Field Schools 2015

Field Schools

Do you want to have an international experience but are more interested in something short term? Do you like group travel and would you like to explore one topic in depth? Or maybe you would like to test out your travelling shoes before plunging into a full semester of exchange?

There are many opportunities for short term study all around the world. Field School are structured programs for a group of students that takes place outside the traditional classroom, supplementing the students' academic training with hands-on experience in another culture or environment.

Consider a field school to be like an extension of learning in the classroom. You will begin by learning at KPU in the classroom with fellow classmates and an instructor. Then, you will fly abroad to continue your education in the field. Click below to learn more



2015 Arts Field School

There are other options! Check them out!More Global Learning Opportunities

Looking for something a bit longer or more independent?

Go on an exchange to one of KPU's partner universities.



Money matters!

To make it all happen, you're going to need some money (but not as much as you might think...)

Click here to start a budget and learn about scholarship opportunities.


Connect with KPU Study Abroad
