City of Surrey Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 18020

Topic Sub-topic  Policy or Policy Excerpt Document location Language Rating
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;

ALR subdivision;


Maintain the integrity of the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and its existing boundaries. E3.1;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;



Protect and support the continued designation and use of agricultural land for agricultural purposes regardless of soil types and capabilities. Encourage locating non-soil based agricultural structures on less productive soils, where feasible, in order to fully utilize prime soil resources.
E3.3; *
development on agricultural land;   Encourage the continued use of farmland located outside of the ALR for agriculture purposes, subject to the development of an approved secondary plan. E3.4;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Avoid the fragmentation of ALR lands. Limit the subdivision of land within the ALR to greater than 4 ha (10 ac). Limit the subdivision of designated agriculture land outside the ALR to greater than 2 ha (5 ac). Encourage the amalgamation of lots in agricultural areas.
E3.5; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;


agricultural impact assessment;

Require 2 ha of land, within Surrey, of equivalent or better soil capacity, to be included into the ALR for each 1 ha of land excluded from the ALR with the submission of an Agricultural Impact Assessment detailing how this conversion provides a net benefit to agriculture in Surrey. E3.6; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

roads in agricultural land;


Ensure that the potential fragmentation of agricultural lands by linear development such as new road construction, hydro corridors or pipeline or road upgrades, does not negatively impact the viability of farm operations or access to farm parcels.   E3.7; *
land access;


leasing of land for agriculture;

Maximize the productive utilization of agricultural land through such means as:
 Leasing City-owned ALR land to farmers
 Amending by-laws, policies and other regulations, as appropriate, to support agricultural production and innovation.
E3.8; *

research and data collection;

Support Surrey-based research and development of innovative production technologies and practices, such as ‘vertical farming’, roof-top farming and advanced irrigation and fertilization systems.

economic development;

food production;

farm diversification;


Encourage the diversification of agricultural operations and the production of new crops and commodities, particularly high-value crops and those serving new markets with growth potential.
waste management; waste to energy; Encourage innovation in the management and recycling of agriculture and food waste, including waste-to-energy projects in the agri-food sector such as anaerobic digestions and other means of converting waste into a resource. E3.12; *
land access;

farm incubator;

new entrants to farming;

 Support programs that help new farmers overcome financial and other barriers to accessing land (includes but is not limited to incubator farms). E3.13; *

community food system education;

farmer training;

Work with local secondary and postsecondary institutions to support training and education programs in agriculture and food systems.

research and data collection;

farmer training;

Work with post-secondary institutions to facilitate agricultural research partnerships and technology transfer to local farmers.
E3.15; *
education; local food culture; Support public awareness programs and events to highlight the importance of agriculture to Surrey’s economy. Showcase local producers and increase public awareness of farming practices.  E3.16; *

roads in agricultural land;

farm traffic;

Ensure Surrey has a safe and convenient transportation network that supports agriculture, including access between farms and markets, farm vehicle travel routes and direct access between fields and farm operations.
E3.17; *

water management; 

food processing, storage and distribution;

food production;

irrigation and drainage;


food processing;


Support land owners and senior levels of government to improve access to an adequate and safe water supply for agricultural operations such as livestock watering, crop irrigation, produce washing and food processing uses.
E3.18; *
economic development; agricultural industry services; Support the development of ancillary agricultural services necessary for the viability of agricultural operations, in appropriate locations.

food processing, storage and distribution;


food processing;


Partner with senior levels of government, commodity groups and industry associations to maintain and grow the food packaging and processing industries in Surrey. E3.21;  
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; nuisance complaints; Protect farming and agri-food operations from adjacent urban impacts such as traffic, flooding, nuisance complaints, trespassing and noxious substances.
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

protection of farming development permit area;

buffer at agricultural edge;


Protect and enhance the interface between urban areas and the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) by using fencing, landscaping buffers and building separations between urban and agricultural lands, in accordance with DP4 of the Implementation Section of this OCP.
E3.23; *

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

wildlife/environmental/pest management;

protection of farming development permit area;

buffer at agricultural edge;


wildlife and ecosystem management;

Support density increases in areas adjacent to the ALR, as part of a comprehensively planned neighbourhood, where the required agricultural buffers are widened proportionally to the increase in density (see DP4 of the Implementation Section of this OCP), where cluster housing is used and where natural features such as watercourses, steep slopes, tree preservation, valuable ecosystems and sensitive soils are accommodated.

