Student Opportunities

Practicum Course

Through the ARTS 4800 Practicum course our students apply the academic knowledge and analytical skills learned in the classroom in a workplace environment. For more information, please take a moment to watch our practicum informational video. 

University Community

Policy Studies students can develop their public policy, governance, and activist skills through participation on university and student association committees, including:

  • University Senate, or, the senior academic governing body at KPU: four elected Student Senator positions, with associated representation on various Senate Standing Committees including Academic Planning, Policy Review, and University Budget.
  • Arts Student Advisory Committee: a student-run committee that advises Arts Faculty Council and the Dean.
  • Kwantlen Student Association: elected Council; student representatives on Committees including Environmental Sustainability, External Affairs, Governance, Social Justice & Equity; Student Clubs.
  • Student and Alumni positions on the Policy Studies Advisory Committee: if interested, please email the Program Chair,

Applied Projects

Policy Studies students provide insight and recommendations to community partners on how to solve complex sustainability challenges, and how to engage the diverse communities within Surrey.

For example, students in POST 2150 developed Recommendations for Homeless Shelters in Surrey at the beginning of the COVID-19 emergency (Spring 2020).

Students in POST 3110 and POST 4900 determined key action areas and developed recommendations to help Surrey respond to the Climate Emergency (Spring 2020).

PDF icon POST 3110-4900 Project 2020 - Integrated Land Use

PDF icon POST 3110-4900 Project 2020 - Public Transit

*CityLab students held a day of community engagement in the Newton Town Centre (Spring 2019). Photo credit: Wyatt Wickstead.

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