Kwantlen Polytechnic University is hosting the ACCOLEDS 2011 training at it its Richmond campus from Tuesday, November 29th to Thursday, December 1st, 2011. Full details are available on the conference website. For additional information, please email the Local Arrangements Committee, or see this contact list


ACCOLEDS is a committee of COPPUL, the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries. ACCOLEDS was founded in 1992, and stands for "A COPPUL Consortium of Library Electronic Data Services."

The ACCOLEDS membership consists of representatives from academic libraries in Western Canada which are members of Statistics Canada's Data Liberation Initiative (DLI).

The DLI provides three days of training for its ACCOLEDS members each year, usually in the first or second week of December. It subsidizes the travel costs for each institution's DLI contact person (who is usually a data librarian) in order to ensure that the training is accessible to all members.

Presentations from previous ACCOLEDS workshops can be found in the DLI Training Repository.

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