​Academic Advisor - Upgrading

The Academic Advisor for upgrading is available to support you at this time through telephone, online and in-person appointments or email.  


The Academic Upgrading Advisor is available to students taking upgrading courses/programs and can answer questions on the following topics:

  • Course planning & selection
  • Program choices
  • Course prerequisites
  • Program & graduation requirements
  • Academic regulations & policies
  • Educational planning for career goals

Fall Registration is Here!

From July 15th through to July 26th, Upgrading Advising will be offering more appointments each day.  These appointments will be shorter than usual (30 minutes instead of 45 minutes) so please prepare for your appointment and have your questions prepared in advance.

Use Advisor Connect or call 604-599-2828 to book an appointment

How can I prepare for my appointment?

  • New students, review the New Student Info page
  • Watch the How to Register for Classes video
  • If you are a Pathway student (English Upgrading or English Language Studies), review the Pathway Website
  • Check your registration time (Click here to learn how to check it)
  • Write down any questions you have and bring them to your appointment


To book an ONLINE appointment:

  • Visit Advisor Connect
  • Select "Advising - English Upgrading/Pathways/English Language Studies/EACS"
  • Select "Online" for location
  • You will receive a separate email before your appointment with instructions and a link to join the appointment.
  • You may also call our Counselling and Advising reception at 604-599-2828 to book an appointment.

To book an IN-PERSON appointment:

  • Visit Advisor Connect
  • Select "Advising - English Upgrading/Pathways/English Language Studies/EACS"
  • Select "Surrey" or "Richmond" for location
  • You may also call our Counselling and Advising reception at 604-599-2828 to book an appointment. 

To book a PHONE appointment:

  • Call 604-599-2828 to ask for a phone appointment with Upgrading Advising
  • If you have already booked an in-person or online appointment and would like to change to a phone call, you can email upgradingadvising@kpu.ca to let your advisor know
  • Provide the phone number you may be reached at the time of your appointment
  • At the time of your appointment, be on www.kpu.ca on your laptop/computer.

For quick questions, you may also reach Upgrading Advising by email, UpgradingAdvising@kpu.ca and make sure to email from your KPU student email and provide your student number.

If you are an international student requiring further information, please visit International Student Support.

Other resources:

  • Career Advising
    • Questions about what credentials are needed for certain jobs, what jobs are out there, what jobs you might like, etc. 
    • Employment skills like interviewing and creating resumes 
    • Volunteer opportunities 
  • What advisor should I see?
    • If you are not an upgrading student, use this webpage to find out which advisor is for you
    • If you are an international student with questions about immigration, please contact International Advising 
  • Counselling 
    • To talk about personal challenges which might negatively affect your studies or overall sense of well-being
  • Accessibility Services 
    • To request accommodations for barriers to education 
    • Help applying for disability-related funding 
  • Learning Centre
    • Workshops, tutoring, academic skills help