Ann Tso
BA First Class Hons (Hong Kong Baptist University), MA (UVic), PhD (McMaster)
Ann Tso is English Instructor at Kwantlen Polytechnic University and Affiliated Researcher at Åbo Akademi University. Her research mostly concerns popular re-imaginings of world cities, from theories of world-making to alternate histories. She has written about the fragmentary aesthetic of literary London, as well as apocalyptic motifs in nonfictional representations of crisis-stricken cities such as Hong Kong. In the future, she will reflect further on moments of resonance in narratives of crisis: how does one discover relatable “things” in urban environments perceived as hostile? How does one describe these relatable and resonant “things” in tactile, aural, and gustatory terms?
Areas of Interest
Narrative theory; literary urbanism; contemporary literature; horror; Hong Kong literature
Scholarly Work
- The Literary Psychogeography of London
- “Event/ Eternal Recurrence: Evil in 11/22/63,” book chapter in Everyday Evil in Stephen King’s America (Routledge, 2024), edited by Jason S. Polley and Stephanie Laine Hamilton.
- “Why Think Evil? Evil Unbound in Stephen King’s Misery,” book chapter in Everyday Evil in Stephen King’s America (Routledge, 2024), edited by Jason S. Polley and Stephanie Laine Hamilton.
- “The Tumorous Concrete Island: Sensing the Beginning of the End in J.G. Ballard’s Concrete Island (1974),” symplokē, 29.1 (2021): 363-375.
- “English History as Jack the Ripper Tells It: Alan Moore’s From Hell,” The Literary London Journal, 15.1(2018): 21-39.
- “Neo-Victoria: On Queen Victoria’s Celebrity in the Twenty-First Century.” Neo-Victorian Studies 10.2 (2018): 68-94.
- Forthcoming: Guest Editor and Contributor, Special Issue with parallax titled “Apocalyptic Legacies: Writing the End in Fiction and Non-fiction,” 30.4, expected in December 2024.
- Forthcoming: “Assenting Literary Journalism: Reporting Hong Kong’s 2019 Crisis,” a chapter in Cities Under Stress, to be published as part of Palgrave Macmillan’s Literary Urban Studies Series.