Student Rights and Responsibilities Office

Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is a learning community committed to providing an inclusive, safe and civil environment for all its members. As members of the KPU community, students can expect to be part of a respectful, welcoming, engaging, collaborative, creative and innovative environment.

SRRO's MANDATE & mission, values & vision 2024

The Student Rights and Responsibilities Office (SRRO) is responsible for policies ST7 (Student Conduct Non-Academic) and SR14 (Sexual Violence and Misconduct), and is a main access point to the Behaviour Intervention Team. Additionally, the SRRO can help with Conflict Engagement; Restorative Dialogues and approaches; and, Mediation and Coaching.

If this is a Crisis or Emergency

If you are a member of an equity seeking group and would like to connect to the Office of the Equity and Inclusive Communities (OEIC) directly and discreetly,
please email

Direct connection to the OEIC is in recognition of unintended embedded inequities in institutional systems. Reaching out to the OEIC does not negate the responsibility of students to follow KPU policies (and more specifically policies ST7 and SR14). The OEIC will work with the SRRO if information disclosed includes behaviours that may be in breach of KPU policy ST7 and/or SR14.

KPU has established policies and procedures to ensure that all members of the University community benefit from the promotion of its core values and understand the rules of community membership. Rights and responsibilities of the various members of the University community are a key component of all policies.  The University will take reasonable steps to ensure that students, as members of the University community, are aware of their rights and responsibilities, as follows:

Student Rights

  • Safety and Security

    Students have the right to pursue their education in an environment that is safe, secure and conducive to learning. Students have the right to be free from harassment, sexual harassment or violence, bullying or discrimination, indignity, injury or violence.

  • Freedom of Expression

    Students have the right to free inquiry, expression, belief, political association and assembly, provided that University policies and procedures are not violated in doing so.

  • Due Process

    Students have the right to due process and procedural fairness in any investigation pertaining to KPU policy or procedure.

  • Privacy

    Students have the right to have their privacy protected, consistent with University policy and privacy legislation.

  • Be Informed

    Students have the right to be informed of the content and requirements of their courses and programs.

  • Building and Facilities Access

    Students have the right to reasonable and legitimate access to the University’s buildings and facilities.

  • Policies and Procedures

    Students have the right to reasonable access to statements of policies, procedures and guidelines of the University and its associated student organizations.

  • Clubs and Committees

    Students have the right to form clubs and committees through the Kwantlen Student Association (KSA) and to associate with other organizations to promote common interests.

Student Responsibilities

Along with rights come responsibilities, as follows:

  • Values

    Students at KPU are expected to act in keeping with the values of the University community and to obey local, provincial and federal laws.

  • Following Policies and Procedures

    Students are responsible for following KPU Policies and Procedures.  KPU policies and procedures can be found at

  • Rules

    Students are responsible for knowing the rules, regulations, policies, procedures and deadlines pertaining to their enrolment at KPU by using the resources available to them.

  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

    Students are responsible for exercising their freedoms with honesty, integrity, and respect for the principles of justice, equality and human rights.

  • Inclusive

    Students are responsible for contributing to making the KPU community safe, respectful and inclusive.  Students must refrain from conduct that threatens or endangers the health, safety, well-being or dignity of any person.

  • Accountability

    Students are responsible for their own actions whether acting individually or in a group.

  • Obligations

    Students have an obligation to make legal and responsible decisions concerning their conduct and to model and convey the University’s expectations of conduct to their guests.

  • Communication

    Students are responsible for resolving academic and personal problems by communicating with the appropriate University personnel.

  • Stay in Contact

    Students are responsible for keeping the University informed of their current mailing address, contact information and any change of name.

  • Health and Safety

    Students are responsible for observing and obeying all health and safety procedures outlined for classrooms, laboratories, field trips and practicums.

  • Coursework Expectations

    Students are responsible for reading their course syllabus provided by their instructor and becoming familiar with course content, evaluation methods, timelines and methodology.

  • Email

    Students are responsible for reading their email as directed to their University-assigned email account and for responsible use of technology.

The Student Rights and Responsibilities office promotes a community of care and respect. Contact us at for assistance and / or more information.

Each student attending KPU must accept their responsibilities as an adult and adhere to KPU policies, procedures and deadlines as published. Students are urged to familiarize themselves with other University policy and procedures. All of KPU’s policies and procedures are kept in a single online space that is searchable.  It can be found at:

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