeting the program admission requirements.

How many seats are offered?
Students are granted entrance into the program based on successfully meeting all of the admission requirements. We do not currently have a limit on the number of students that will be accepted into the program.

I don’t meet the program admission requirements. Can I still take classes that can be used towards the Health Science degree?
Yes, as long as you meet the course prerequisites you may take individual courses required for the Health Science degree at the same time as you are upgrading to meet the program admission requirements. Please speak with an educational advisor to discuss course planning and upgrading options. Once you meet all of the program admission requirements then you will need to reapply to the program by submitting a Program Status Change form.

Who do I speak with about upgrading?
An educational advisor will be able to help you review your previous coursework and recommend an upgrading pathway. You can make an appointment to meet with an Academic Advisor through Advisor Connect or by calling (604) 599-2828. You can also send your questions through an email. For prospective students, please email study@kpu.ca, and for current students, please email UpgradingAdvising@kpu.ca

Can I apply to Year 2 or Year 3 of the program?

Yes, you may apply to enter the BSc Major in Health Science at any point in the program as long as you meet the program admission requirements. Keep in mind that all required courses outlined in the Academic Calendar must be taken in order to graduate, and in many cases are prerequisites for upper-level courses. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you meet with an advisor to determine if there is any missing coursework and to develop an academic plan.

What courses do I need to take for the Health Science degree?
This information can be found online in the official Academic Calendar. Please consult with an educational advisor to ensure that you are aware of all course requirements.

I have previous coursework that I have already completed. Can I use this towards the BSc Major in Health Science?
In many cases previous coursework may be used towards the BSc Major in Health Science. If the courses are coming from another institution, you should apply for transfer credit. Please visit kpu.ca/transfercredit for more information on this process. Once transfer credit is evaluated an educational advisor will be able to help you evaluate which courses you have remaining.

I have an Associate of Science degree or transfer credits from another institution. Can I enter directly into year 3 of the Health Science program?
We welcome Associate of Science degree and transfer students to apply to the BSc Major in Health Science program. Depending on the classes that you took in your first two years of studies you may be required to take additional coursework at the first- and second-year level. You should meet with an educational advisor to review your previously completed credits and determine any missing coursework. For transfer credits completed within BC you can also consult the BC Transfer Guide at www.bctransferguide.ca to see how your courses will transfer to Kwantlen.

I didn’t take any biology courses in high school. Can I still apply for the BSc Major in Health Science?
Yes. A passing grade in Biology 11 or 12 is recommended for students wishing to pursue the BSc Major in Health Science, but it is not required. In your first semester of the program you will take Biology 1110, for which there are no prerequisites.

What courses are required in the first two years of the BSc Major in Health Science?

YEAR 1 (34 credits)

  • BIOL 1110 and 1210
  • CHEM 1110 and 1210
  • HSCI 1115 and 2220
  • ENGL 1100
  • MATH 1120 or 1130 and 1230 
  • one of: MATH 1135, PHIL 1145, PHIL 1155, INDG 1100, or SOCI 1125

YEAR 2 (32-33 credits)

  • BIOL 2320, 2321, and 2421
  • CHEM 2320 and 2420
  • PHYS 1101 
  • SOCI 2280
  • One of: ANTH 1100, PSYC 1100, ENVI 2305, PHYS 1102, or PHIL 1145
  • One university-level elective at the 1100 or higher (3 credits) 

You can see the full list of classes at the university calendar.

Can I complete the BSc Major in Health Science on a part-time basis?
Yes, however not all courses will be offered each semester so care should be taken when course planning. Please consult the online timetable to see when courses are being offered. These can be found at: www.kpu.ca/registration/register-classes.

How many courses are students required to take per semester?
This program may be completed on a part-time basis, with as little as one course to as many as five courses per semester. Of course, this will impact the length of time required to complete the degree. Students should review the registration timetable regularly to see which semester courses are offered in and consult regularly with an advisor.

Which campus is the BSc Major in Health Science based on?
First and second year general science and math courses are offered on both the Surrey and Richmond campuses, although some courses are offered at each campus on a rotating basis. Health Science (HSCI) courses will be offered at the Surrey campus. A limited number of science and math courses and electives may also be available at the Langley campus. It is anticipated that all third- and fourth-year courses will be offered at the Surrey campus. Please check the online timetable to see when and where courses are being offered each semester.

Can I graduate in four years?
The BSc Major in Health Science has been designed so that it is possible for a student to complete within four years of acceptance into the program if they are attending on a full-time basis and start in the Fall semester. Please note that not all science courses are offered every semester, so it is important to carefully plan your courses in a sequential manner, paying particular attention to course prerequisites. You should also consult with an academic advisor regularly.

Are scholarships and financial assistance available?
KPU offers many scholarships and awards to students. Further information about these opportunities may be found in Student Awards and Financial Assistance. You may also meet with a Student Awards and Financial Assistance advisor in person or speak with them on the phone.

What kinds of jobs can I get with a BSc Major in Health Science?
The BSc Major in Health Science program prepares students for entry into conventional and alternative health schools, including: Health Research, Chiropractic, Dentistry, Medicine, Midwifery, Naturopathy, Nursing, Occupational therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physical therapy, Rehabilitation therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Biomedical engineering. Dependent upon their elective choices, students may also choose to pursue graduate studies in areas as diverse as anthropology, biology, business, computer science, food science, health education, health promotion, psychology, sociology, or women’s studies.

Will this program prepare me for further studies to become a: doctor, veterinarian, dentist, chiropractor, pharmacist, optometrist etc.?
Depending on the elective options chosen, graduates will be eligible to compete for entry into any Canadian health professional program or graduate studies program. Please meet with an educational advisor to review course requirements for the specific professional pathway you wish to pursue. Students should also conduct further research on the necessary requirements for their chosen profession.

I’d like to learn more about this program. Who can I speak with?
For information about course planning, make an appointment to meet with an Academic Advisor through Advisor Connect or by calling (604) 599-2828. You can also send your questions through email

For information about the application process, please contact Student Enrolment Services at (604) 599-2000. Many questions may also be answered by reviewing the Admissions Guide.