In keeping with local protocols, we wish to express our gratitude to the q̓ʷɑ:n̓ƛ̓ən̓ (Kwantlen), xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie), SEMYOME (Semiahmoo), sc̓əwaθən (Tsawwassen), qiqéyt (Qayqayt), and kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem) Peoples. We recognize that our work at Kwantlen Polytechnic University takes place on the territories of these First Nations, who have cared for these lands since time immemorial. As part of this acknowledgement, we hold ourselves accountable to participating in the work of decolonization, reconciliation, and Indigenization at KPU and in our communities.
Welcome to History at KPU! History (HIST) shares Maple 2850 with Asian Studies (ASIA), Indigenous Studies (INDG), and Policy Studies (POST). When you get a chance - or if you have any questions - please stop by. You can also contact us or explore History options by browsing our site.
The History Department at KPU aims to provide you with a broad-based understanding of how the peoples and societies of our world today have changed over time and geographic space. In all of our history programs, you will study how peoples, cultures, economic, and political systems have together shaped the world in which we live and the debates which continue to dominate our contemporary discourse.
The study of the past is an essential part of your education, as you will learn to think critically and creatively, to evaluate sources, and to apply your knowledge to produce an informed and articulate analysis of contemporary global issues.
The skills learned in the History department at KPU will prepare you for a wide variety of careers in, but not limited to, business, law, education, military, social work, and many other areas. We can also provide you with the digital skills that are vital to success in the 21st Century, including the ability to make cool stuff like this!
Important Program Change Information: Effective September 2021 students entering the History BA (Major or Minor) will require 15 credits at the lower level, rather than the current 12
Climate+ Challenge
@KPUHistory is participating in the Climate+ Challenge project, a KPU-wide initiative that encourages participants to apply an empathetic and solutions-focused lens to climate challenges. As the organizers note: "Every one of us can take action to stop accelerated climate change, and growing social inequities. Every discipline, and every student, can contribute to a better understanding of the challenges, and employ critical and creative thinking, testing and innovation to find solutions." For more information on the project see the Climate+ Challenge website https://wordpress.kpu.ca/climatepluschallenge/