E3.24; *

food sales, access and procurement;

farmers' markets;

farm retail/farm gate sales;


Support the growth and development of farm markets and stands selling local products directly to consumers.
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; buffer at agricultural edge; Carefully plan public areas and recreational trails in areas adjacent to farmland. Provide sufficient separation and physical barriers such as fencing, plantings and topographic features, to reduce conflicts between recreational uses and farming.
E3.26; *
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; disclosure agreement; Use Agricultural Disclosure Agreements, at various stages of development, adjacent to agricultural areas to increase awareness of owners about the presence and implications of living near agricultural activity. E3.27; *

local food culture;


Raise public awareness and promote and celebrate local agriculture in Surrey through initiatives such as farm tours, media materials, community events, and by encouraging partnerships with producer associations and grocery stores to promote local farm products.
E3.28; *

food sales, access and procurement;

economic development;

farm retail/farm gate sales;


Explore agri-tourism opportunities for producers to diversify their farm operations, create an identifiable brand, and sell more products and services directly to consumers. E3.29; *
wildlife/environmental/pest management;

BC environmental farm plan;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

Encourage sound environmental agricultural and farm practices by working with farmers to participate in the Provincial Environmental Farm Plan program in order to promote clean and healthy air, water and soils.
waste management;   Encourage the management and recycling of manure and agricultural wastes in a sustainable manner. E3.31;  
wildlife/environmental/pest management; pollinators; Support programs and opportunities that help support pollinators and their valuable role in the continued viability of farming operations.
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Encourage Best Management Practices for riparian areas and streams in agricultural areas in order to support fish populations in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and the Provincial Water Act, as amended. E3.33;  
waste management;

pilot project;

climate change and greenhouse gases;

waste to energy;

Explore opportunities related to recovering heat, generating clean energy and other resources and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by recycling food wastes and other organic materials through pilot projects and partnerships.  E3.34;  

food sales, access and procurement;

urban agriculture;

farmers' markets;

urban gardens/orchard;

 grocery stores;

community kitchen;

Improve access to healthy and affordable food, particularly in lower-income neighbourhoods,through the planning and implementation of community gardens,farmer’s markets, urban agriculture projects,community kitchens, neighbourhood grocery stores and food assistance programs, as appropriate.
F5.1; *
policy partnerships, advocacy and development;


food policy council;

Create a Food Policy Council and Surrey Food Charter to help develop formalized structures for tackling food security issues. Work in conjunction with the Agricultural and Food Security Advisory Committee. F5.2; *

food sales, access and procurement;

food processing, storage and distribution;

farmers' markets;

farm retail/farm gate sales;

Encourage and support the development of local on-farm markets and urban farmer’s markets for local, direct food distribution in appropriate locations.
F5.3; *
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard; Examine means of how to integrate locally supported agriculture (e.g. community gardens, community orchards, urban agriculture and small farms) into existing neighbourhoods and new areas of urban development.

urban agriculture;

wildlife/environmental/pest management;

urban gardens/orchard;

pesticide and pest management;


Partner with local neighbourhood associations, school districts and non-profit groups to encourage, organize, develop and manage community gardens, rooftop farming, fruit trees and other edible landscapes on public and private lands, in suitable urban locations while also using appropriate, integrated pest management practices.  F5.6; *
food sales, access and procurement;

farmers' markets;

food distribution;

urban gardens/orchard;

 grocery stores;

Encourage mixed-use neighbourhood design and redevelopment to include small and mid-size grocery stores (e.g. 300—1,850 sq. m), seasonal farmer’s markets and open space for community gardens.
F5.7; *

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

nutrition and public health;

food access, sales and procurement;

partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Support the efforts and programs of Fraser Health and other non -governmental organizations that promote access to healthy nutritious foods.

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

nutrition and public health;


research and data collection;;

Assist non-profit agencies and public/private non-profit partnerships engaging in anti-hunger, nutrition and agriculture activities by sharing data for planning and by implementing and evaluating programs.
food access, sales and procurement;


Work with non-profit organizations such as food banks, food agencies, food gleaners, and food hamper supporters to ensure healthy food options are available to all residents of Surrey regardless of location or income level. F.10;  


City of Surrey

Document Type:
Official Community Plan

Level of Government:


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Policy URL:

Policy File:

Metro Vancouver

British Columbia


Supplementary Information:

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