Our Faculty

Two faculty smiling for a photo.

Our faculty are the backbone of our school. They are an eclectic group passionate about inspiring and guiding future designers. Hailing from around the world, converging at the Wilson School of Design with an impressive range of industry and academic expertise, our students have the unique benefit of accessing these design leaders in intimate, often one-on-one settings. This is a fascinating place to be, and witnessing the collaboration and range of problem-solving solutions that occur under one roof here is usually a stimulating atmosphere!

Apart from academic expertise, our faculty come from a range of industries such as: 

Transportation Design by Victor Martinez

Design research by Stephanie PhillipsLucie GagneSue Fairburn and Victor Martinez

Interior Design by Paola Gavilanez

Costume Design by Jessica Bayntun

Strategy and Design by Michael Cober

Journalism by Janet Smith