The Amazon Interdisciplinary Field School - 2018

Bring to your studies renewed depth, purpose and global awareness.

Program Details

Visit Colombia's Amazon Rainforest and experience its rich biological and cultural diversity. After a cultural tour of Bogota, you will travel south to the Calanoa Natural Reserve where you will engage in creative activities, trek and canoe into the forest, and learn indigenous knowledge from local guides and shamans. This 6-credit course and field school uses an interdisciplinary approach to explore themes of sustainability, conservation, community development, and indigenous perspectives.


  • Learn about Colombia's history, culture, and current issues from local experts.
  • Visit Bogota's museums, local markets, gardens, historical and iconic architectural sites, and more.
  • Trek through the tropical rainforest and boat down the Amazon River.
  • Search for river dolphins by the Peruvian shore.
  • Tour indigenous villages and meet with shamans, local artisans, and master craftpeople.
  • Engage in creative workshops including pottery making, drawing, photography, and so much more.




Most of the trip will be spent at the Calanoa Natural Reserve, an artistic, ecological, and community-focused learning center located on the shore of the Amazon River. Calanoa offers an unforgettable experience of the rainforest through workshops that support a creative dialogue with local communities and the environment.

Schedule (2018)

Classes at KPU: Pre-departure orientations and classroom sessions before and after the field experience
Arriving in Bogota: May 4th, 2018*
Return to Vancouver: May 20th, 2018*
*Travel dates subject to minor adjustments pending final reservations, but will occur around the dates mentioned.

Tentative Itinerary 

More detailed information:


$2975 - includes all travel within Colombia, including transportation in Bogotá, flights from Bogotá to Leticia, and land and boat transportation in the Amazon; lodging in Bogotá (bed & breakfast), as well as lodging in Leticia and Calanoa, and includes a majority of your meals. local instructors, lecturers and guides; entrance fees to museums and local attractions.
Note that the flight to Colombia, personal expenses, tuition, additional meals and alcohol, and fees are not included. Bringing $200-$500 extra for personal expenses should be sufficient for incidentals (e.g. additional meals, souvenirs, extra outings, etc.).

Payment Due Dates (2018)

Non-refundable Deposit: January 19st, 2018 - $300
Note: The deposit goes towards the program fee.

Second Payment: February 1th, 2018- $1,375

Third Payment: March 15th, 2018 - $1,300

Total Fee: $2,975

(Applicants are welcome to pay the full amount up-front if it's more convenient, otherwise the smaller installments are due by the due dates posted above.)

When applying, participants are required to make a non-refundable $300 deposit by cheque. However, they may also bring the cheque after submitting their application, as long as you do so before the due date of January 19th, 2018.

Field school scholarships are available for applicants. Click here for information on scholarships and other financial assistance options. The Amazon Field School also accepts applications from college and university students outside of KPU. Please contact for more information.Amazon Field School-LKing

Classes Offered

DESN 3000 or ARTS 3000 Interdisciplinary Amazon Field School (6-credits)

Classes begin in January and are co-taught by Lucie Gagné (Design) and Farhad Dastur (Arts). To enhance their experience in Colombia, students are encouraged to take introductory Spanish in the Spring term.
Exact day/time for classes TBA.


30 credits of 1100-level or higher courses. Students must be nineteen years or older at the start of the course.

Photos by Lisa King (2015 Alumni)

Want to reserve your spot for the Amazon Interdisciplinary Field School 2020?

Follow these two easy steps to claim your spot to join the Amazon Interdisciplinary Field School 2020:

Step 1: Create your online account here.

Step 2: Submit your completed application for Amazon 2020 RESERVE YOUR SPOT!.

Reserve My Spot!

Have a friend that you'd like to go with? Share the promotional poster and handout (2018 version) to encourage them to sign up!

PDF icon INTL_Field-School_Amazon_poster.pdf

PDF icon INTL-Field-School_Amazon-2018_handout.pdf

Contact Information

KPU International
Richmond Campus: R1400
Surrey Campus: Cedar 1145

Joseph Watson-MacKay - Richmond Campus

Faculty Leaders:

Lucie Gagné

Farhad Dastur

Connect with KPU Study Abroad
