Exchange - Pre-Departure Sessions and Checklist

Pre-Departure Session:

In supporting you through the exchange process, all students are required to attend a pre-departure session. During these sessions we will go over everything you will need to do before your departure including:

  • Partner application process 
  • Visa process
  • Medical insurance
  • Cultural Adjustment

These sessions are mandatory for all students going on exchange.

Pre-departure Checklist:

This list will help make sure you have done everything you need to do before you leave Canada. Make sure to adhere to appropriate deadlines!

  1. To download a copy of the
  2. Complete your partner university application and submit to KPU International. Specific instructions for your host university application are in your pre-departure package or will be emailed to you. If your application is to be submitted online, be sure to print a copy for KPU International before you submit it
  3. Choose your courses for exchange and send your request your Request for a Letter of permission form to KPU International
  4. Thoroughly research your host country – learn about the culture and check the Travel Canada website
  5. Submit the required KPU paperwork to KPU International:  (required) and (required)
  6. Make sure you have a valid passport (must be valid for at least 6 months after your expected return date to Canada)
  7. Receive Acceptance Letter from your Partner University
  8. Apply for your student visa. Contact the consulate for the country to which you will be travelling. Be sure to find out what immigration documents you'll need to enter the country, the application procedure, fees, and lead time required. In addition to a study permit/visa, you may also require an entry visa
  9. Secure housing as per your host institution’s instructions
  10. Ensure you have a comprehensive medical and travel insurance plan
  11. Take care of health needs – get necessary vaccines and a supply of any necessary medications. Contact MSP to let them know you will be out of the country
  12. Give someone Power of Attorney if necessary to deal with your affairs while you are away (important if you are getting student loans)
  13. Leave a photocopy of all your important documents with a family member (passport, credit/debit cards, traveller’s cheques, insurance policies, airline itinerary, etc.)
  14. Apply for any scholarships you are qualified for
  15. Register for your EXCH course and pay your tuition at KPU
  16. Register online with a Canadian government office abroad:

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