About the Okanagan Bioregion Food System Project
Strengthening regional food systems is often proposed to address many of our food system's challenges. However, there is a lack of data-driven information about the of economic, environmental, and social benefits and trade-offs of regional food systems. The Okanagan Bioregion Food System Project provides this information to local governments and communities to support dialogue, decision-making and planning in the Okanagan around sustainable, resilient food and food systems that nurture our communities now and into the future.
The project explores the economic, environmental stewardship, and food self-reliance potentials of a more regionalized food system in the Okanagan. The project uses scenarios to highlight key trends and trade-offs embedded in our food system decisions.
The project was informed by community consultation and guided by an advisory committee including public health dieticians, local policymakers, and farmers.
A series of webinars will be hosted in June to share and discuss project results.
Register at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/okanagan-bioregion-food-system-project-webinars-tickets-154745400659
Full Project Report provides an overview for broad range of audiences
Bringing the Food System Home: Report of the Okanagan Bioregion Food System Project
Technical Research Reports provide details, including methods, on specific project topics
FoodSelfReliance_tech_report_ISFS_final.pdf Habitat_tech_report_ISFS_final.pdf Carbon_tech_report_ISFS_final.pdf Nutrient_tech_report_ISFS_final.pdf PostProduction_tech_report_final.pdf SocialCapital_tech_report_final.pdf Economic_tech_report_final.pdf Water Supply, Demand and Availability in the Okanagan Bioregion: Case Study Assessments for Trout Creek, Mission Creek and Shingle Creek
WaterSupplyDemand_tech_report_print version_final.pdf |
WaterSupplyDemand_tech_report_web version_final.pdf Research Brief_Delineating bioregion_final.pdf OBFSDP Stakeholder Feedback Summay Report_FINAL.pdf
Policy Assessment & Policy Briefs provide details for addressing key policy gaps in the bioregion
Policy Briefs
Supporting Farmland Access & Use by Farmers Policy Brief_ISFS.pdf Climate Change in the Food System Policy Brief_ISFS.pdf Prioritizing Ecological Stewardship in Water Policy & Planning Brief_ISFS.pdf Managing Organic Waste and Improving Nutrient Cycling Policy Brief_ISFS.pdf Supporting Local Post-production Sector Development Policy Brief_ISFS.pdf
Project Support
This project was undertaken by the Institute for Sustainable Food Systems at KPU and generously funded by the
We are also grateful to the following local governments and organizations that have endorsed the project:
Local and First Nations Government
- Okanagan Nation Alliance
- Okanagan Indian Band
- City of Kelowna
- District of Summerland
- District of Lake Country
- Town of Oliver
- District of Coldstream
- Township of Spallumcheen
- City of Armstrong
- City of Enderby
- Village of Lumby
- Village of Keremeos
- Town of Osoyoos
- Interior Health Authority
- Okanagan Basin Water Board
- Institute for Community Engaged Research, UBC-Okanagan
- Okanagan College
- South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Partnership
- Central Okanagan Food Policy Council
- Kamloops Food Policy Council
- Richard Cannings, MP – South Okanagan-West Kootenay
- Okanagan Similkameen Healthy Living Coalition