Laboratory Farm

Research & Education Laboratory Farm at Colony Farm Regional Park

Opening January 2015


KPU is currently establishing a Laboratory Farm at Colony Farm Regional Park in partnership with Metro Vancouver Regional District  for the purpose of research and education in support of industry and our new Sustainable Agriculture program. This farm will be a living classroom for our Sustainable Agriculture students as well as a site for critical research projects in agroecological production systems and sustainable farming methods. Organic production standards will be adhered to.

Stay tuned for updates on our homepage

  • Explore a wide range of research, teaching, learning and community engagement opportunities which create and  advance a bioregional food system that is respectful of and meaningfully integrated with the immediate and regional ecosystems and communities;
  • Establish a multi-acre laboratory farm demonstration facility that can accommodate a wide diversity of crops and ecologically sound agricultural practice;
  • Provide a functional production agriculture teaching site with plantings to support a range of technical instruction mechanisms;
  • Increase public awareness of sustainable agriculture through demonstration of responsible practices.
What Are We Planning?
  • Multiple acres of market crops, including field vegetables and hoophouse production
  • 2 acres of perennial fruit crops, including apples, pears, cherries and various berries
  • Showcase of various perennial species and cultivars in a demonstration orchard
  • Biodiversity enhancement using hedgerows, riparian swales and attractive plantings for beneficial organisms
  • Alternative energy, including solar and bicycle powered systems
  • Gravity fed irrigation systems

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Preliminary Vision (open image to explore):

heidi zutter











 Design by: Heidi Zutter - KPU Landscape Design & Installation alumni


If you have any questions, please contact the Laboratory Farm Coordinator:

Anna Rallings
Tel: 604.599.2556