Working Together

Accessibility is a shared responsibility. Here's how we work together.



We provide information, course presentation statements, and classroom visits to help you welcome students in self-identifying barriers they are experiencing or anticipating.

Collect Information

We work with students to collect information and documentation. We can help you feel comfortable asking questions about the student's experience in your course and ask you to share your own observations.

Plan Accommodations

We work with students to create individualized accommodation plans. We initiate and facilitate this planning and share accommodation letters with you when we are working with a student.


We often require your help to develop accommodations, strategies, and solutions that are right for your course. We will answer your questions and support you in your contributions to successful accommodations.

Implement and Support

We work with you, the student, and often other service areas (for example Testing Services) to ensure accommodations are in place and working well.

Monitor Progress

We stay connected to ensure accommodations are working well and respond to changes or unexpected situations. We are available for you and the student throughout your course.